
Magic and super powers

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My ex went to an animated movie about 4 little horses.
In the middle of it, she and her friend walked out because the horses could fly (or something). The contention was that flying was magic and magic was sorcery. They wouldn't watch any movie with sorcery because of their religion.

I always thought that this decision should be equally applied. So, any "power" that is acquired through some physical medium should qualify.
Wonder Womans bracelets, the Rings of Power in LOTR...

So, do people apply this across the board ?
It eliminates 80% of the Saturday morning cartoon lineup.

Kids understand that there are actually no golden armbands that transform Wonder Women. They understand the fiction.

However, as a kid, you are mostly powerless. Everyone tells you what to do and when and where. If you are lucky, you have a dog that sits when you tell it.

That is the charm of Disney movies to kids.
The adults are dolts and the kids save the world from Nazi spies with the help of their dog.

Kids create their own play world and run around the yard with a towel around their shoulders as a cape.
They are all powerful and saving the world. They make the rules. They are the good guys.

For the adults that never grow up, there is "24".
Jack Bower does whatever he wants and saves the world. Perhaps that fantasy never goes away.

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Kids understand that there are actually no golden armbands that transform Wonder Women.

And she CAN'T freaking FLY
and she is NOT a strong as Superman

(supergirl can fly and is as strong - not WW)

when the hell did Wonder Woman learn to FLY?
then why the HELL did she have an INVISIBLE JET?
HUH? why was the JET there?

(I hate today's cartoons - they mess it all up)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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when the hell did Wonder Woman learn to FLY?
then why the HELL did she have an INVISIBLE JET?
HUH? why was the JET there?

Clearly, so that fundamentalist Christian parents wouldn't think the cartoon was promoting sorcery and prevent their kids from watching it. :P;)
With the JET, it's only extremely advanced technology. Which, if advanced enough, is indistinguishable from magic, by the way.
But seriously, WTF? How does a fantasy cartoon relate to sorcery? Do they really live in the middle ages?



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I consider those who pray to god to be essentially asking for magical help.

One of my daughter's friends has a similar rule in their family. They are highly religious and not allowed to watch anything that involves supernatural forces of any kind.

" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Kids understand that there are actually no golden armbands that transform Wonder Women.

And she CAN'T freaking FLY
and she is NOT a strong as Superman

But she has a better body.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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I guess each family has to decide within their own perspective and faith/moral perspective. It’s curious to me how these families reconcile those choices with things like the Veggie Tales Bible? I would not ban that book in my house and I have no doubt that majority of kids would realize it’s fiction … but personally – owned very much as my opinion – I find the Bible retold by talking, walking, anthropomorphized vegetables kinda creepy. Moses as a cucumber? What would Freud see in those portrayals?


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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" The concept of an agency outside of nature with the ability to reach into natural law and control events is supernaturalism" (from the American Atheist web site)

I thought this was well stated.
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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I consider those who pray to god to be essentially asking for magical help.

One of my daughter's friends has a similar rule in their family. They are highly religious and not allowed to watch anything that involves supernatural forces of any kind.


Just try to produce film/broadcast for these groups. You should see the lists they put forth about dress codes, color schemes, language, etc. We had one project that called for re-edit because the lead character utters the word "Marshmallows" in an agressive manner, thus making it a curse. We had to cut/dub a "Grrrrr" in place. Not sure why a "Grrrrr" is more acceptable than "Marshmallows" but when it's one word holding up b'cast to a specific group...no point in fighting it.

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My ex went to an animated movie about 4 little horses.
In the middle of it, she and her friend walked out because the horses could fly (or something). The contention was that flying was magic and magic was sorcery. They wouldn't watch any movie with sorcery because of their religion.

I have wondered about this myself.

I mean, all these people who boycott Harry Potter and other innocuous films because of 'witchcraft' and 'magic' - they do realise that magic doesn't really exist, right?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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My ex went to an animated movie about 4 little horses.
In the middle of it, she and her friend walked out because the horses could fly (or something). The contention was that flying was magic and magic was sorcery. They wouldn't watch any movie with sorcery because of their religion.

I have wondered about this myself.

I mean, all these people who boycott Harry Potter and other innocuous films because of 'witchcraft' and 'magic' - they do realise that magic doesn't really exist, right?

Ahh, there's the root of the problem. They do not disbelieve in magic. They believe in the devil and all his works. they believe in witchcraft, and Voo-Doo, and Oiji boards etc. and believe their invisible friend's arch-enemy Skeletor is behind them all. No wait that's not right. It's Lucifer not Skeletor (different planet).

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Moses as a cucumber? What would Freud see in those portrayals?

Sometimes a cigar is..... just a cigar;)

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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