
Christianity - it now makes so much more sense

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how can you gain knowledge through faith? in terms of religion i mean, dont give me examples of having faith in flying thus the airplane was invented***

To incorporate spiritual truths into an individuals view of reality, faith in that concept is necessary to make it real. Once believed, the concept becomes functional and consistently produces good results if it is true, evil results if it is false.


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Ha ha, I just thought ...?
I am by no means certain there is no "god". What I'm profoundly confident in is the incredible odds against any of the human religions being correct. Please go back and read the text of the attachment in the original post and then tell me again that I'm ignorant to find it *highly* unlikely.

Since you are obviously ignorant about what you are attacking, based on the text of your attachment. Wouldn't it be a much more productive use of your "wisdom" to discuss issues you understand rather than vent your rage on issues you are clueless about.


I'm not sure where you're getting a "rage" vibe off me. I posted a joke. Secondly, I'm relatively well aware of the Christian dogma, having been raised in a cultish-level Christian church and attended its private school for several years of my life. There are many issues I'm "clueless" about, but Christianity is not one of them.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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To incorporate spiritual truths into an individuals view of reality, faith in that concept is necessary to make it real. Once believed, the concept becomes functional and consistently produces good results if it is true, evil results if it is false.

That's one for the list.

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What will you do if he really is the atonement for your sin? Would you feel any shame then? Or would you remain heartless? I cant believe you are so certain there is no God that you would actually mock his greatest expression of grace...wow, talk about ignorance.

Nope. True ignorance is the belief in your imaginary "magic" friend.

Religion is just superstition. Feel free to waste your life dancing to that imaginary tune though......

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To incorporate spiritual truths into an individuals view of reality, faith in that concept is necessary to make it real. Once believed, the concept becomes functional and consistently produces good results if it is true, evil results if it is false.

Believing in something doesn't make it any more real or "functional". Your claim that your faith "consistently produces good results" is just your perception and has nothing else to back it up. Bad things happen to good just like good things happen to bad people. Praying to any god does nothing more then act as placibo.

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What is so strange about a talking snake?? There used to be a TV show with a talking horse. Just because animals don't speak to you, doesn't mean they can't speak.
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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An atheist has to have just as much FAITH as any religious believer as neither has impirical evidence that either can use(without evidence, read FAITH), as a KNOWN. That's why I am an agnostic, I don't BELIEVE anything(without evidence) I know the things I know through evidence and there are things I don't and can't KNOW, like is there a God or not. I've got my theories but no evidence. If you ask any particular religious believer, they always have the true and correct belief. I find that hard to believe. As for me, I'm still looking for evidence to support my theories.

"Mans got to know his limitations"
Harry Callahan

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I'm not sure where you're getting a "rage" vibe off me. I posted a joke. Secondly, I'm relatively well aware of the Christian dogma, having been raised in a cultish-level Christian church and attended its private school for several years of my life. There are many issues I'm "clueless" about, but Christianity is not one of them

The anger behind your joke is very obvious to me and anyone else who values the message of Christ. Trying to hide it behind "O, I was just kidding or it was only a joke" does not diminish the rage and anger that motivated it in the first place. If you think your joke has any relation to the Christian message then you are indeed clueless no matter how much time you spent learning about it.


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Believing in something doesn't make it any more real or "functional". Your claim that your faith "consistently produces good results" is just your perception and has nothing else to back it up. Bad things happen to good just like good things happen to bad people. Praying to any god does nothing more then act as placibo***

Agreed! Faith by itself is worthless. It is the object of faith that has value. If the principle believed in, is true, then acting on it produces desirable results. Faith can also be placed in false concepts that only produce harmful consequences when acted on.


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The anger behind your joke is very obvious to me and anyone else who values the message of Christ.

I find it funny too and the only thing I'm angry about is having someone else's idea of morality and religion interfere with my life and livelyhood.

You and you christian buddies might feel angry about the joke, but it's really, really arrogant (hmmm..imagine that) that you assume you know that the OP is angry about anything.
Owned by Remi #?

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To incorporate spiritual truths into an individuals view of reality, faith in that concept is necessary to make it real. Once believed, the concept becomes functional and consistently produces good results if it is true, evil results if it is false.

That's one for the list.

"And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire."

I thank God that I am also on that list.


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How do you know your name is in the "book of life"?

Everyone has remorse for something, some, more than others. Either we face that remorse and seek forgiveness, or ignore it and watch the innocence we enjoyed so much as a child fade into a blackend heart. Christ offers true forgiveness through the spirit of grace (immeasurable love) which was poured out through his blood. When a heart recieves grace, it is free to love in innocence, and as it gains understanding it finds more and more truth. Anyone who recieves this grace has their names written in the book of life. Faith is an amazing thing, you cannot just force yourself to believe, it comes through understanding the truth and it is the truth which testifies to us that we believe. In any event, you know that faith, though unbelievable to many, holds power over a man. That power is used in many different ways. In the case of a follower of Jesus, that power is there to recieve the greatest love and to pursue a path to understand, percieve, and apply it in the lives of others.
"We didn't start the fire"

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Ha ha, I just thought this was hilarious. ***

Why do you find it hilarious?

Because religion is a joke.

Jokes are funny.

There you go.

Be honest now. What do you think about spirituality? About enlightenment? About spirits (ghosts, not the liqour) You dont believe in anything? With death being just as much a part of life as the air we breath, you dont think it could even be possible that because we know so little about death, that there could be literally a whole other world on the other side?

It just seems a bit ignorant to me that one would completely deny even the possiblity that life doesnt die beyond death. Unless you are fully satisfied believing that your flesh is all there is to your actual existance....but does your mind truly tell you that? Isnt your mind capable of wonder and hope? Dont we have an imagination to explore the unseen and to even experience a sort of motivation in that? Dont we have some sort of unexplained desire for something "more" even when we think we have everything we want?

added: Do you believe that money cant buy happiness?
"We didn't start the fire"

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It just seems a bit ignorant to me that one would completely deny even the possiblity that life doesnt die beyond death.

By definition, death is death. No more life. Buh-bye life. Hello death.... except there isn't any talking in death, It's death. Deal with it. Or don't deal with it and continue to hope that the jewish zombie will talk to you after you die.


Unless you are fully satisfied believing that your flesh is all there is to your actual existance....but does your mind truly tell you that? Isnt your mind capable of wonder and hope?

Some people try to experience the wonder and hope while they live and breathe right here on planet earth.


Dont we have an imagination to explore the unseen and to even experience a sort of motivation in that? Dont we have some sort of desire for something "more"?

Some people are motivated to do good things, live life, and give to others without doing it because some unknown, uncertain god will slice them into pieces and throw them into boiling lakes of BBQ sauce if they don't.

Some people hope and dream and do good deads without fearing that the jewish zombie's dad will punish them if they don't.

Why do you have happy thoughts and do good? Because you're afraid to burn in hell or simply because it's the right thing to do?
Owned by Remi #?

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How do you know your name is in the "book of life"?***

"He who overcomes shall thus be clothed in white garments and I will not erase his name from the book of life..." Revelations 3:5

"And who is the one who overcomes the world? He who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. For whomever is born of God overcomes the world and this is the victory that has overcome the world - our faith." I John 5: 4 & 5


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***Do you believe that money cant buy happiness?


Touche! Very nice suprise. This seems a little twisted to me though. Because it seems to insinuate that money can buy happiness while at the same time saying that it is not money but the motive in which the money is given. If we give out of cheer and gratitude, then happiness will express those qualities, but if we just give to recieve happiness, then the motive is twisted and a bit self centered, and will most likely have the opposite affect. That is, if happiness is found (according to this article) by giving to others, but your motive is to bring yourself happiness, by "buying" it, then there is a conflict, as what appeared to be selfless was actually selfish.
"We didn't start the fire"

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