
It's heartbreaking

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My heart goes out to the Bush administration because despite what people think they really, really, really want to shut down Gitmo, but the poor little luvs just can't. Bless.


Mr Gates told a US Senate hearing: "The brutally frank answer is that we're stuck. We have a serious 'not in my backyard' problem.

"Either their home government won't accept them or we're concerned that the home government will let them loose once we return them home," he said.

"What do you do with that irreducible 70 or 80 who you cannot let loose but will not be charged and will not be sent home?" he asked.

The Pentagon has said 36 former inmates who were released are "confirmed or suspected of having returned to terrorism".


I think the Russians had the same problem with the Gulag...

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Put them in a giant row boat with enough food and water. Give them a map with the Mideast as the only possible destination, and a compass, and send them on there way.

And then in the middle of the ocean out of sight from land, bomb the boat and let them sink. Fuck 'em. Chalk it up to the Bermuda Triangle legend if anyone questions what happened. :P
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Put them in a giant row boat with enough food and water. Give them a map with the Mideast as the only possible destination, and a compass, and send them on there way.

Even the not guilty ones? The ones who have done nothing wrong but be brown and have a weird name?

When did we go from the land of the brave to land of the easily frightened and paranoiad?
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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M"What do you do with that irreducible 70 or 80 who you cannot let loose but will not be charged and will not be sent home?"

Turn them loose in the neighborhoods of the politicians who insist that Gitmo be shut down.

I was thinking of placing them in the politicians homes as a sort of half way house where they could better adapt to the I hate America way of life.:P

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M"What do you do with that irreducible 70 or 80 who you cannot let loose but will not be charged and will not be sent home?"

Turn them loose in the neighborhoods of the politicians who insist that Gitmo be shut down.

I was thinking of placing them in the politicians homes as a sort of half way house where they could better adapt to the I hate America way of life.:P

Former SecState Colin Powell, Former SecState James Baker, former SecState Henry Kissinger, and SecDef Robert Gates’ homes?


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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