
Hillary Clinton, Re: "Misspeaking" about Bosnia Visit

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WASHINGTON - Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign said she "misspoke" when saying last week she had landed under sniper fire during a trip to Bosnia as first lady in March 1996. She later characterized the episode as a "misstatement" and a "minor blip."


During a speech last Monday on Iraq, she said of the Bosnia trip: "I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base."

CBS's video footage of Hillary & Chelsea landing in Bosnia

My question is: if you're a Hillary Clinton supporter (I know there aren't many on here), do you still support her? And if so, why?

Just curious.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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Hey, don't give her grief.

She is suffering from PTSD, a terrible affliction.

How would you like to have been next to someone when their brains were blown out?

(Vince Fosters);)

Hey maybe she will tell all of us how she put down suppressive fire to keep the snipers heads down, while the USSS and SOCOM PSD ran for cover.:o

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"My question is: if you're a Hillary Clinton supporter (I know there aren't many on here), do you still support her? And if so, why?


Hey, don't give her grief. She is suffering from PTSD, a terrible affliction.

Well, Randy, I didn't know you were a closet Hillary supporter. Just fancy that;)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Hillary is so self-absorbed, she'd tell a lie even if the truth sounded better. Just imagine, the lies she could tell 'if' she won the presidency. [:/]


Seems to be a job requirement based on the last two.....


That and dodging the 'real' issues that the people want to hear about as to how these candidates would handle them.


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Sinbad was along with Hillary and called it a "USO tour".

The above pic has Sheryl Crowe, Sinbad, HC, and Chelsea singing. So, I'm favoring his version of the story.

Perhaps next year Sheryl Crowe will run for a senate seat based on her "foreign policy experience" after Bill Clinton sent her to Kosovo. Probably as a co-advisor (with the comedian) for Hillary. :ph34r::ph34r:

This is the first time that she has admitted that previous descriptive statements are different in content from actual events. A case of beer (not for straying from the truth, just for almost admitting it).

Funny how the Clinton campaign is struggling to spin the "sniper fire" as being in nearby hills, but totally throwing their hands up on the "there was no ceremony" BS and avoiding a discussion of it.

They should be used to it by now though, after about the 800th allegation/denial from Willie.
Do you ever get the idea that the Clinton Spinmeisters must just walk in the door and say "What now?"

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Who could vote for her after this?

Who could vote for Obama after that church incident?

Who could vote for McCain when he can't differentiate between Shiite and Sunni?

Slim pickins?

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Who could vote for her after this?

Who could vote for Obama after that church incident?

Who could vote for McCain when he can't differentiate between Shiite and Sunni?

Slim pickins?


I guess everyone should forget about those three & just elect me, then.:|
Speed Racer

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Who could vote for her after this?

Who could vote for Obama after that church incident?

Who could vote for McCain when he can't differentiate between Shiite and Sunni?

Slim pickins?


I guess everyone should forget about those three & just elect me, then.:|

Well, that depends. What ignorant thing have YOU done? :D

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Who could vote for her after this?

Who could vote for Obama after that church incident?

Who could vote for McCain when he can't differentiate between Shiite and Sunni?

Slim pickins?


I guess everyone should forget about those three & just elect me, then.:|

Well, that depends. What ignorant thing have YOU done? :D

Does anything I MIGHT have done at the DZ after the beerlight went on count?:o
Speed Racer

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Who could vote for her after this?

Who could vote for Obama after that church incident?

Who could vote for McCain when he can't differentiate between Shiite and Sunni?

Slim pickins?


I guess everyone should forget about those three & just elect me, then.:|

Well, that depends. What ignorant thing have YOU done? :D

Does anything I MIGHT have done at the DZ after the beerlight went on count?:o

Only if it's on video.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Who could vote for her after this?

Who could vote for Obama after that church incident?

Who could vote for McCain when he can't differentiate between Shiite and Sunni?

Slim pickins?


Choice D, write in Ron Paul. Been my plan all along :)

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Barring a major coupe from the Dem's super delegates, Clinton is done. Plus if there is a coupe by the super delegates it will speak poorly of where democracy is in the Democratic Party.

It will be Obama vs McCain.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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From the Pittsburgh Tribune Review:
Clinton said she was "sleep-deprived" and "misspoke" when she said last week that she landed under sniper fire during a trip to Bosnia in 1996, when she was first lady.

Fair enough; everyone gets sleep deprived. And it's not like she'll have to answer phones at 3am if she becomes president.

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Barring a major coupe from the Dem's super delegates, Clinton is done. Plus if there is a coupe by the super delegates it will speak poorly of where democracy is in the Democratic Party.

Not necessarily. The superdelegates, or a portion thereof, could correct the injustice done to the primary voters from Michigan and Florida by voting for the winners of those primaries, which happens to be Clinton. This, imo, would speak highly of "where democracy is in the Democratic Party."

I don't believe that would be the best solution, nor the worst. (Personally, I think the primary results should stand, without revoting, or superdelegate intervention)

The whole early primary debacle is merely a symptom of a broken election process. Florida and Michigan had valid complaints that smaller states have too much influence on which candidates get their respective party's nomination. The DNC had a valid point that the rules need to be respected. Unfortunately, it's the voters that lose, voters who did nothing other than cast their vote on the day their state held its primary.

There is no obvious, fair solution this year. The only thing obvious to me is that the primary system is ineffective.
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...and was she "sleep-deprived" all the other times she told the same story in different venues over a period of more than one year?

Senator Bob Kerry (D-Nebraska) referred to Clinton as "being an usually good liar" in the January 1996 issue of Esquire magazine. All this time I thought he had been talking about Bill Clinton. Maybe he said "Clintons" and I just missed the plural.
"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition"...Rudyard Kipling

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From the Pittsburgh Tribune Review:
Clinton said she was "sleep-deprived" and "misspoke" when she said last week that she landed under sniper fire during a trip to Bosnia in 1996, when she was first lady.

Fair enough; everyone gets sleep deprived. And it's not like she'll have to answer phones at 3am if she becomes president.

I don't buy it. Sleep deprivation may be different for everyone but I've never heard of someone having completely false memories from it. She's a bullshitter plain and simple. I love how she finally commented on Obama's minister right after this was revealed :S

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I don't buy it. Sleep deprivation may be different for everyone but I've never heard of someone having completely false memories from it. She's a bullshitter plain and simple. I love how she finally commented on Obama's minister right after this was revealed :S

I doubt anyone actually buys it, not even Billvon.

The definition of a person that embellishes the truth to make themselves look better is "pathological liar".

So now we have a pathological liar versus a bigot running for the democratic nomination. Great. [:/]

. . =(_8^(1)

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