
Should Hillary drop out for the good of the Democratic Party?

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I certainly wouldn't want to be the one to recommend a course of action for the Dems, but I say Hillary, STAY THE HELL IN! It is so entertaining to watch. The real reason she's staying in is - no one knows what Barack Buffoonery is just around the corner. 'Course, she has amusing problems too. Sniper fire, can't pay her campaign debts.

Among the bills Hillary can’t pay? The extensive health care coverage for her campaign employees.

Which kind of makes you wonder about her socialized medicine scheme, doesn't it? Now, if she can’t afford health care coverage for her own campaign employees, do we really trust her to come up with an affordable plan for every single citizen of the country?
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Now, if she can’t afford health care coverage for her own campaign employees, do we really trust her to come up with an affordable plan for every single citizen of the country?

If you think healthcare is expensive NOW, wait until it's "free".
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She's barely at 7 years in the Senate. About twice as much as Obama. And less than half of McCain's experience.

I don't think she is unqualified. I just do not like her stances on things.

Her experience as First Lady certainly is useful. I disagree with those who discount it.

She has spent the last 30 years intimately involved in politics. She is far more "qualified" than most.

BUT - it is that experience that itself can be troublesome to many who see her as "establishment."

I think it would be good for the Democratic Party if she dropped out. But, come on. What candidate is doing this for the Party? They are all doing it for themselves.

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She's barely at 7 years in the Senate.

If she were to become president, she will have had 8...that's what I was referring to.

I don't think she is unqualified. I just do not like her stances on things.

Me neither. Funny that I keep finding myself defending different things about her here. Just that these things people keep saying are so asinine... This IS Speakers Corner, though. Heh.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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