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Lindsey 0
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail
Hmmm. So you really dont know how you love them do you? Interesting question isnt it? Science explains alot to me, but it fails passionately when trying to explain the connection. I have thought about this a long time, and I realize, thanks to Jesus, that love is a miracle in so many ways.
You're no different from the ancient people who though storm and lighting is the word of God, and that you need to pray a lot to protect yourself from plague. I hope in a couple of years we'll know much more about our emotions - but we could already say that it's definitely not miracle.
Have you not read anything I have written?? The bible says that salvation is only found through Christ, but not that only Christians will be saved. God is finished punishing on earth.Quote
He punished sin through Jesus and prophesied the end as something that must happen. Nothing will stop this, the end of all things will come, and the bible tells us that "the earth will become desolate because of its ihabitants". When? Could be tomorrow, could be even 1000yrs from now, but, it is important to understand that God is no longer punishing sin...That has already been done and the earth is in the beginning of its birth pains. Sin is condemned already and those who continue to sin without remorse are storing up wrath within themselves. I had to learn the hard way that sin is death, but through that I found life through grace. Think of a pregnant woman, she is just waiting now for the baby to be born. Those who repent and become born again through the spirit of grace will be saved, those who dont are already subject to judgement and will follow the fate of the world which is perishing. This is the message of the Gospel. Jesus came to save, and to condemn sin to death. I can testify to the death in sin and the life in grace, as can many many others.
Now when you have done your completely irrelevant monologue (check the question and your answer), could I repeat my question, and ask you again how'd you comment the horrible death of those kids in China if your loving God so cared about them?
Truth is what is revealed in your heart.
Didn't you said it yourself that a human could be deceived, and will not be able to see he is deceived? Which basically means you need cross-references to make sure it's truth. So how you could see that there's truth revealed in your heart, and you're not just deceived?
So, I am assuming you dont know?
I thought my reply was very clear, and didn't need any assumptions. Which parts of it was unclear?
Im afraid you dont understand. Jesus knew me, he knew what was going on with the emptiness and discontent.
Dude, that's exactly what you have been TOLD!
Let's make it clear:
1. Have you ever seen Jesus? Did he prove to you beyond the reasonable doubt he is real Jesus, and not a fake one?
2. Have you ever personally talked to this Jesus? Have you asked all those questions, and got the answers personally from him? Were those answers unambiguous?
If you cannot say "yes" to ALL of those questions, this is exactly what I'm telling you - all you have is hearsay, and you have been TOLD all those things.
I have NEVER been happier. I go to sleep in love and wake up in love. I am full of hope and I have a spiritual testimony to my heart that I am loved deeply.
A lot of Muslims, Buddists, and atheists are no different from you in this matter. You could even be a hardcore criminal and sinner, and still be happy. Happiness is inside you, it's not outside, and you do not need Jesus to be happy.
I am living in the grace of God and in life, there is nothing more pure or more pleasureful for me. Jesus explains that this indescribable joy is what salvation is all about.
No. You were TOLD you're living in the grace of God. Maybe you've been just deceived. And Jesus explained you nothing - you just read the book you were TOLD was true.
I know you are upset with many factions of Christianity, I am as well. But, that doesnt mean that there are not true practicers and followers of Christ.
Well, the problem is that every of them (including you) claims that they are the only true practicers and followers of Christ. However, since they're basically different in terms what actions consider true following, common sense tells me that only one of them could be true follower (or maybe even none of them).
I pray that you meet one so that you can see the true fruit of the spirit.
Don't waste your time. If you wanna help, just send me a check.
Again. I do not for one second deny that science can understand what is going on in my brain and the emotions studied in nueroscience, but what it cant explain is the connection.
There seems to be a good chance there is no connection at all.
What is beautiful? Surely you know if you see the ocean at sunset and it is beautiful to you, then you (with all your fluids and exciting wonderous emotions and neurokinetic energy) AND the ocean share a connection.
So when I have sex with condom with a nice lady, then my condom shares the connection with her? Or with me? Or with both of us? Does the factory which made the condom participate in this connection? Does the hotel we got a room in? Your "connection" chain very quickly gets as big and therefore useless as a LinkedIn network.
I know that connection is a loving God. do you not understand that you are connected with the universe, not independant, but actually connected??
That is how you could usually spot a typical Christian - they believe they know the truth, even so it's obviously groundless to anyone else. Dude, you do not KNOW it. You just BELIEVE in it. But you think you know it, and that's why I don't want you or anyone like you around my kids.
What is that connection? And why is it so beautiful even in the midst of the terror and tragedy in this world?
You most likely have never been there in your whole life. I could tell you from personal experience that when you're going to sleep hungry because there is nothing to eat for dinner, the last thing you notice is how beautyful sunset is.
If God had presented himself without love, I would have been very dissapointed and skeptical, however, he came with the love of a freind willing to die for us, and who did in fact, do so.
And the way you use the word "fact" scares me.
bjjman 0
QuoteRegardless of whether it's in religion our out of religion, what's really important is that you're raising your kids...thoughtfully. The details, I don't think, matter so much in the end. Kudos to parents who actually parent.
Well said.
>>>>You should probably meditate on the word Blame. Learn what it is, and why there is no good in its seem to be full of it and I promise you will not find peace with blame in your heart.
Truth is what is revealed in your heart.
Dude, that's exactly what you have been TOLD!
>>>>Told? Just because someone is told something does not mean it is believed. The truth was revealled to me. There is a big difference.Quote
A lot of Muslims, Buddists, and atheists are no different from you in this matter. You could even be a hardcore criminal and sinner, and still be happy. Happiness is inside you, it's not outside, and you do not need Jesus to be happy.
>>>>Of course you are right, happiness is inside. I was not testifying against others, I was only telling you that I have never been happier. I know that sin invites discontent, because it relys on a constant lust for more. How do can you satisfy a lust? Rather, the real satisfaction comes through peace and freedom from that lust. There is a whole other life on the other side of this lust, one that far exceeds the pleasures of lust. Peace is incredible to say the least.Quote
However, since they're basically different in terms what actions consider true following,Quote
>>>>22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
>>>>Dont you think it is interesting that we by nature do not feel guilty when we practice these qualities? Maybe we do have a connection with righteousness??
Again. I do not for one second deny that science can understand what is going on in my brain and the emotions studied in nueroscience, but what it cant explain is the connectionQuote
There seems to be no connection at all.Quote
>>>>Im so sorry you cant seem to make that connection. To me, it is one of the greatest joys in my life. Dusk, Dawn, Nature, a starry night, a full moon, a lightning storm, the list goes on and on and on. To know that I am not only born into it, but of it.
So when I have sex with condom with a nice lady, then my condom shares the connection with her? Or with me? Or with both of us? Does the factory which made the condom participate in this connection? Does the hotel we got a room in? Your "connection" chain very quickly gets as big and therefore useless as a LinkedIn network.Quote
>>>>I would hope that you share something just a little deeper with her than just a condom. Sex will never satisfy the heart, unless it is done through a love which is pure. Sex is a very beautiful thing, but we have de-sensitised it and taken the sacredness out of it. Its just a shame. Some actually got to keep it sacred. I gave mine away at an early age to a bottle a vodka and a wild party. I will never get to feel the passion of sharing that with someone I love for the first time.
You most likely have never been there in your whole life. I could tell you from personal experience that when you're going to sleep hungry because there is nothing to eat for dinner, the last thing you notice is how beautyful sunset is.
>>>>Yes you are right. Life is not without suffering. But, it is still beautiful. Im sorry if you think I compared myself to you, and Im sorry that you had to go through that."We didn't start the fire"
I believe there is a God. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
I believe the Bible is NOT the word of God and it is the most destructive element in human history.
Men wrote it, sinners all. Why would God have sinners write his book? God would not author such a poorly written book. It is sooo open for interpretation. The Branch Dividians justified their dogma with the same book Lutherans do.
God already wrote something. He proved that he can deliver text on a indelible medium. The 10 commandments are concise, logical and not anywhere near open to mis-interpretation. Why would God, Omnipotent and Omniscient, all of a sudden need a scribe?
Look at the writing style between the Bible and 10 commandments.... No way are they written by the same entity.
My God tells me what is right from wrong, I dont need a rediculously boring book and bad music on Sunday morning to know His will.
You should probably meditate on the word Blame. Learn what it is, and why there is no good in its seem to be full of it and I promise you will not find peace with blame in your heart.
You still didn't answer the question. Ok, let's add it to the list of questions you cannot answer, and move on.
Told? Just because someone is told something does not mean it is believed. The truth was revealled to me. There is a big difference.
You could call it "revealed". But I will call it "told", and stand on my position that your "truth" is based on hearsay, cannot survive cross-reference check, and therefore has little to no value.
Of course you are right, happiness is inside. I was not testifying against others, I was only telling you that I have never been happier. I know that sin invites discontent, because it relys on a constant lust for more. How do can you satisfy a lust?
If you look on Biblical sins like wearing wool and cotton clothes together, eating crawfish and working Sundays, I could hardly see any lust there.
22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Know what? Each of them says those things; you're not the only one. Baptists, Jehova Witnesses, Protestants, Catholics, Eastern Orthodoxes - to name most known - they all say exactly what you say.
Im so sorry you cant seem to make that connection. To me, it is one of the greatest joys in my life. Dusk, Dawn, Nature, a starry night, a full moon, a lightning storm, the list goes on and on and on.
To me it sounds like an advertisment for a new drug.
I would hope that you share something just a little deeper with her than just a condom. Sex will never satisfy the heart, unless it is done through a love which is pure.
Sometime I do, sometime I do not. Sex just for sex is good enough, and its purpose is not to satisfy the heart which is just a muscle pump.
Sex is a very beautiful thing, but we have de-sensitised it and taken the sacredness out of it. Its just a shame.
There is no sacredness in sex. Everyone in Nature does it, mostly for breeding; some species do it also for fun. I assume you know that sex is not limited to Biblical married man + woman in missionary position, right?
Some actually got to keep it sacred. I gave mine away at an early age to a bottle a vodka and a wild party. I will never get to feel the passion of sharing that with someone I love for the first time.
I didn't have vodka, was too young for this, and it wasn't even party - my lady didn't want us to be seen together since I was still a high school student and she was married. There was no passion at all, it was just fun for both of us with mutual benefits. Was a pretty typical story at that time (late 80').
Yes you are right. Life is not without suffering. But, it is still beautiful.
You could only see its beauty when your basic needs are satisfied.
If you're suffering, it's very hard for you to enjoy sunset.
>>>>I dont think anyone could answer your question. You are asking why a tragedy occurs and assuming that it is because God is punishing. It rains on the just and the unjust. These things happen so that we can learn what it is like to be blameless. Being blameless is learning peace and is one of the greatest lessons of the bible. Gods job is not keep us from dying (from this world), life is not about longevity. Life is about finding Life.Quote
If you look on Biblical sins like wearing wool and cotton clothes together, eating crawfish and working Sundays, I could hardly see any lust there.
>>>>Yes of course youre right. What Jesus did was reveal that we are all guilty of sin (by dying on the cross), right on down to Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses, John the Baptist, ect...ALL of us. Christianity is not about being sin free, but finding the Joy in desiring righteousness. Before Christ, there was alot of hypocrites judging and condemning those who did not practice your forementioned examples. There are still hypocrites in the church doing the same thing. Salvation is about GRACE and understanding that we are loved regardless of the things we have done. If a man receives that love, he no longer desires to sin and instead desires to grow closer to that love. There are many hypocrites inside the church I am ashamed to say. I put alot of effort there as well.Quote
22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Know what? Each of them says those things;Quote
>>>>Saying and Doing are two different things. If they are producing this fruit, you should have nothing against them right??Quote
There is no sacredness in sex. Everyone in Nature does it, mostly for breeding; some species do it also for fun. I assume you know that sex is not limited to Biblical married man + woman in missionary position, right?
>>>>We are animals, but our minds make us capable of reason, and our minds can be satisfied through that reason. We have the ability to recieve an incredible feeling of goodness through the power of those minds and also the ability to receive an overwhelming feeling of death to where, we can, just take our own lives. We are far superior to animals in so many ways, when we are doing good. There is a sacredness in sex. We dont just do it for reproduction do we? If there are other purposes for it, say pleasure, then isnt it possible that there are other purposes for expressing a love that is pure. Desiring to satisfy another instead of just ourselves? If I try to satisfy her and she tries to satisfy me, then that makes sex quite a bit more unique than animals, and since it can be a "gift" that makes it sacred, as a gift is generally given through the heart.Quote
Some actually got to keep it sacred. I gave mine away at an early age to a bottle a vodka and a wild party. I will never get to feel the passion of sharing that with someone I love for the first time.
I didn't have vodka, was too young for this, and it wasn't even party - my lady didn't want us to be seen together since I was still a high school student and she was married. There was no passion at all, it was just fun for both of us with mutual benefits. Was a pretty typical story at that time (late 80').Quote
>>>>Yeah, unfortunately I think this happens alot. Only the person who gives it away can tell us if it was worth it. Im saying I wish I didnt give mine away, because after that...I just went crazy and sex became just a pleasure that brought alot of drama into my life in many different ways.Quote
Yes you are right. Life is not without suffering. But, it is still beautiful.
You could only see its beauty when your basic needs are satisfied.
If you're suffering, it's very hard for you to enjoy sunset.
>>>>I lived in Africa for awhile. Tribal Africans, without the political dissent, were quite happy. And most of them were VERY spiritual. But I agree it is a great gift to have your basic needs cared for. Remember that the Apostles began their ministrys dirt poor. Paul himself went through a vast array of suffering and persecution, to inclued hunger.
I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. 24Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. 25Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own countrymen, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false brothers. 27I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked 2 Corinthians 11
This is only some of Pauls sufferings for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Do you think he was trying to take your money???? Or to send us the greatest message of all time, the power of which, is still testified about to this day."We didn't start the fire"
I dont think anyone could answer your question. You are asking why a tragedy occurs and assuming that it is because God is punishing.
No, in fact I'm asking why the God allowed this to happen. If I see a neighbor kid crawling to the road, I would definitely rush my ass to pick him up from running cars - even though I'm not omnipotent like God, and I wouldn't even say I love this kid. Being omnipresent he obviously knew it would happen; if he loved them, why didn't he protect them in some way? The only valid answer seems to be like "God works in misterious ways", but it will ruin the things completely.
If a man receives that love, he no longer desires to sin and instead desires to grow closer to that love. There are many hypocrites inside the church I am ashamed to say. I put alot of effort there as well.
Which ends up (back to the topic) that if someone decides to bring kids to the church, they need to choose the church where the people "received the love". The problem is, everyone is claiming that they did receive this love. How'd you know who is lying, and who is not?
Saying and Doing are two different things. If they are producing this fruit, you should have nothing against them right??
Well, they all say they produce this fruit. How're you going to check?
We are far superior to animals in so many ways, when we are doing good. There is a sacredness in sex. We dont just do it for reproduction do we? If there are other purposes for it, say pleasure, then isnt it possible that there are other purposes for expressing a love that is pure.
Some animals don't do it just for reproduction either:
Desiring to satisfy another instead of just ourselves? If I try to satisfy her and she tries to satisfy me, then that makes sex quite a bit more unique than animals, and since it can be a "gift" that makes it sacred, as a gift is generally given through the heart.
I would never call it a "gift" - it's a common sense. If you have sex just to satisfy yourself, you don't even need a partner. You can do it yourself (and usually better than most partners) :P
Yeah, unfortunately I think this happens alot. Only the person who gives it away can tell us if it was worth it. Im saying I wish I didnt give mine away, because after that...I just went crazy and sex became just a pleasure that brought alot of drama into my life in many different ways.
Well, I was really happy, and I still think it was damn good idea well worth it, as it brought a lot of benefits. Never considered "cherry" worth anything at all. Like any desires, sex also needs to be self-controlled, and is no different from satisfying other instincts like eating.
I lived in Africa for awhile. Tribal Africans, without the political dissent, were quite happy.
The tribals I read about weren't poor by their standards. Sure, none of them had a car or PC - but they weren't starving either.
This is only some of Pauls sufferings for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Do you think he was trying to take your money????
I don't know. I have never met him - maybe he wasn't. But nowadays priests definitely are.
Royd 0
Obviously, you don't live in Florida, the lightning capitol of the world.QuoteYou're no different from the ancient people who though storm and lighting is the word of God, and that you need to pray a lot to protect yourself
A bolt of lightning will definitely get you to thinking about your mortality.

Royd 0
Where did you learn about these so called Ten Commandments, which have been written in stone?QuoteGod already wrote something. He proved that he can deliver text on a indelible medium. The 10 commandments are concise, logical and not anywhere near open to mis-interpretation. Why would God, Omnipotent and Omniscient, all of a sudden need a scribe?
Look at the writing style between the Bible and 10 commandments.... No way are they written by the same entity.
My God tells me what is right from wrong, I dont need a rediculously boring book and bad music on Sunday morning to know His will.
QuoteWhere did you learn about these so called Ten Commandments, which have been written in stone?
I do believe parts of the Bible is a History book, clouded by fables. I do believe that most if not all of Jesus' words are accurate.
I just wonder why Pauls letter to the Romans is in it. Why are we supposed to model our lives over some humans editorial about a society?
Obviously, you don't live in Florida, the lightning capitol of the world.
A bolt of lightning will definitely get you to thinking about your mortality.
But it doesn't make me think on it as the way Jesus talks to me. Do you?
But it doesn't make me think on it as the way Jesus talks to me. Do you?
I remember something I heard years ago...
"When you talk to god, you're praying, but when god talks to you, you're nuts!"
"When you talk to god, you're praying, but when god talks to you, you're nuts!"



QuoteI don't have a horse in this race. I'm never going to raise a kid, but if I did I think what I would try to do is expose him/her to as many different religions as possible and also to the idea of being a skeptic. That is to say, learn what makes one religion different from another and learn to differentiate between beliefs and facts.
I can't even imagine trying to raise a child and only exposing them to one view of the world. That may have made sense when that view was the only one they'd ever have to deal with, but to me it's foolish today. The world simply is too large.
I agree. The best is to teach your children about all beliefs and let them choose what is best for them. I'm an atheist but I enrolled my son in a private Christian school. Why? Because I don't like the ratio of teacher per student in the public school and unfortunately, I live in Georgia. I can not find a nondenominational private anywhere.
I allowed my daughter to attend a Christian church with her friends which is what my parents allowed me to do as a teenager. I was raised as a Buddhist, baptized as a Mormon, studied Jehovah Witness for 2 years, and attended Catholic church in my teen years. 6 years ago, my family befriended a Christian pastor and got involved in his church. In the end, atheism was the most logical choice for me. I encourage my children to learn about all religions. At the same time, I also teach them that no religion is also a choice.

In the end, atheism was the most logical choice for me
I personally see God as a verb. It makes much more sense to me.
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