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To say we burn energy simply resting is a cop out. We can stop using, no reason not to except conveniences.
No, it's basic physics that we cannot stop using energy. All we can do is conserve and seek alternative sources.
Also, you can't seriously be relying on Hansen:
Okay, I've sifted through dozens of sources, and don't recall Hansen. Where did I use Hansen as a source. I can't seem to find any such reference in my post.
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Science is not a process done by concensus. Remember your earlier example of Galileo, when he published his ideas they were challenged heartily. So was Robert Koch when he first started suggesting germ theory (i.e., bacteria & viruses cause diseases, so wash your hands before doing surgery, etc). Biotechnology and nanotechnology have their critics (e.g., political scientist Frank Fukuyama & literary theorist David Berube.) In March the President's Commission of Bioethics (which has very few, if any bioscientists left) issued their latest report condemning/criticizing biotechnology applications: Human Dignity and Bioethics. Darwin is still being challenged (mostly) by those outside of science. Do you see a pattern here?
Then there are the Pons & Flesihmans (cold desktop fusion) and Telayarkens (cold sonoluminescence-induced fusion). Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Some like sun-centered solar system, germ theory, evolution, vaccination, anthropogenic climate change, stem cell research, xenotransplantation (using human organs 'grown' in animals for organ transplants) have engendered controversy in the public arena. Science should be challenged by scientists and by non-scientists both. Science is a public, repeatable process done with data. Policymaking is more like proverbial sausage-making ... & it's not always public or repeatable.
Btw: I tried to point you to the list of papers I linked above in my response to Mike showing challenging publications. Ironically, trying to help you.
The crux is most of what you seem to be objecting to is the implications of policy choices.
Again, the ideas & experiments on climate change go back to the late 1800s. Is that your definition of a "bandwagon"?
Yes, money is changing hands -- I'm of the opinion capitalism is a good thing! Do you hold a different opinion? The leading area of US investment for venture capitalists last year was "clean tech" including things like solar enery, according to Steve Forbes.
McIntyre & McKitrick are making substantial money as climate change gadflys. Are you equally critical of their capitalistic endeavors? Or is that situation "different"?
Fantastic - we agree!
Some of have done the things you're describing. Public transportation, walking, choosing to live close to where I worked so I could bike. (I also like the excecise, but that's a indirect benefit.) Participating in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs, which rely on locally grown produce. (Found a neat one with a slightly different execution model here in Georgia: Moore Farms.)
It's a false construct -- altho' a rhetorically powerful one that has been used in many of the debates I mentioned above -- to portray the only option as a dystopic vision, in this case return to 17th Century way of living.
You do realize that it didn't take the industrial revolution for humans to have a negative impact on their environment sometimes to the ultimate demise of cities or whole civilizations, e.g. Cahokia, Anasazi, Catalhayuk, yes?
Yep, that's the problem -- the hard personal choices and policies which are the crux.
And hindsight is glorious -- if the 1970s, policymakers would have decided to invest strongly in basic research for solar technology, fuel cells, fusion (the real kind like the Europeans have been barely keeping going), algae-based biolfuels (get away from the cellulosic, unless its kudzu) imagine where we might be now? (I can think of one >$110B, yes billion, program that I would put to the top of the list as a candidate for better investment for Americans and national security if it had gone toward the areas I just mentioned ...)
Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying
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