
Protesters Plan to Put Military Recruiters In Cages!

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"In related news, a bunch of moonbats calling themselves the Pittsburgh Organizing Group are planning a protest against a recruiting station. I absolutely refuse to pollute my blog with a direct link to these idiots (you can do a search on the organization name if you wish), but here's what they say in their announcement:

On Wednesday, March 19, POG will be holding a torch-lit march to a modern day castle of abominations—our local military recruiting station. If the station remains open, we intend to evict it and everything inside of it, occupy the location, and transform it into something useful for the community. We'll also be bringing a movable cage in which to confine military recruiters until they no longer pose a danger to our friends and neighbors.

I'd like to thank these whackos for telling us ahead of time what they're planning. May I suggest to any veterans in the Pittsburgh area who are reading this that the time has come for action? We can't ask our servicemen and -women to act, as they'd doubtless get into some sort of trouble with their Commanding Officers for not acting in the spirit of political correctness: but I suspect that we veterans are less bothered by that little fact.

I'd love to see a group of suitably prepared veterans standing by near each and every recruiting center in the Pittsburgh area next Wednesday, ready for action. If the Pittsburgh Organizing Group should show up . . . well, guys and gals, let's show them how much veterans appreciate their attitudes and actions. I hereby undertake to fly up to Pittsburgh myself, at my own expense, to join the fun and games if such a group can be organized, and I invite other veteran readers to do likewise.

While we're at it, why not show recruiters in that city how we feel about them with suitable gifts? I suggest chocolates, donuts and similar edibles might go down well - and in order to prove to them that we're not the opposition (and that the food's not poisoned) we could take coffee along and eat and drink with the guys and girls inside. That would put us in a very convenient position to deal with "intruders in the wire", so to speak.


* The term 'dontopedalogy' is derived from the Greek 'donto', meaning 'mouth', and 'pedal', meaning 'feet'. Basically, it means that every time a person opens his mouth he puts his foot in that orifice."

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The hysterical right-wing has freaked out about the March 19 protest. Amuse yourself with a sample of the dozens of hate messages we've received.

The keyboard warriors of the far-right blogosphere have made clear, in hundreds of often rambling messages, their intention to show up and shoot us, while kinder souls just want us jailed and raped for years, while others simply don't understand the concept of saying we want to do something we won't be able to actually do.

In the interest of educating them we'll simply state the obvious:

1: The war continues, not because of George Bush or a general's decision, but because of local communities' complicity in war-making through the military recruitment apparatus that pervades places like Pittsburgh.

2: Were the local police to end their continual suppression of dissent and protection of recruitment, the community of Pittsburgh would quickly evict military bases of operation and recruiters would have to find an honest line of work.

3: As the two points above make clear, those of us opposed to the war need to oppose recruitment while finding ways to expose the local forces that protect its continuation. Of course, the police are unlikely to allow us to evict the station however much we might believe that is necessary; the point is talking about what should be happening and why it isn't.

4: Symbolic actions, which this likely will be, point out the hypocrisy and true feelings of war supporters. Those who support extralegal rendition, accept collateral damage, want suspected terrorists jailed without trial, believe torture is legitimate, support the occupation of other people's lands ARE the ones hysterically reacting to the merest mention of someone actually calling for the detainment of a war-maker or the transformation of a recruitment center into something useful for Pittsburghers. The propaganda and nationalism is so strong people lose sight of any type of moral compass. They have a violent and visceral reaction to the smallest possibility of detaining someone or evicting a building while cheerleading actual violence, death and destruction of their opponents.

We'd therefore like to take this opportunity to thank them for the extra publicity they're giving us and the help they're providing in illustrating our point.

And please, scary right wing, we already believe you that you want to shoot us and "kick hippies' asses," no need for the continual attempts to one-up each other with even worse threats of violence. See you at the recruiting station at 6:30pm on March 19 (that's 4712 Forbes. Ave in Pittsburgh).

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Some info on the person who is heading up this protest:

Registrant ID:DP2183-GANDI
Registrant Name:Daniel Peterson
Registrant Organization:Pittsburgh Organizing Group
Registrant City:Pittsburgh
Registrant State/Province:PA
Registrant Postal Code:15224
Registrant Country:US
Registrant Phone:+011.4124217736

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Take over a military recruiting station? I would really love to see that. I really hope someone has a video camera for the event. I'll put my money on the recruiters to kick some hippie ass if one of them is touched.
"If you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day, and do it really half assed. That's the American way."
- Homer Simpson

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Imagine this news story the following week and see if you would consider it a victory:

PITTSBURGH (AP) - College campuses throughout the US are reconsidering their relationship with military recruiters after a scuffle at a military recruiting office in Pittsburgh.

Dawn Butterfly, one of the protesters who was hospitalized after the incident last Friday, spoke out for the first time from her hospital bed on Tuesday.

"We entered the recruiting office on Friday to exercise our rights of free speech. We brought a wire cage as a symbol of the imprisonment of our souls, and wanted to demonstrate what it was like to these people."

When Army recruiters saw her and her partner enter the recruiting center, they asked them to leave. When they did not, the scuffle began. What happened after that is unclear.

"We finally said we would leave, one of the recruiters pushed me towards the door, and my partner, David Flowerpants, pushed the guy's hands off me. He has no right to touch me like that," Butterfly

A military spokesperson would not comment on the incident, saying that he would not comment on an investigation in progress. He claimed that the military had a policy of nonviolence towards protesters, but their guidelines allowed recruiters to defend themselves if threatened.

The results, however, were clear. Butterfly suffered a broken jaw, a broken arm, two broken ribs and a shattered ankle. Flowerpants was hospitalized with a broken arm and leg.

Dave Spizer, Dean of Students for the University of Pennsylvania, said the school was reconsidering its policy of allowing military recruiters on the school's property, and placed a temporary ban on any military recruiting on campus.

"Of course, we support the military," Spizer said on Tuesday. "But we have an obligation to look after the safety of our students. If that recruiter really saw a 110 pound woman as a serious threat, then we may have to look at additional guidelines to keep our students safe."

Officials from New York University, the University of Maryland, the University of California system and Lehigh University have placed similar bans in place. John Atkins, president of NYU, said he would want guarantees from the military to ensure such incidents did not repeat before they would allow recruiters into contact with students again.

The District Attorney is investigating the incident, and says he will file charges once he determines which recruiter initiated the attack.

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Pretty lame Bill, did you miss the fact that they announced their plans?

Here I will repost it so even you can read it.

On Wednesday, March 19, POG will be holding a torch-lit march to a modern day castle of abominations—our local military recruiting station. If the station remains open, we intend to evict it and everything inside of it, occupy the location, and transform it into something useful for the community. We'll also be bringing a movable cage in which to confine military recruiters until they no longer pose a danger to our friends and neighbors.

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>I would really love to see that. . . . I'll put my money on the recruiters
>to kick some hippie ass if one of them is touched.

Would be almost the definition of "pyrrhic victory."

Don't think it would work out that way, Bill.

The AP article would read - "short sighted protestors fail in their attempt to take over military station, suffer serious injuries. " There would be no sympathy for them, and no consequences against the recruiters. Not even if Gore or Clinton were President.

These protestors have no intention of doing this - the pre annoucement is their attempt at publicity. Actually doing it is a few steps short of suicide by cop, where one walks into a police station or gun range/store and waves a gun.

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Is trespassing with criminal intent against the law, and in fact a felony when it is on federal property?

Is vandalism of federal property a crime at all in your mind?

Is announcing plans to capture, kidnap, and imprison US Military personnel all fun and games to you, or is it a real crime with real consequences.?

Is occupying federal property, something all the "cool kids" are doing these days?

IS all that OK with you?

I bet it is, or you would not have taken a position stating what you have in your last post.

Well at least we now know what you consider the moral higher ground.

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>"short sighted protestors fail in their attempt to take over military station,
>suffer serious injuries. "

Uh - no. If they were arrested after a nonviolent protest, then yes. If the military beats the crap out of some protesters, history has shown that the military will not be seen as the heroes.

>where one walks into a police station or gun range/store and waves a gun.

If one were to walk into a police station or gun range and wave a cage, and someone shot them, they would (rightfully) go to jail for a long time.

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> Pretty lame Bill, did you miss the fact that they announced their plans?

Yes, I did. They are nuts. What will turn them from nuts to heroes are what people like you will do when they show up.

You have a very loose interpretation of what a hero is.

Thanks, maybe you should call websters and straighten them out.;)

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>"short sighted protestors fail in their attempt to take over military station,
>suffer serious injuries. "

Uh - no. If they were arrested after a nonviolent protest, then yes. If the military beats the crap out of some protesters, history has shown that the military will not be seen as the heroes.

>where one walks into a police station or gun range/store and waves a gun.

If one were to walk into a police station or gun range and wave a cage, and someone shot them, they would (rightfully) go to jail for a long time.

You speak untruths, wave a cage?

Or show up fully intending on kidnap and imprisonment of US Military personnel...

BTW if you think this is all harmless and that it would make the protester a hero, go join them.

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>where one walks into a police station or gun range/store and waves a gun.

If one were to walk into a police station or gun range and wave a cage, and someone shot them, they would (rightfully) go to jail for a long time.

But the minute they move towards recruiters to try to put them in said cage...deadly force becomes acceptable.

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