Quote"Why Women Should Rule the World" by Dee Dee Myers.
Women rock!!!!
434 2
Women already rule the world. They have this thing called a pussy. And the are quite devious.
great statement regardless of how much we as men want to stake claim to being in power or doing something for spite we all know deep inside it was brought apon by a womans unending nag. look at bill clitions whole term of office.
champu 1
QuoteCritical problem solving is NOT best accomplished by feeling but rather detachment and reason. Of course, the best at this have been women, in my experience. The WORST at this have been women, in my experience. Men occupy the middle ground.
My experience has been similar with engineers in the aerospace industry.
In my experience, an office full of women is a constant drama of alliances and hatred.
I also believe that an intelligent passionate woman is better suited to be a leader than an intelligent man.
If a woman ever decides to run for the highest office, I'll vote for her in a second. Until that happens, we have to pick one of the current candidates.
PS- PM Thatcher was one awesome leader and individual.
What ever a man do in his life, it is because he think it will give him woman!
Who told you our secret??History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower
dannydan 5
Women dont rule the world because their creator has not put them there YET!
Men and women are COMPLETELY "wired" differently to satisfy different tasks at hand.
lawrocket is super close with "feeling" aspect... I prefer the term 'emotions", but one in the same none the less!
It HAS been this way since the beginning of time...
I learned quite late in my young adult years to not live by emotions.
Once I learned that, I really started to make better decisions for me an my family UNIT! WAIT>>> I still hit bumps in the roads, but none that could have been corrected PROPERLY had I been a woman!
IF....HC does get into office--ive said this before about world leaders and esp our POTUS---- she would not be the one making the decisions anyway...
Here comes my slam... (should i or shouldn't i??) ok, I believe that Reno, was used uP worse than the sluttiest cheerleader in high school! And then She had NO recourse, not even the ERA, b/c She is a woman!
A Woman as leader as per this discussion... Nope! I will probably never entertain the thought of casting a POTUS ballot towards a woman either party(s).
I am not saying that men are not suppose to cry, but women in general, do not have the ability (deep within their wiredMESS) to check at the door when the REAL chips are down.... And b/c of this one lil ole schematic of the female character, disallows them to become SUPREME RULERS of our world...
peace and happy baking!
Ok... I have my firewater at my side, [color=red]FLAME[/color] AWAY
obtw, I saw Ms. Dee Dee on the TODAY show this morning, and while she may be attractive, I think she is a little torqued in her thinking... Her being a former PRESS sec for whoever doesnt mean anything... She was coached very well in her days at the White House....
The Women are from Mars book was written by a man, so I think your bet is dead in the water.
Purchased by women - probably.
That was "Dr" John Gray. He is about as much of a doctor as I am. He and his ex-wife Barbara De Angelis did weekend-retreat relationship seminars.
Both obtained their "doctorates" from Columbia Pacific University, a "diploma mill" shut down by the California state attorney general's office.
The book was written by a man, but based on the ideas gathered from his "relationship" weekends.
It just reinforces the "tell us what we want to hear" style of writing that I mentioned earlier. Written for the buying audience.
The central theme is so flawed that the book isn't good enough to start a romantic fire in the fireplace.
However, I digress, we were talking about solving world issues, not interpersonal relationships.