
Americans Happiest Folks on Earth

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*shrug* Who knows? You were spot-on about the length of the work week, though.

I see lots of people who bitch about about working too much....

I typically work 60 to 70 hours per week BUT as a contractor for the last year and a half I get time and a half for overtime. When there was a major code roll into the funtional testing enviroment a couple months ago I set my personal best for a week 94.5 hours....

Most people I have found are too fucking lazy to work those kind of hours.... and sit around and bitch...... about not making enough money.:S:S:S

The bottom line... I work too much.. BUT I am paid very well for working those hours and making sure everything stays working.

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From 97 until 05 I worked 84/week, since 05 I work 72...straight time for OT, though... I wish I got time and a half!!

Record was probably somewhere in the 120 hour range when we had a couple of bad outages on critical gear.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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you left out the VAT, which is a big increase over even the worst states. Not sure about deductions permitted to the British taxpayers.

I don't know that the US work week is that much longer; the big difference is the scant amount of vacation time, plus many won't even take that amount off.

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If Bill Gates just found out that his wife has been using a strap on dildo on all three of his children, how is his money going to make him happy?

Hence the reason why it does not "equal" happiness. But considering that Gates likely has few worries making a mortgage payment or dealing with the bare necessities of life, what are your thoughts?

I'm thinking you're a lawyer and thus have no standing in the discussion of human emotions. ;)
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Actually the UK has just overtaken the US in a standard of living study. We earn more have public healthcare and so on I'd put the scorce in but quiet frankly I can't be arsed.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Americans' homes have roughly twice the square footage per occupant as those in the EU, Americans own more appliances, and, on average, they spend about 77% more each year than Europeans."

So, happy happy joy joy, all!

I pretty much agree having visited the states often, but my last trip changed that perception a little.

I was in Arizona for a couple of months and was a bit surprised. The mobile phones for sale in your shopping malls were fairly backward on the whole compared to Euro models. Even your televisions! Most stores were still selling old fashioned things with only a few modern LCD/plasma models available. And the standard housing around Tucson - like a British council estate! All the little crappy Jap cars everywhere! Old fashioned clothes!

What's happening? I wondered if this is becoming a nationwide issue or is it just restricted to Arizona?:D

p.s. loved buying all my stuff for 'half' price though!:)

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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Face it, Americans are an unusually happy, optimistic people. In a way, it defines us. A big reason is our economy -- huge, innovative, low-tax and less regulated than others.

It has long been the 'in thing' to say you're "happy" in the USA. With television shows like Oprah, countless "self-help" books about how to be happier, smiling faces on billboards, in magazines, in television ads, and other media pressures to be "happy"...it's become a custom for Americans to say they're "happy," no matter how people really feel about their lives.

So some random Americans get a call on the phone asking "are you happy with your life"...and of course, the majority answer "yes." Wow, what a surprise.

People are people everywhere...wealth helps, but I don't think it's the key to happiness in and of itself as this article suggests. From my personal experiences, I find Canadians to be happier (and friendlier) people than Americans...

I think this article is a bunch of bullshit.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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There’s a Russian saying that I encountered a couple years while traveling in & around Moscow & St. Petersburg:
If you see someone smiling on the street, they're either deranged, stupid, or an American.
Heard various permutations on that basic theme.

For business or negotiations one has to learn to present a different demeanor
… & learn to say ‘no’ to offers of vodka at 11 am “Nyet. Pivo spaseebo.” (No. Beer thank you.)


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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I am not surprised at all.
This country is still the land of opportunity.
I tell my cousin who will be here in a year or so. The freedom that you get in this country is not about drinking, or being able to go to clubs with girls (he lives in Iran). The freedom is you can be anything you want and not starve. You can have a place to live, a car, and go to school making minimum wage if you have the drive to do so.

As for money not bringing happiness: That’s true to a a point.
I read a story once about that I believe they had measured 50,000 a year as where money stops mattering.
What they meant was if you are making less then that you will have some financial issues if you make close or over that you can maintain your life without much stress. Then your happiness depends on you.

I really wish people would appreciate this country more. This land has been blessed.
We have 4 seasons, you can move any where you want depending on what you like, From a very young age you can work and make your own living if you like, and most important you can be independent of others.

As for vacation time: We do spend a lot less vacation then the Europeans or even Iran, but that’s because are standards of living are much higher. We should be grateful to have the opportunity to work hard and play hard. In Iran there is no way a dude like me no matter how smart I was or how hard I worked could achieve what I have here on my own. Granted I no where claim to be rich and live paycheck to pay check like most others. But my life is mine and if I wanted more vacation I could simply not have an HDTV or not have my GTO. Life is about decisions that we make and the priorities that we choose. Here we simply have more option and more things are possible.

I wonder how many of us realize that in many countries the 4-6000 dollars worth gear that we throw around is simply not possible to attain by the lower or even middle classes.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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The freedom is you can be anything you want and not starve. You can have a place to live, a car, and go to school making minimum wage if you have the drive to do so.

So how is that any different from pretty much any where in Europe, Canada, Australia or New Zealand?


We do spend a lot less vacation then the Europeans or even Iran, but that’s because are standards of living are much higher.

The standard in the UK is between 4-5 weeks and we get paid more so your argument doesn't hold water.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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The freedom is you can be anything you want and not starve. You can have a place to live, a car, and go to school making minimum wage if you have the drive to do so.

So how is that any different from pretty much any where in Europe, Canada, Australia or New Zealand?

Do anything you want and not starve is the minimum, you can also take it to the limit in this country if you wish. There is reason America has more millioners and billionaires then anywhere else in the world.

The security that you can mow lawns (as I did as one of my first jobs) and still have a decent life is great, but knowing that if you are successful and a bit lucky you can have a race track and race Enzos (or whatever your into) with your friends if you like. The limits are higher for more people here then in Europe.

True we have more excess then most other countries but that’s all apart of prosperity.

The other freedom that you have in the USA that I believe exists no where else is culture freedom. Because there is no great tradition or no great one race you have less mental restrictions on how things should be and can be what you want.

Plus I can get a 16oz steak with a baked potato and a beer for 12 bucks, Try that in most places in Europe.:P:)
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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The standard in the UK is between 4-5 weeks and we get paid more so your argument doesn't hold water.

You might be able to find one thing that’s done better in some country or a few things that are done better in some other country, but When you compare the financial prosperity, the geographical advantages, Best higher education schools, etc. etc I can go on and on. Simply put we have it all.

There is a reason people still risk there lives to come to this country or wait years and years.

Most people think of the Mexicans when speaking Immigrant whose main motivation is financial prosperity, however there are tons of people who are educated, have good jobs and are financially secure who want to be here.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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There is reason America has more millioners and billionaires then anywhere else in the world.

Yea, because theres 260 million of you!

However, you win on the steak commentB|
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Yea, because theres 260 million of you!

India, China? how are they doing in the standard of life?;)

Dude if you ever make it here i make the best Ribeye steak grilled and aged in teriyaki pineapple marinade. Hell yea
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Actually the UK has just overtaken the US in a standard of living study. We earn more have public healthcare and so on I'd put the scorce in but quiet frankly I can't be arsed.

So why are you so unhappy? I cite as evidence a rant about the US Presidential Elections.:P Americans? We say, "Fuck it!"

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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you left out the VAT, which is a big increase over even the worst states. Not sure about deductions permitted to the British taxpayers.

I don't know that the US work week is that much longer; the big difference is the scant amount of vacation time, plus many won't even take that amount off.

VAT is only on purchases, like a sales tax, correct?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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you're a lawyer and thus have no standing in the discussion of human emotions.

Possibly valid, although I find the field of human emotion to be fascinating from an academic sense. What is this thing? I think the closest thing to emotion I've known is a strong feeling of contentment whenever Mr. Spock spoke up.:P

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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VAT is only on purchases, like a sales tax, correct?

Incorrect. It is a Value Added Tax- it applies to (in its purest state) all consumption; Dentist bills, mechanic's labour, skydiving tickets, everything. It is a very complex tax. Every business must pay it on all their inputs and then pay on the value added for their outputs (x% of the final price minus what they have already paid to their suppliers).

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Actually I'm working in Sweden at the moment, the beer costs a fortune, the food is so bland its terrible.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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VAT is only on purchases, like a sales tax, correct?

Incorrect. It is a Value Added Tax- it applies to (in its purest state) all consumption; Dentist bills, mechanic's labour, skydiving tickets, everything. It is a very complex tax. Every business must pay it on all their inputs and then pay on the value added for their outputs (x% of the final price minus what they have already paid to their suppliers).

I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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