
Why is everything shit these days?

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It all begins with minor points, such as trying to sort out an internet connection where the ISP continually fuck up you're details and their billing methods, fixing up a domestic wireless network where you feel inclined to call a dedicated customer support team - which inevitably turns out to be somebody with a poor grasp of English working in a call centre/sweathouse in Jalalabad or Timbuktu for fucks sake. Vista (!!!>:(); Jesus! The Operating System of the Devil. In fact, you could just include computers in general with this rant. The amount of precious time lost fucking around with simplistic IT issues.

Dealing with gas and electricity issues; again, continual minor fuck ups which then necessitate hours making phonecalls to automated services which fuck you aound until you're close to tears and the phone handle has received some new crush marks, to then speak to some indifferent, ignorant little nob jockey who insists you've come through to the wrong place - who then assures you he'll connect you to the right place and then the line disconnects...and the fuckin' merry-go-round starts again.

Any contact with a large scale organisation and you can happily expect a fuck up of some sort.

Watch your shit TV and news channels and it only becomes more apparant. Especially if it has anything to do with america. Not that the UK is any better these days; Heathrows T5? Typical British workmanship there. The Millenium dome, the sodding Millenium bridge, The list here is endless. And they're all shit.

Shit TV shows such as Pop Idol are often condemned for humiliating and running down untalented contestants. I can't understand why - they're only telling potentially shit pop idols they're shit. But the whole celebrity culture is shit. Utter shit. I fucking detest people who read celebrity mags to find out what they're up to or what shit things they have to say. Like Bono - he's full of shit too. Like American Foreign Policy. My spelling. This post.

The list could go on and on couldn't it.

But it does make me wonder about this phenomenon.

What's the cause of it? Are human beings just shit?

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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What's the cause of it? Are human beings just shit?

Personal responsibility, integrity and pride are no longer taught in public schools by the fucking teachers.

Instead, the little shits learn to do as little as possible to get by, and anything that goes wrong is always someone else's fault.

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At least one of the problems you mentioned has a solution. I switched to Mac last November. Vista made me do it. I'll admit, that won't solve all your problems but it makes one big one go away.
I don't want to sound like one of those smug Mac users but I will give you an example. I had a physical hard drive failure. The Macbook is still under warranty so they stuck a new HD in for free. It comes pre-loaded with the OS. I turn it on, click through three or four questions, hook up my external drive and 30 minutes later the machine is restored to precisely the configuration I had before the physical failure. Freakin' amazing. No blue screens. No dozen or so re-boots. No digging through the internet for drivers. I didn't even have to touch one disk. None of that crap that I'm used to. The only problem was that I used that time to grab a glass of wine and sit with my wife while we watched that stupid crap on TV that you were talking about.

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I believe there are many reasons for this but one of the major reasons is people have chosen to be nice over being honest.

People need to have a thicker skin specially when it comes to constructive criticism. If someone is not good at something we should not lie and try to make him or her feel better but should honestly tell him or her they suck. This gives them a chance to find something else they are good at. We also should remember that there are people who are not good at anything.

As for the phones, and general state of business it is majority the consumers fault.
We tend to always look for the lowest price. The manufacturers that are able to give the lowest cost are the ones that cut other services and buy in huge quantities. So the guy who has to pay for a person to actually answer your phone call has more overhead and has no choice but to pay more. So the cycle continues and the guys providing good service, with English speaking well informed people on the other end of the phone simply can not compete.

So the next time any of us buys something we should consider where it is made, and is the cheaper price always the way to go.

I can go on and on. I argree with you and find my self POed at times just thinking about it.

thats just my .02
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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people have chosen to be nice over being honest

I don't think these are mutually exclusive items.

I believe many people consider themselves "honest" but are really just assholes, (full of shit) and use that argument as their excuse. And that's a big part of the problem, too.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I guess that can be the case sometimes as there is no answers that will cover 100% of the time and apply to all situations.
I still think the general problem we are having and it will be much greater once the next generation reaches adulthood is not being told the truth.

I believe how you deal with your shortcomings specially how you are thought to deal with your shortcomings at an early age in life defines who you are and who you will become. To always be sheltered from the truth or your weaknesses well eventually make a weak adult.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I pretty much agree with your points Darius but where I can get a little 'excited' about things (you know; face turning purple - boiling kettle appearing on top of head), is when I look at how deeply things have become shit - throughout every avenue of physical day to day life, until it seeps into our mentalities.

What I find especially worrying is I'm generally becoming less angry about things and instead laughing manically at them....

Like the soldier blown apart in Afghanistan who'll need constant care for the remainder of his unfortunate life, and the typist who suffered repetitive strain injury on her thumb around the same time. He was rewarded less than half her pay out, and initially it was even less until there was a public outcry.

Politicians!! I'm not even going to start on this subject. The hammer would no doubt end up being deployed and Lawrocket would be up all night trying to count the swearywords. And then i'd end up buying a mac.

Fuck it - I'm going for a drive to the petrol station which sells fuel at insane prices: £1:22 per li of diesel($2:44) and buy a packet of fags: £5:80 ($11:60) and maybe pop into the pub for a pint: £3:50 ($7:00).:S In fact, I think I'll just go for a wee walk....

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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I've been for my walk. On the way there I observed young lads driving outrageously fast past a children's play area. What is it these days with young lads buying utterly shit fourth/fifth hand cars and then spending a fortune putting shit body skirts and spoilers onto them? Is from the hilariously shit film 'too fast, too furious' film, starring that vin petrol dickhead? Anyway, not that any children would be playing in the park - they'd be too busy getting drunk, stoned and pregnant.

Anyway, I'm in the shit garage in line behind some old man. He's counting up his pennies to pay for a pint of milk. Some pale, spotty, chinless youth is behind the counter being impatient. Chewing away on his gum, slack jawed, like a cow, whilst huffing and hawing over the time the old mans taking to count his money. He dropped a couple of pennies. Seems the old bloke has a bit of the old-age 'disco hand' syndrome. Me, and a lady also waiting, help him pick the coins up. The man looks absolutely horrified. Of the affliction of his age? His inability to drag the horrible little youth over the counter and punch blue bastard fuck out of him and teach him to respect the elderly? Who knows. I felt like offering to take him for a pint - maybe save him getting mugged for his pint of milk. Instead he drove off in his car - probably late for his multiple vehicle pileup.

Fuck it.

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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I pretty much agree with your points Darius but where I can get a little 'excited' about things (you know; face turning purple - boiling kettle appearing on top of head), is when I look at how deeply things have become shit - throughout every avenue of physical day to day life, until it seeps into our mentalities.

Yea dude I know what you mean. I sit there wondering how much more will it take till everyone starts losing it and things start changing or going to total shit. How much is enough?

One thing that keeps me kind of sane is remembering that I am lucky that I am here no matter what issues we have. Simply because as long as I am willing to work I burden no one else and I am on my own feet.
Humble expectations but that’s all I can ask for right now.


What I find especially worrying is I'm generally becoming less angry about things and instead laughing manically at them....

I haven’t gotten there yet but I try to get numb at nights if I couldn’t shut my mind of at nights (with herbal help) I would be a basket case and pissed all the time.


Like the soldier blown apart in Afghanistan who'll need constant care for the remainder of his unfortunate life, and the typist who suffered repetitive strain injury on her thumb around the same time. He was rewarded less than half her pay out, and initially it was even less until there was a public outcry.

I wish this was the one exception but I know there are stories like this out there all over the place.
It sucks. We give millions of dollars to people who spill coffee on them selves, but don’t take care of the guys who are risking their lives for us.

Fucked up.


Politicians!! I'm not even going to start on this subject. The hammer would no doubt end up being deployed and Lawrocket would be up all night trying to count the swearywords. And then i'd end up buying a mac.

Politicians are scum and the ones that are not never get a chnace to do any good.


Fuck it - I'm going for a drive to the petrol station which sells fuel at insane prices: £1:22 per li of diesel($2:44) and buy a packet of fags: £5:80 ($11:60) and maybe pop into the pub for a pint: £3:50 ($7:00). In fact, I think I'll just go for a wee walk....

My best friends always says something that makes me want to punch him when I get in moods like this he says “dawg it can always be worst”. When he opens his mouth and says that I want to choke him but I know he is right. It can always be worst. Enjoy the pint I’ll enjoy my smoke and lets all say fuck it together.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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What's the cause of it? Are human beings just shit?

Personal responsibility, integrity and pride are no longer taught in public schools by the fucking teachers.

Aha, so it's the fucking shit teachers' fault!

Incidentally, dear American cousins, I hear that Prime Minister Brown is visiting your shores at the moment. Could you do us all a favour and hold on to him for, oh I don't know, forever? It's just he's the most boring bloke in the whole world and life would be more interesting without him. Thanks in advance,


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Baggy trousers... I blame baggy trousers. In the old days, we wore tight jeans that constrict the flow of blood (like a G-Suit) and help keep it in the brain for thinking... now, because of daft trousers, there's not enough blood getting to kids brains, so they're stoopid

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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What's the cause of it? Are human beings just shit?

Personal responsibility, integrity and pride are no longer taught in public schools by the fucking teachers.

Aha, so it's the fucking shit teachers' fault!

Incidentally, dear American cousins, I hear that Prime Minister Brown is visiting your shores at the moment. Could you do us all a favour and hold on to him for, oh I don't know, forever? It's just he's the most boring bloke in the whole world and life would be more interesting without him. Thanks in advance,


Don't be daft! I've still to achieve my objective of establishing whether he's a badger in human form or a human in badger form...still, at least the carrier contract won't be torn up for the time being, considering the location of where they'll be built, and where he's from....

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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! Have you noticed how the waist is becoming lower and lower? It's like an optical illusion - how do they stay up? Daft buggers. The Russians used to have similiar type trousers issued to their political prisoners - it'd reduce their mobility as they'd always have a hand holding them up. Perhaps this trend came from the Gulags or somewhere.

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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its cheaper and more profitable to make shit and put a nice shiny coat of paint on it and pass it as something good.

Even our education system sucks!!!!!!!

Fucking Sallie Mae for example- that fucking bitch!!!!!!!

Preying on the middle class who try to get an education.
Best Girl Scout Ever.

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A badger in zombie form, perhaps. In any case it's amazing how fast he seems to be metamorphosing (decomposing?) into John Major.

Can he really be so shit? It beggars belief sometimes. I felt having a chip on his shoulder was something he'd be more than likely to overcome. Seems not though. Seems it's more like a bag of fucking McCains oven readies....

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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! Have you noticed how the waist is becoming lower and lower? It's like an optical illusion - how do they stay up? Daft buggers. The Russians used to have similiar type trousers issued to their political prisoners - it'd reduce their mobility as they'd always have a hand holding them up. Perhaps this trend came from the Gulags or somewhere.

Ha! Have you noticed the giant cleavage of our Dr. Merkel? Was on top of all important yellow press papers.
That was no optical illusion ;)

Back to topic: Please, VTR, do not blame those ugly baggy trousers to the Russians. With their a** cold icy winters ... I doubt they've been created over there.

I'd do a search a bit more west - like the jeans sized 0!

Ooops, that was brainiac Victoria B., I think ...:P:P

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Blimey - VB is another personality who rates very highly on the shit-ometer. With her shit husband too. I once read an article where the journalist was discussing why a fair amount of the public have a dislike for the pair, especially as they haven't even met them. His conclusion was that it was envy of their wealth. Bollocks! It's because they're shit!

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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