
Hillary Muskie

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Heard it - IMO - it was a calculated stunt to try and garner more support

I find that very hard to believe and especially since she's a woman. No one in their right mind would ever do this intentionally as it shows the candidate to be "weak" in the minds of some and especially not a woman candidate that has to fight against that image anyway.

I don't recall Maggie Thatcher ever crying. Wrong image altogether.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Couldn't agree more. Pure showmanship to get some sympathy and make her appear human and likable.

The suckers on her forearms, pointy teeth and tiny horns really give it away, though. Even with her hooves covered by fashionable shoes.
Exactly why i'd never vote for a woman. "TEARS UPON DEMAND" And what happens if her estrogen pills get fucked up. Look out.:S
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Exactly why i'd never vote for a woman. "TEARS UPON DEMAND" And what happens if her estrogen pills get fucked up. Look out.:S

Hey, you and Quade are on the same side on this topic.

Q - I find that very hard to believe and especially since she's a woman.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Exactly why i'd never vote for a woman. "TEARS UPON DEMAND" And what happens if her estrogen pills get fucked up. Look out.:S

Hey, you and Quade are on the same side on this topic.

Q - I find that very hard to believe and especially since she's a woman.

Geez. How cynical can people be? Hillary has the right to be upset, the same as anyone else. Even lawyers may have feelings.

After all, I believe that she is likely a woman.

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Exactly why i'd never vote for a woman. "TEARS UPON DEMAND" And what happens if her estrogen pills get fucked up. Look out.:S

Hey, you and Quade are on the same side on this topic.

Q - I find that very hard to believe and especially since she's a woman.

I don't think you actually understood the entirety of my post or the context in which it was made.

I'm NOT saying that she's incapable or more susceptible to emotional outbursts, only that it would be a politically STUPID thing to do intentionally in order to attempt to manipulate voters.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I'm NOT saying that she's incapable or more susceptible to emotional outbursts, only that it would be a politically STUPID thing to do intentionally in order to attempt to manipulate voters.

Everyone has emotions, but displaying them is not her style. 30 years of life in the political spotlight and some standard legal training would beat that out of you.

Many other women do not trust her based on her automaton persona.

This may have been a swat at changing that perception, like wearing a cotton dress for a week before a caucus or announcing the cookie recipe.

Nobody should expect the wife of a governor or President to cook cookies. It is a poor use of time.
However, it allows politicians to appear to relate to the lives of the populace, so it is politically expedient to portray that image.

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>Exactly why i'd never vote for a woman. "TEARS UPON DEMAND"

Or a man, if Ed Muskie is any indication. Heck, the minority house leader (Boehner) has been turning on the waterworks on demand lately. (One colleague noted that he usually reserves it for the afternoons, though.)

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Heard it - IMO - it was a calculated stunt to try and garner more support

no candidate will throw in the towel this soon and she's too manipulative to think this was anything other than a calculated manuver.

Agree with you 100%.

I think being fake is the main reason people don’t like her and this did not help.
I also find it offensive that this so called feminist has no issue trying to use “crying” and her sex to get sympathy, She also made the comment about all the men attacking her.

It just tells me she has no principle her only principle is to get elected and she will say and do any thing to do so.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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It just tells me she has no principle her only principle is to get elected and she will say and do any thing to do so.

If it was sincere - what about a woman that has no issue being cheated on in a VERY public eye and doesn't cry, but is behind in the polls and THAT makes her cry

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Exactly why i'd never vote for a woman. "TEARS UPON DEMAND" And what happens if her estrogen pills get fucked up. Look out.:S

Maybe something like: "It's that time of the month boys; who can I blow up this time?":S

So many smart ass replies possible ... but mostly just makes me [:/] [sad]


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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As a sidenote, Obama is continuing to impress me. Polls suggest he has a huge lead, but he is telling people openly not to take it for granted. he has a lead, and is working hard and moving forward.

After listening to the last Saturday’s Democratic candidate debates on-line w/no video (I’m of the minority that prefers to *listen* rather than *watch* debates) and reading portions of the transcript, I was impressed with Sen Obama and the thoughtfulness he exhibited particularly w/r/t ‘pointy things w/fins’-related issues.

Senator Clinton’s responses were firm, strong, assertive, and – imo – were based on deterrence ideas, which worked for the Cold War but has yet to prove utility against terrorists or asymmetric warfare.

Senator Clinton
[w/r/t terrorist detonation of nuclear device on U.S. soil]: “I don't think we've done what we need to do on homeland defense [“Homeland Defense” is DoD; “Homeland Security” is DHS; yes, it’s a fine distinction but with significant implications, e.g. Posse Commitatus. – nerdgirl].

“If we can demonstrate that the people responsible for planning the nuclear attack on our country may not themselves be in a government or associated with a state, but have a haven within one, then every state in the world must know we will retaliate against those states.”

“So I think we have to be very, very clear. You know, deterrence worked during the Cold War in large measure because the United States made it clear to the Soviet Union that there would be massive retaliation [we’re not in the Cold War anymore – nerdgirl].

“We have to make it clear to those states that would give safe haven to stateless terrorists that would launch a nuclear attack against America that they would also face a very heavy retaliation.

“We haven't done enough on port security. We have not made the kind of commitment that is necessary to protect us from this kind of importation. [Yes, port security is very important. I am concerned with the focus on vulnerability; need to address capability and motivation, the other two components threat analysis/reduction. – nerdgirl]

Senator Edward's responses sounded & read to me not as substantive in content as I would prefer. He did, however, get proverbial ‘bonus points’ for mentioning AQ Khan.

Senator Obama
“On the broader issue of nuclear proliferation, this is something that I've worked on since I've been in the Senate. I worked with Richard Lugar to pass the next stage of what was Nunn-Lugar so that we would have improved interdiction of potentially nuclear materials. And it is important for us to rebuild a nuclear nonproliferation strategy …

“And my job as commander in chief will be to make sure that we strike anybody who would do America harm when we have actionable intelligence do to that. [Wish Gibson would have pushed him more on this: what strategy does Sen Obama have in mind to insure that the US has such capabilities & actionable intelligence? – nerdgirl]

[w/r/t use of a nuclear device by terrorists on US soil]: ”We would obviously have to retaliate against anybody who struck American soil, whether it was nuclear or not. It would be a much more profound issue if it were nuclear weapons. That's why it's so important for us to rebuild the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

“These are all things that we should be taking leadership on. And part of what we need to do in changing our foreign policy is not just end the war in Iraq; we have to change the mindset that ignores long- term threats and engages in the sorts of actions that are not making us safe over the long term.

“We have not made a commitment to work with the Russians to reduce our own nuclear stockpiles [actionable item –nerdgirl]. That has weakened our capacity to pressure other countries to give up nuclear technology. We have not locked down the loose nuclear weapons that are out there right now.”

I speculate (purely speculative) that he's been getting foreign policy advice from Sen Dick Lugar (yes, the Republican from Indiana). Obama's July 07 Foreign Affairs article "Renewing American Leadership" and Aug 07 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations received mixed reviews, especially in the latter w/r/t his abiity to answer questions off the speech. The lesson that he seems to have taken was to get advice from experts, including ones who didn't necessarily hold the same views or political ideas as he. How unfortunately novel in this time!

I also like former Sec of the Navy Richard Danzig A LOT, who's advising Sen Obama on defense issues.

He’s speaking to engagement - enabling soft power backed by hard power capabilities. This is a way forward -- secure nuclear weapons, reduce the stockpiles -- rather than 'rattling sabers' and making dire statements that 'we haven't done enough in homeland defense,' (which is true given that HD {w/in OSD Policy} has no ability to impact requirements, but that's a DoD issue not DHS.) Perhaps the problem is, we have focused too much port security (& commercial airline security, i.e., TSA). The solution, im-ever-ho, isn't to deepen the moat and add fire-breathing crocodiles (with domestic wire tap capabilities); it is to drain the swamp.


Now back to discussing Senator Clinton’s crying?

Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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>what about a woman that has no issue being cheated on in a VERY public
>eye and doesn't cry, but is behind in the polls and THAT makes her cry

?? Sounds like she is more upset by her own failures than by the failures of others. I am the same way. I suspect most people are.

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>what about a woman that has no issue being cheated on in a VERY public
>eye and doesn't cry, but is behind in the polls and THAT makes her cry


?? Sounds like she is more upset by her own failures than by the failures of others. I am the same way. I suspect most people are.

She failed, as a wife, to minister to her husband's sexual desires on demand. She should have been the one under the desk.

She should be ashamed of herself.:P

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Barack "Hussein" Obama????
too close to the Muslim religion during his life for me...added with his commitment to severely limit gun rights....no thanks.
WHEN will we get some real candidates???>:(

as if the popular vote even matters anyway...:S

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Barack "Hussein" Obama

I have noticed right wing media put a huge emphasis on the Hussein part of his name.

I kept on thinking why do they keep on bringing it up. I am sure the public is not ignorant enough to think that so many years ago when his parents named him they were fans of Saddam. Surly our public is not ignorant enough to judge someone simply by the name they received at birth? Off course I have been wrong before.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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>I kept on thinking why do they keep on bringing it up.

To equate him with Saddam Hussein. That's the level that many people operate on. Anything more than a two second sound bite or a one-word putdown is lost on them.

>Surly our public is not ignorant enough to judge someone simply by
>the name they received at birth?

There is no limit to how stupid people can be.

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