Royd 0 #26 March 13, 2008 QuoteYou guys NEVER get tired of CLINTON DID IT FIRST do you.....I would think all you right wing war monger wanna be's would get a new CD that does not skip so much for your mantra player. How about a Clinton didn't do it at all. He didn't retaliate against the country that attacked the USS Cole. Wasn't that a blatant act of war? I believe that was 17 of our men, Blood and Treasure, that was never retaliated or recompensed for. WUWT Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piper17 1 #27 March 13, 2008 *** Tell it to the Kurds and Iranians. They might have a different opinion and Hussein's willingness to use them...."A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition"...Rudyard Kipling Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #28 March 13, 2008 QuoteHe didn't retaliate against the country that attacked the USS Cole Uh which country was that.... You are mired in the past there Bubba... we are talking about a stateless entity.... It would have looked reallly bad to flatten...YEMEN Both the Clinton Administration and the Bush Administration have been criticized for failing to respond militarily to the attack on the USS Cole before September 11, 2001. The 9-11 Commission Report cites one source who said in February 2001, "[bin Laden] complained frequently that the United States had not yet attacked [in response to the Cole]... Bin Ladin wanted the United States to attack, and if it did not he would launch something bigger."[17] Evidence of al-Qaeda's involvement was inconclusive for months after the attack. The staff of the 9-11 Commission found that al-Qaeda's direction of the bombing was under investigation but "increasingly clear" on November 11, 2000. It was an "unproven assumption" in late November. By December 21 the CIA had made a "preliminary judgment" that "al Qaeda appeared to have supported the attack," with no "definitive conclusion."[18] Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #29 March 13, 2008 QuoteMy POINT, as you seem to have missed it, is that EVERYONE thought he had WMD. . NOT TRUE! I didn't, and I have evidence to prove it.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #30 March 13, 2008 Quote After Gulf 1... there were weapons inspectors crawling all over Iraq.. more recent events have proved they got rid of the WMD they were after. Saddam did not have any more.. but in his weakened state he made his neighbors believe he still had some. He was completely impotent as events proved in Gulf II Face it Skippy.... Iraq was a war we did not have to fight... I know YOU have to beilieve it was.. but the WMD were not there.... Aren't these statements a bit contradictory? His behavior did little to convince anyone that he was not a threat. And now he is not. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SivaGanesha 2 #31 March 13, 2008 Quote Another thing that strikes me as curious--not listed on that site--is that in 1967 the Supreme Court declared a de facto moratorium on capital punishment--and in 2007 the Supreme Court declared a de facto moratorium on capital punishment. It is almost as though when we have an external war to fight, we don't feel the same need to put prisoners to death domestically. I mean, who would have thought--with George W. Bush, of all people, president--appointed in part by the "good graces" of the Supreme Court--we'd end up with a moratorium on capital punishment? And yet that is just what has happened. It is exactly the same scenario as played itself out in Vietnam."It's hard to have fun at 4-way unless your whole team gets down to the ground safely to do it again!"--Northern California Skydiving League re USPA Safety Day, March 8, 2014 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #32 March 13, 2008 QuoteEVERYONE thought he had WMD. No. The body politic wanted the general public to believe that. The President and the Congress couldn't get the people behind a war meant to topple a regime to replace it with democracy as a social experiment. That's not a good enough reason. WMD's - there is something that the public can sink their teeth behind. Quotehe made the point that he was attempting to mislead the world that he had them as he was afraid of Iran. A legitimate bitch. Quotesevere case of Bush Derangement Syndrome It goes on both sides. The Administration wasn't truthful about it, nor was congress. It wasn't until I cornered a Congressman in early 2003 that he told me that we were going there "to clean up the block." And he said, "It's the 'broken windows' theory. Clean up the neighborhood, surrounding neighborhoods will clean themselves up, too." Now, viewed in hindsight, doesn't that explanation make a helluva lot of sense and explain the successes and failures pretty well? My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #33 March 13, 2008 > My POINT, as you seem to have missed it, is that EVERYONE thought he had WMD. Except for the UN arms inspectors. They said they were close to showing he was in compliance, and they needed another few months. Had we listened to them, Saddam would have no WMD's, 85,000 Iraqis would have been spared grisly deaths and 4000 US soldiers would be alive today. Quite a price to pay for impatience. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jcd11235 0 #34 March 13, 2008 QuoteIt wasn't until I cornered a Congressman in early 2003 that he told me that we were going there "to clean up the block." And he said, "It's the 'broken windows' theory. Clean up the neighborhood, surrounding neighborhoods will clean themselves up, too." Now, viewed in hindsight, doesn't that explanation make a helluva lot of sense and explain the successes and failures pretty well? Honestly, it sounds like a corollary of the Domino Theory.Math tutoring available. Only $6! per hour! First lesson: Factorials! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vortexring 0 #35 March 13, 2008 QuoteQuoteI was driving between Falluja and Baghdad on 15 May, 2003 when I drove past a burning warehouse. You say "he must have seen hundreds of burning warehouses". Yes I have, but this fire was strange. Orange, green, blue, black, and brown smoke is not normal. Later that day an Iraqi colonel surrendered to one of the companies of my battalion. He turned his men and himself in because his men were dying of radiation poisoning. It seems that the warehouse was full of nuclear by-products. What do you think the source of the multi-colored smoke was? Would you describe the symptoms of radiation poisoning that you observed? VR/Marg Yes, could you please? I'd genuinely appreciate hearing your story. 'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.' Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #36 March 13, 2008 Quotecorollary of the Domino Theory. Yes, in a very real sense. They wanted to find a location and fix it. Then, when everyone saw how great the new Iraq was, with democracy, etc., surrounding countries would go to democracy. But they failed to consider, "Um. There are power factions at work that don't worry about things like killing." Also, if it worked so well, then why isn't Cuba democratic and capitalist? Why is Mexico such a freaking wreck? My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skippyjumps 0 #37 March 14, 2008 I'll tell you what "Nerd Girl" put down your books and come train with my "boys". I say boys because 6 of them are not old enough to drink. You can come hang out when I assign the youngest one to teach you about NBC ( Nuclear Biological and Chemical) weapons. You would be surprised at the level of real education our military uses. So I'll be waiting. I'll be at Ft. Indiantown Gap from 28 March to 18 April getting ready to protect your pompous ass!!!!!"whatcha doin with that lawn mower blade?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skippyjumps 0 #38 March 14, 2008 You are the fucking professor. Tell me. I don't get paid to make decisions of that nature. But we saw what we saw."whatcha doin with that lawn mower blade?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skippyjumps 0 #39 March 14, 2008 Look "Amazon", what is that all about anyway. Like I said the world is full of pseudointellectual armchair generals. You play one too many games of Risk lately? Then take a trip over to the recruiting office and sign up. Then we can have a real conversation. Otherwise I fell like a Garbage man swiping at flies. They allways hang around in the shitiest places. Buh, by! "whatcha doin with that lawn mower blade?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skippyjumps 0 #40 March 14, 2008 We know everything don't we "Amazon". The whole war would stop and out would pop the black heicoptor srew sceaming for foam. They would then cordon off a 20 mile radius and set guards out every 15 feet to keep the local inhabitants away from their homes. During wars shit gets lost. Shit gets fucked up and intelligence gets ignored. Period. So you can roll that up and smoke it."whatcha doin with that lawn mower blade?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skippyjumps 0 #41 March 14, 2008 Look "Amazon", Your, our my and everyones Commander in Chief states many things. There is a thing called national security. There is also something called plausible deniability. I can tell you and anyone else that I am not happy with "OUR" commander in chief like many of you. I was injured and recieved multiple surgeries to correct the damage. I just underwent another surgey at the VA and can tell you our country is dropping the ball. With that said I'm sure you will challenge this statement as well. Like I've said come to my DZ. I'll buy a few beers and you can call me a liar to my face. And if you are real good, I'll let you touch my purple heart! Now, back to big people talk. I think it's time for the children to go outside and play so that us grown ups take care of adult stuff."whatcha doin with that lawn mower blade?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #42 March 14, 2008 Quote Otherwise I fell like a Garbage man swiping at flies. They allways hang around in the shitiest places. Showers will help with that you know...By the way.. I did the whole enlistment thing in 1971.. did 8 years...SO i have a VERY good clue about how this war resembles MY WAR....and how my generations kids are getting screwed... yet again from the same people... I have quite a bit of experience with our wonderful VA... whish goes to show you how those who are running the country from the right wing REALLY honor your service. I am a tad too old now.... but if they would let me... and would give me a nice cool .50 Cal I would LOVE to go to Afghanistan and fight the war agains t the people we SHOULD be fighting. I go to the range very frequently and still can shoot sub minute of angle groups out at 1000 yards with my 7MM Rem Mag...I hear the newer stuff is even more accurate out double that. But they wont so its a moot point. Now dont you feel like such a nice macho man for making PA's on me and Nerd the way.. that MAY just come back to bite your ass that you want people to kiss. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #43 March 14, 2008 QuoteI'll tell you what "Nerd Girl" put down your books and come train with my "boys". I say boys because 6 of them are not old enough to drink. You can come hang out when I assign the youngest one to teach you about NBC ( Nuclear Biological and Chemical) weapons. You would be surprised at the level of real education our military uses. So I'll be waiting. I'll be at Ft. Indiantown Gap from 28 March to 18 April getting ready to protect your pompous ass!!!!! MMMMM I sure do love popcorn Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skippyjumps 0 #44 March 14, 2008 Try 23 years and 2 tours of combat with combat units. Untold enounters. And many many many war stories/ fairytales to tell me grandkids some day. So excuse me if I don't drop and kiss your feet because you filed papers on an airport and sat on the shitter next to a real "hero". Because all of the heroes I ever knew are dead!!!! If you really believe that there atre no people in Iraq that were/ are involved in terrorist activities you are living in a beautiful world. I would love to join you there some day but I have to get ready to spend a few more holidays away from my family. Excuse me for belittleing your service. but I don't want anyone to get the wrong ideas. I thought I knew alot about life and the military until I went to combat. To put it in laymens terms it like riding a go cart down the street and the Indy 500. They both have 4 wheels but there is no comparison. So keep professing your expertice on a subject you know little about. I'm sure you puff your chest and tell everyone who assumes you were "in the shit" that you don't like to talk about it. See ya. "whatcha doin with that lawn mower blade?" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #45 March 14, 2008 QuoteTry 23 years and 2 tours of combat with combat units. Untold enounters. And many many many war stories/ fairytales to tell me grandkids some day. So excuse me if I don't drop and kiss your feet because you filed papers on an airport and sat on the shitter next to a real "hero". Because all of the heroes I ever knew are dead!!!! If you really believe that there atre no people in Iraq that were/ are involved in terrorist activities you are living in a beautiful world. I would love to join you there some day but I have to get ready to spend a few more holidays away from my family. Excuse me for belittleing your service. but I don't want anyone to get the wrong ideas. I thought I knew alot about life and the military until I went to combat. To put it in laymens terms it like riding a go cart down the street and the Indy 500. They both have 4 wheels but there is no comparison. So keep professing your expertice on a subject you know little about. I'm sure you puff your chest and tell everyone who assumes you were "in the shit" that you don't like to talk about it. See ya. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA/..// DUDE I am not laughing with you ... I am laughing AT YOU..... Filing papers.. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #46 March 14, 2008 Quote Try 23 years and 2 tours of combat with combat units. Okay. So you've been here, done that. What about been "there?" I disagree with Amazon on just about everything, but I'll still tip my hat on plenty of issues. Quote Untold enounters. And many many many war stories/ fairytales to tell me grandkids some day. I have no such stories. And I am thankful to have been a REMF. Quote So excuse me if I don't drop and kiss your feet because you filed papers on an airport and sat on the shitter next to a real "hero". It's not like we tapped our feet in that shitter. Quote Because all of the heroes I ever knew are dead!!!! Not me. I know some heroes who are actually still alive. Quote If you really believe that there atre no people in Iraq that were/ are involved in terrorist activities you are living in a beautiful world. Neither she nor I believe that. It doesn't mean we should be there. Quote I would love to join you there some day but I have to get ready to spend a few more holidays away from my family. We appreciate that. And my son knows of those like you. Quote Excuse me for belittleing your service. There's no excuse for that. She was not allowed to serve in a combat arm. That's not her fault. (Trust me - I've met her. Apart from giving a rib crushing hug, you respect her when you see her. I did. Quote but I don't want anyone to get the wrong ideas. I thought I knew alot about life and the military until I went to combat. People of her generation found out the hard way, too. Quote To put it in laymens terms it like riding a go cart down the street and the Indy 500. They both have 4 wheels but there is no comparison. I'll compare her to being in the Indy 500 35 years ago. Same thing, only her generation did A LOT more dying. Quote So keep professing your expertice on a subject you know little about. Frankly, sir, you don't know SHIT about the experience in Vietnam. Neither do I. Quote I'm sure you puff your chest and tell everyone who assumes you were "in the shit" that you don't like to talk about it. See ya. She never has. I can't believe I'm defending Amazon, but your attacks on her and nerdgirl and kallend were outta line. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nerdgirl 0 #47 March 14, 2008 QuoteI'll tell you what "Nerd Girl" put down your books and come train with my "boys". I say boys because 6 of them are not old enough to drink. You can come hang out when I assign the youngest one to teach you about NBC (Nuclear Biological and Chemical) weapons. You would be surprised at the level of real education our military uses. So I'll be waiting. I'll be at Ft. Indiantown Gap from 28 March to 18 April getting ready to protect your pompous ass!!!!! Sounds fantastic! I’d love to! And would welcome the opportunity to participate in operational-level training. To whom do I send my request for invitational travel orders? I’m genuinely trying to engage you & solicit additional information; I apologize if my questions came across as “pompous.” What were the symptoms that you observed that suggested radiation poisoning? What did you think was the significance of the multi-colored smoke? VR/Marg Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters. Tibetan Buddhist saying Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydyvr 0 #48 March 14, 2008 Quote I'm sure you puff your chest . . . Damn, you got that one part right Skippy! . . =(_8^(1) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #49 March 14, 2008 Your one warning. No personal attacks. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shropshire 0 #50 March 14, 2008 > Not mine..... but he seems to think he is (.)Y(.) Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites