
The Guidebook for Taking a Life

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They attacked us? Who do you mean by They? Do you mean OBL? Or are you talking about everyone in the Middle East?

You always gota nit pick don'tcha ;)
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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And you have shown a tendecy to be an apoloigist for all the murders the brown people commit ... such as the Hezbollah brown people.. and the brown people who are supporting and hiding OBL and his buddies.

Got to call you on that one. Since when has Darius ever supported AL Q? In your words I call Bullshit.
As for hezbolllah they are fighting a national war against a country that has done its best to destroy them and illlegaly waged war on Lebonese civillians for no reason.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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He knows EXACTLY who attacked us.

OBL and his followers declared war on US.... most did not take him very seriously till 911.

I think most people get it now.

So we are at war with a radical branch of Islam.. based on wahhabist teachings. I will feel free to lump OBL and ANY of his followers and supporters... as THE ENEMY.

If THEY help him.. support him... hide him.. and call us the enemy... well I think we have the right to kill THEM... Wherever and whenever we find them.....its right there in THEIR BOOk.. and OUR BOOK.....

I would also be one of the first to welcome peace.. once someone declares it and means it. Until that time... I dont think there is a cave deep enough in ANY country that we should not persue them into.

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Got to call you on that one. Since when has Darius ever supported AL Q? In your words I call Bullshit.

Reading comprehension can be your friend.....

Supporting Hezbollah and Hamas with ANYTHING they do... and justifying it is absurd.


We all got to see the Palistinians dancing in the streets on 911... THAT my dear is supporting OBL and his butchers. The terrorist groups opposing Israel are his supporters.

Hezbollah and Hamas are using the same justifications for their attacks...

They BOTH lob rockets into civilian areas.. DAILY..... but I guess the Jews are not allowed to defend themselves by returning fire.......and I might add doing it against those who are doing the shooting and going after the leaders who are having it done...oh and I have seen the justification that ALL jews are combatants....NIIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCCCCEEEEEEE.

Face it.. the world would have been a far better place had not the British BUGGERED up the whole area with the lines it drew.. and the policies it followed to the disgust of TE Lawrence and many others after WW I

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You know and have read how I feel about Iraq.. it was a huge mistake by an arrogant incompetent asshole and his greedy buddies.. BUT..... I see Wahhabist terrorism and Al Queda in particular a clear and present danger to this country and ALL of the people in it.

Yep i agree with that and would add a danger to the whole world.


It seems to me.. that right now a significant number of brown people are the ENEMY.. personally I dont give a shit what color they are.. BUT.. they do have a common religion.. the religion of peace as the politicians seem to want to portray muslims.... that just does not quite seem to be very peacefull at least for the period of my lifetime...... of 50+ years.

One it is a religion of Justice.
Two it is not just Muslims that become fanatic and pose a threat, all people are capable of such things
Tree Dead is dead killed by a suicide bomber or a GPS bomb is still dead. We need to understand why otherwise rational people hate us and be able to distinguish between fanatics and normal people who are driven to hate by our actions.


very peacefull at least for the period of my lifetime...... of 50+ years


Show me different.
And you can quit with the reverse racist crap any time now.. and trying to play your race card

The past 50 years the US has started more wars and been involved in more battles directly and indirectly then Iraq, Iran, and all the really bad brown people.

We have killed a lot of inocent people, we have supported terrorist, and we have supported ruthless dictators. It is not me pulling the race card but me noticing the obvious hypocrisy of statements like “There evil they kill inocent civilians.” Really then what are we when we kill inocent civilians?

It seems that many excuse the violence we are responsible for but hold all others to a higher standard. That to me is ridicules, and the only explanation to me is racism.
Simply put if you hold deferent standards to people because of their religion or color you are a racist. You don’t have to go to a cross burning every night to be a racist just viewing people differently and having a different set of rules based on religion or color is enough to make anyone a racist. Just MO
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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We have killed a lot of inocent people, we have supported terrorist, and we have supported ruthless dictators. It is not me pulling the race card but me noticing the obvious hypocrisy of statements like “There evil they kill inocent civilians.” Really then what are we when we kill inocent civilians?

Simple question.



Now tell me who is the actual racist????

AND then there is THIS little fact.....

You have argued over and over in support of the Iranian backed Hezbollah.....and how many Americans have Hezbollah killed to date??????

Seems to me you are having a problem distinguishing who the ENEMY really is there Darius.


It seems that many excuse the violence we are responsible for but hold all others to a higher standard. That to me is ridicules, and the only explanation to me is racism.
Simply put if you hold deferent standards to people because of their religion or color you are a racist. You don’t have to go to a cross burning every night to be a racist just viewing people differently and having a different set of rules based on religion or color is enough to make anyone a racist. Just

Read above again....now that right there is HYPOCRISY.... you are holding the brown people to a differnet standard... seems pretty racist to me Darius.

Personally.... my line for the ENEMY is pretty simple... if THEY want to kill americans because they are americans.....then THEY are the enemy.. no matter what THEIR motivation... and I dont care if they are WHITE ....BROWN...BLACK. RED...or YELLOW... It seems you do make some distinctions recently and that saddens me greatly.

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>I will feel free to lump OBL and ANY of his followers and
>supporters... as THE ENEMY.

The CIA is the enemy? They were certainly the biggest supporter of OBL's parent organization.

The problem with any mass lumping of things is that you end up lumping in things you didn't intend to.

>If THEY help him.. support him... hide him.. and call us the enemy... well
>I think we have the right to kill THEM... Wherever and whenever we find
>them.....its right there in THEIR BOOk.. and OUR BOOK.....

I don't think declaring a holy war on them will lead to anything but more killing. Every time we've done so in the past it's been a bloodbath.

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The CIA is the enemy? They were certainly the biggest supporter of OBL's parent organization.

27 years ago was a different world....the CIA was actually helping Sadaam.. and making life miserable for the Iranians

The CIA funneld money to Pakistan which was then funneled to the Mujahadeen.. The Arab fighters had their OWN support from the Arab States.


The U.S. government officials and some journalists deny the charges on several grounds. They maintain that the U.S. supported only the indigenous Afghan mujahideen; that with a quarter of a million local Afghans willing to fight there was no need to recruit foreigners unfamilar with the local language, customs or lay of the land; that with several hundred million a year in funding from Muslim non-American sources, Arab Afghans themselves would have no need for American funds; that American's could not train mujahideen because Pakistani officials would not allow more than a handful of them to operate in Pakistan and none in Afghanistan (Peter Jouvenal).[9]; that the Afghan Arabs were militant Islamists with who were reflexively hostile to Westerners whether the Westerners were helping the mujahideen or not.

Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri says much the same thing in his book Knights Under the Prophet's Banner.[10] Bin Laden himself has said "the collapse of the Soviet Union ... goes to God and the mujahideen in Afghanistan ... the US had no mentionable role," but "collapse made the US more haughty and arrogant." [11]

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So back to a previous question how do you tell They from innocents? If I remember rightly you didn't care who was being killed so long as lots of people were because eventually people would get fed up with being killed and hand over terrorists that you think they MIGHT know where THEY are!

:S (Sorry couldn't help myself:D)

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Supporting Hezbollah and Hamas with ANYTHING they do... and justifying it is absurd.

Hypocrite. You deny that Hezbollah should defend its own people in its own country yet support and would be happy to give money to terrorists in Northern Ireland to bomb, shoot and torture women and children. I find that rich coming from you.


Face it.. the world would have been a far better place had not the British BUGGERED up the whole area with the lines it drew.. and the policies it followed to the disgust of TE Lawrence and many others after WWI

I agree, it would also be a better place if America had kept out of the equation, supporting Israeli terror groups even as they killed British soldiers and committed acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palastinian people. Or supplied Sadam with the nerve gas used to kill women and children in Halbja while at the same time supplying weapons to the Iranians as well to perpetuate a war that killed millions. As you are so fond of saying 'the friend of my enemy is my enemy'. So why are you so suprised that to Palastinians who your country helped to force from their land and helped their enemy in killing them like rats in shitholes don't see America as the 'Land of the free' but as the friend of their enemy.
I'm suprised you don't support Hamaz and Hezbollah, Sinn Fien and the IRA do.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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*** ... noticing the obvious hypocrisy of statements like “There evil they kill inocent civilians.” ...

Simple question.



I refer the honerable lady to the answer I gave previously (Point 3)

Yes the US has and does at times target civillians.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Yes and yes

I will tell you why. You can ask any one who plans a war they take into account collateral damage. Which is inocent people getting killed. However we try to justify it by because of “The cause”. What happens when we accept that we will kill inocent civilians, and “The cause” we are fighting for happens to be false, or to make money, or to keep are gas cheep.

Does that excuse murder?
Not in my book.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Personally.... my line for the ENEMY is pretty simple... if THEY want to kill americans because they are americans.....then THEY are the enemy

So let me get this straight.

You think we are targeted for no other reasons then our citizenship. So nothing else but just being born in the USA and our actions in the past 50 or 60 years have nothing do to with that hate?

Please don’t tell me you have fallen in with group that thinks “They” Hate us because we are free bullshit have you?

Next you will be telling me that all the wars we fought were really to spread freedom and that Iraq has WMD.:S

Edit to add.
So having military bases all over the world in lands where we are not wanted has nothing to do with it.

I just can’t believe any rational person would argue that are foreign policy has nothing to do with why we are targeted and hated.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I just can’t believe any rational person would argue that are foreign policy has nothing to do with why we are targeted and hated.

You just described all of the Republican candidates, except for one. And when that ONE candidate actually had the balls to suggest it, he got reamed by the rest of them for saying something unpatriotic.:S

the question is, can any candidate win the nomination without being a lying, pandering, bullshit artist, or is that just a requirement for the job.
Speed Racer

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Unfortunately people rather be blind then see the truth. A lot of us want to live in the little dream world, so when Ron Paul actually speaks the rational logical truth the sheep attack him.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Hypocrite. You deny that Hezbollah should defend its own people in its own country yet support and would be happy to give money to terrorists in Northern Ireland to bomb, shoot and torture women and children. I find that rich coming from you.

BWAHHAHAHA.. Gotcha.. again...

No I do not support the fucknuggets in NI... as I said before.... all the violence in the world is not going to solve one single issue. The combatants themselves have to get fed up and tired of the killing and war.. then MAYBE they will sit down and make a lasting peace.

NI.. they are on the road to that... what is done is done.. and moving millions of plantationists back to Scotland is not a viable solution..

Hezbollah and the Palistinians may one day sit down and finally negotiate a settlement.. but it will not be in my lifetime. In the meantime... I fully support the Jews right to blow the fuck out of the peole who are attacking them.. kill their leaders.. as they are doing.. THEY unlike Hezbollah and Hamas do not target the innocent.....but I guess Darius will be along to tell us yet again that there ARE no innocent jews.

The Arabs that surround Israel could have made peace and retained much of their land in 1948... instead they tried to crush Isreal.... They lost..... they lost in 1956... and lost more land.. they lost in 1968.. and lost more land......at some point the stupid fuckers have to realize that by not recognizing the jews rights that go back thousands of years... and they have a right to exist where Judaism began...they keep attacking Isreal.. and the Jewish Old Testament is fairly clear on the whole Eye for an Eye thing... if that area is going to keep practising that... then everyone will continue to be blind for the next millenium. Eventually.. hopefyully both sides will tire of killing each other amd make a lasting peace... not a perfect one.. but one that allows all of them to make a better life.

If you as so many muslims who support their Palistinian muslim brothers in wanting all the land back.. then is it not HYPOCRITICAL..... for you not to demand all the plantationists to be removed from the Island of Ireland... they certainly have far less claim than the Palistinians to the lands of the near east.

People have to eventually realize a political reality.. what was done hundreds or thousands of years ago is the modern reality we all need to recognize and to live with...

NOW.. to Waziristan.... there are many people there who are supporting OBL and his fighters. I do not consider ANYONE who supports the people who attacked us to be innocent..OBL and his Al Queda radical Wahhabist fundimentalists declared war on US..... and we as a nation are at risk from his supporters. I am sure there are already sleeper cells here that wish to do innocent civilians harm if and when they could.. they consider ALL AMERICANS.. to be combatants.... well I say ALL of them where they are hiding and getting support are then combatants as well..... I do not see any possible peacefull way of solving this.. His demands are so much fantasy and he knows it... so if the only option right now is war.. I say kill as much of the enemy as we can.... the people of Waziristan can demonstrate they are NOT our enemies by turning over the murders who sent their HEROS over here to hill thousands of people just trying to go about their daily lives.....

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Yes and yes

I will tell you why. You can ask any one who plans a war they take into account collateral damage. Which is inocent people getting killed. However we try to justify it by because of “The cause”. What happens when we accept that we will kill inocent civilians, and “The cause” we are fighting for happens to be false, or to make money, or to keep are gas cheep.

Does that excuse murder?
Not in my book.


WE have taken great pains to limit civilian casualties... we have spent Trillions of dollars on develpoing systems with accuracy intentionally to hit what we want and limit the damage. Yet the enemy takes great pains to embed himself within civilian areas to specifially get hand wringers like you who wail... Oh those evil americans they killed innocent civilians..... get real....wake up and smell the ghahveh already and quit trying to get sympathy for the unsympathetic.

Our enemies... specifically target innocents... in contravention to YOUR holy book where is the great outcry from you about that..

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but I guess Darius will be along to tell us yet again that there ARE no innocent jews.

Can you point to where I have said this or are you just spewing garbage that is not based on any truth or facts as usual.
This is getting old and very sad for you. Talk to me when your hate is not there anymore and when start to think and speak rationally.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Yes and yes

I will tell you why. You can ask any one who plans a war they take into account collateral damage. Which is inocent people getting killed. However we try to justify it by because of “The cause”. What happens when we accept that we will kill inocent civilians, and “The cause” we are fighting for happens to be false, or to make money, or to keep are gas cheep.

Does that excuse murder?
Not in my book.


WE have taken great pains to limit civilian casualties... we have spent Trillions of dollars on develpoing systems with accuracy intentionally to hit what we want and limit the damage. Yet the enemy takes great pains to embed himself within civilian areas to specifially get hand wringers like you who wail... Oh those evil americans they killed innocent civilians..... get real....wake up and smell the ghahveh already and quit trying to get sympathy for the unsympathetic.

Our enemies... specifically target innocents... in contravention to YOUR holy book where is the great outcry from you about that..

Can you for one-second stop waving your flag and tying your yellow ribbon and come back to reality.

So the war in Iraq and all the civilians that have been killed there what do we say to that? Sorry didn’t mean it

What do you tell a father who has seen his children blown to bits? Sorry we invaded your country for false reasons? Oh opps that bomb was not supposed to destroy your life we didn’t mean it oh yea and don’t hate us for it?

What do you expect that parent to feel in his/her heart?

Look at the anger we showed after 9-11 where 3000 people were murdered.

Doesn’t seem logical that killing 10, 20, or 50 times that amount would cause people to hate us even if it was by “Mistake”?

Not to mention that the number killed is a huge percentage of the population as Iraq is much smaller then the US?

Also a mistake is when you back your car in to another car, or when you hit someone because it was dark and didn’t see them.

Not when you invade a country for no reason, drop billions of dollars worth of bombs and munitions and then be surprised that inocent people have died.

You keep on avoiding questions.

Who do you mean by They?

Do you believe that collateral damage is something that we know is going to happen?

If yes (which is the logical answer) How do you justify the deaths the inocent when the cause to start the war has been proven to be false?

When you kill people’s children by the hundreds sorry doesn’t cut it, and it wouldn’t cut it for anyone.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Yes the US has and does at times target civillians.

More bullshit.... like I told Darius.. we have spent trillions of dollars designing weapons to limit collateral damage... we have forgone taking out high value targets OVER AND OVER AND OVER again....when there was a known possibility of collateral damage.

Our Enemy seeks to kill innocents and specifically targets them... numerous documents from AQ point this out....Rock on Holy Warriors

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Desperation is no excuse for killing unarmed non-combatants because you don't like the way they worship.

Its wrong.

This is what roy said

Below is what i responded. WHERE DID I SAY WHAT YOU CLAIMED?
You said i said this
"That there is no inocent Jews that they all should be killed and thrown to the sea."

If you did proper research and based your views on facts we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

Full of it arent you?


True it's wrong so is killing Palestinians do you not see that. Do you not see it is wrong to kill Palestinians also?

What gets people to become suicide bombers is not that they hate Jews. It's there lives have been changed by the Israelis, There children have been killed, They are policed, There freedom has been taken away. Do you not see that.
How would you fight back if the Israelis killed your family?
Keep in mind you have no weapon the only way you can get revenge is by killing your self.
Not saying it is a good idea but I can understand why some do it.

The reason that SOME Muslims do yell death to America is because we support Israel, they weren't yelling death to America then we said fuck them. Their Hatred for us is mainly because of out support of Israel.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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