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tbrown 26
The problem is that parole boards are politically appointed and politically motivated. Their only real concern is that THEY look good and that nobody comes back asking embarrassing questions about why they released some crazed serial axe murderer. Which Mr. Latimer is not.
Going deeper than that, this also points up the fact that ALL governments, regardless of their ideology, whether to the left or the right, are about power and exacting obedience from ordinary people. Mr. Latimer was not paroled because he refused to kiss the asses of a bunch of political hacks, so they excercised the power they have over him by keeping him in prison. This is why the battle for personal liberties against any and all governments will never end, the best we can hope for is a process that aloows the battle to proceed on something like a level playing field.
But finally, on the cheery side, I think the media attention, as long as it keeps up, will finally secure Mr. Latimer his parole. Because the hacks on the Parole Board will finally decide that all the attention is once again making them look bad. Which is all that matters to them. That's the real world kiddies.
I hope he's home on parole in time for Christmas.
Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !
tkhayes 348
It would not be called 'murder', it would read "Died from natural causes' or died from complications due to her various illnesses" etc.
That sort of thing (I believe) happens every day. in the USA, Canada and I am sure the rest of the world, where people are left to die or 'helped' long by well intentions families and doctors.
But even so, I think the guy should be released on time seerved - it was a touchy case in Canada, but the law is what the law is.
bad laws need to be changed, too bad politicians think to much about being re-elected and will not touch the issue.
Lindsey 0
Can't agree with that.
No-one has the right to make that decision for someone else. I do believe that there needs to be a route for the crown to make it, but parents do not have life and death choice over their disabled children.
I agree with you. There is a difference between euthanasia when a person has a terminal illness and has reached the end of what can medically be done to ease their suffering and a person deciding it's "compassionate" to end a 12 y/o child's life because of a disability. Many people have pain. I don't think that pain makes their lives meaningless. Lots and lots of people live with pain every day and don't choose to end their own lives. Why would someone else have a right to end it for them.
I agree that this guy's probably not a threat to society anymore. I don't think that his crime can be overlooked though. That's taking the concept of what might be acceptable euthanasia a bit far, imho.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail
Richards 0
Mr. Latimer was not paroled because he refused to kiss the asses of a bunch of political hacks, so they excercised the power they have over him by keeping him in prison.
That really seems to be the driving force behind his parole being denied unforunately
Richards 0
I only disagree with the way he did it.
I think we will have to disagree there. Short of someone giving me a compelling argument otherwise, I will hold my position that it is not acceptable to euthanise ones child because of illnessI am sure that with consultation about the matter with a few doctors, he could have found one that would have helped him with the process.
It would not be called 'murder', it would read "Died from natural causes' or died from complications due to her various illnesses" etc.That sort of thing (I believe) happens every day. in the USA, Canada and I am sure the rest of the world, where people are left to die or 'helped' long by well intentions families and doctors.
Sounds a bit sketchy but maybe a few MD types on this forum could imply one way or the other to resolve this,But even so, I think the guy should be released on time seerved - it was a touchy case in Canada, but the law is what the law is.
He belonged in jail but I believe he should now be paroledMy biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.
Richards 0
Lindsey 0
Sounds like we are on the same page here. Can you clarify whether or not he should be paroled?
I don't begin to know the answer to that. Don't know anymore about the case than what was presented in that first article. I believe that a person who was sincerely acting in what he thought was the best interest of his child in an act like this should probably be paroled. But who knows what this guy's motives were. Maybe they have reason to believe that he was acting in his own best interest. If that were the case, then I'd have to say no.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail
Richards 0
I believe that a person who was sincerely acting in what he thought was the best interest of his child in an act like this should probably be paroled. But who knows what this guy's motives were. Maybe they have reason to believe that he was acting in his own best interest. If that were the case, then I'd have to say no.
Possibly. I got the impression that he was kept in more for the fact that he didn't do the remorsefull crocodile tears song and dance that has served other parolees so well in the past. It might be in his interest next time to say what they want to hear. Either way I feel sorry for his family in all of this. They lost the little girl after everything they went through, and then lost the father. It would be nice to see him back with his family
- Homer Simpson
Lindsey 0
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail
Richards 0
Without the consent of the person to be euthanised?
Lindsey 0
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail
- Homer Simpson
Lindsey 0
If they are not capable of making the decision then it falls on the next of kin.
????That's insane. No it doesn't. You think I, as my son's next of kin, can just decide it's time for him to die????? NOPE! Not unless he's on the ventilator or requires other measure to keep him alive. That's the ONLY time it's my decision. Go read up a bit.
edited to add: hell, I'm not even allowed to decide it's my OWN time to die unless I'm choosing to have no life-sustaining measures to be CPR, intubation...that sort of thing. Short of that I can be locked up and FORCED to live, whether I like it or not, if I decide that life's just too painful for me to live. can't just take your child's life because you're the parent.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail
jenfly00 0
Can't agree with that.
No-one has the right to make that decision for someone else. I do believe that there needs to be a route for the crown to make it, but parents do not have life and death choice over their disabled children.
I agree with you. There is a difference between euthanasia when a person has a terminal illness and has reached the end of what can medically be done to ease their suffering and a person deciding it's "compassionate" to end a 12 y/o child's life because of a disability. Many people have pain. I don't think that pain makes their lives meaningless. Lots and lots of people live with pain every day and don't choose to end their own lives. Why would someone else have a right to end it for them.
I agree that this guy's probably not a threat to society anymore. I don't think that his crime can be overlooked though. That's taking the concept of what might be acceptable euthanasia a bit far, imho.
What more compassionate medical alternatives were available to him?
"O brave new world that has such people in it".
The daughter had the mental capacity of a six month old. She was about to go for another surgury to remove 1/3 of her femur. Due to anti-seizure medicne the most powerful pain drug would by Tylonal.
This guy deserved to be punished but I think the jury had the right sentance.
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