
Do you love Christianity and Christmas?

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Isn't Christianity itself an "establishment of religion" and this a law respecting it?

It's typically read to be a noun, but there are two things that it bans: 1) establishing a national religion (i.e., an Islamic Republic); and 2) preferring a religion over another religion when there is no good secular purpose for it.

Just think where it came from - the founders did not want the place to be like England - it's got its church and other religions are not acceptable.

Interestingly, there was nothing that prevented the states from being religious. Well, not until the 14th Amendment.

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Jesus F. Christ.

Do you have any idea how offensive that phrase is to the over 1 billion Christians on this earth? Not to mention how offensive 'God Dammit' is to not only the Christians, but the Jews. These phrases are even condemmed in our 10 commandments. We have to grin and bear it as they are accepted not only on this website, but other websites, general conversation, at work, in the movies and everywhere else. No fatwah is ever declared.

However we can never say:

towel head
fucking allah

because those are deemed offensive. The mods on here would ban me for life. The hypocrisy is rampant.

I'm not going to lose any sleep over this as I know I can privately say a prayer everytime I read or hear these phrases, however in the meantime you can all kiss my creche.


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Do you have any idea how offensive that phrase is to the over 1 billion Christians on this earth?

To most of the ones I know - not at all.


However we can never say:
towel head

Those are derogatory names for people or groups of people, and can therefore serve as either racism or explicit personal attacks. Jesus Titty Fucking Christ doesn't. I couldn't call you a " fucking christ" even if I wanted to - it just doesn't make grammattical sense.


fucking allah

You can say that, as far as I know all imaginary people are fair game. Fuck Allah, he's a cunt.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Let me just put a thought out there. I'm not asking you to change anything.

Here's my question: If you know that those phrases are really offensive to anyone, even if it's just one person, then why use it? I guess I'm asking where is the charity or respect for your fellow people? Does it benefit you more at the expense of others? Couldn't this world use more charity and respect?


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Let me just put a thought out there. I'm not asking you to change anything.

Here's my question: If you know that those phrases are really offensive to anyone, even if it's just one person, then why use it?

Because I can't be bothered to bend over backwards to make everyone in the world happy.

It is impossible to go through the day without doing a multitude of things that would offend someone, somewhere in the world. There are people out there who are mortally offended that you say that Jesus is your saviour and Mohammed is not the true Prophet. Are you going to accomodate them?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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If you mean 'accomodate' muslims by proclaiming Mohammed a true prophet, my answer would be no, however I would not offend the Muslim people by using the phrase 'fucking Muhammed'.

Why didn't you answer my question regarding charity and respect?


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Why didn't you answer my question regarding charity and respect?

I thought I did. I'm not setting out to intentionally offend anyone by by using profanity/ blasphemy but I'm also not going to go out of my way to avoid offending someone who's overly sensitive about it. it's their problem not mine.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Fair enough. I have nothing against you jakee. I know we differ in religious views, but that doesn't bother me at all. I was just throwing a question out there. Personally, those phrases do bother me but I deal with it. Believe me, I don't freak out when I hear them. I know those phrases have become part of common culture.

I'm trying to word this so you know where I am coming from. I don't use the word 'nigger' because I know it is offensive to black people and I would never want to offend them or anyone for that matter. Now, from your point of view that would make sense because you know black people exist. On that subject, I believe you and I would completely agree. For me (and millions of others) Jesus Christ (God) exists and is actually who I worship and have a deep love for. So, when I hear those phrases, they sting just as 'nigger' stings for black people. I really try to respect people (I don't always succeed) therefore I really try to not cause that kind of sting.

Jakee, I'm not asking you to change in anyway as I believe you're probably a really good person who I'd like to meet someday. I'm just trying to bring attention to an issue that so many people never even think of.

Take care,

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>Don't the fuckers have enough to do without wasting time on "fluff" bills.

I'm with you there. It's not offensive, and it doesn't violate our constitutional separations to acknowledge a religion exists and is important - but it's something of a waste of time.

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'm with you there. It's not offensive, and it doesn't violate our constitutional separations to acknowledge a religion exists and is important - but it's something of a waste of time.

Debating religion on here is usually a waste of time, but we all do it anyway :P

From a political stance, it's not a waste of time if it buys a few lawmakers a few votes, and that's probably why they do it, to kiss a little ass.

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>Don't the fuckers have enough to do without wasting time on "fluff" bills.

I'm with you there. It's not offensive, and it doesn't violate our constitutional separations to acknowledge a religion exists and is important - but it's something of a waste of time.

And I think the majority of Christians in this country agree...just that I think that Evangelical Christian types like that fluff bill stuff and they happen to be in congress.

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And for all you persons that are going to complain about it, read Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. It's the written WORD of Jesus' life outside that recorded in the bible, 100% legit, and might provide some perspective about the actual trials and tribulations someone has to face as they grow up (in a fictional sense). ;)

I listened to the audiobook earlier this year and thought it was hysterical. Two thumbs up! :D:D:D

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Let me just put a thought out there. I'm not asking you to change anything.

Here's my question: If you know that those phrases are really offensive to anyone, even if it's just one person, then why use it?



Because I can't be bothered to bend over backwards to make everyone in the world happy.

It is impossible to go through the day without doing a multitude of things that would offend someone, somewhere in the world. There are people out there who are mortally offended that you say that Jesus is your saviour and Mohammed is not the true Prophet. Are you going to accomodate them?

If you can go through the day or through life avoiding a word that denigrates a group of people, you could surely do the same by not even using the the name of God or Jesus as a curse word or expletive, especially if you truly don't believe that either one ever existed.

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>Don't the fuckers have enough to do without wasting time on "fluff" bills.

I'm with you there. It's not offensive, and it doesn't violate our constitutional separations to acknowledge a religion exists and is important - but it's something of a waste of time.

I was glad to see that my congressman agreed with you, though I do find it interesting that only now does he find it a waste of time but the first two times it was okay. :S
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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No. It merely recognizes it.

You know, I am an atheist. But I'm personally pretty fucking fed up with the idea that any mere mention of the Christian religion is bad.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." What religion does it establish? For some reason we can recognize Pearl Harbor Day but it does not qualify for establishment of religion.

Christianity is out there. So is Christmas. Like it or not, it is an important part of american society.
Excessive entanglement? Yeah. I'll have problems with that. But is the recognition of Christmas as a holiday "establishment of religion?"

Come on. The bible dumpers take things further than the bible thumpers.

It's anti-Christian. Nobody bitched about this one:
http://www.govtrack.us/congress/billtext.xpd?bill=hr110-635 Somehow, that didn't seem to establish Islam in the US. But it would establish Christianity?

The second is worded differently. The analogous wording of the
first would be

1 . Recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith for Chritians . (Introduced in House)[H.RES.847.IH]
2 . Whereas Christmas, a holiday of great significance to Christian Americans and many other cultures and nationalities, is celebrated annually by Christians throughout the United States and the... (Engrossed as Agreed to or Passed by House)[H.RES.847.EH]
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Don't the fuckers have enough to do without wasting time on "fluff" bills. Jesus F. Christ.

Are you kidding.... with as many holier than thou types we have in this government.... this is the MOST important issue they can continually keep coming up with to waste their time and OUR MONEY:S:S

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