
Do atheists/agnostics believe in.....

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--OK. Atheists continually achieve wondrous things in their lives without any belief in God. What does that tell you***

I guess we will find out on that fateful day when all men are held accountable for what God has given them. Until then it is just a matter of belief.


--There are a lot of things like that out there. They are not evidence of God; they are evidence of a lack of understanding.***

Quite true base on your preconceived viewpoints. We have been endowed with the power to create our own reality. As such we can seek out a relationship with God or self-deify and create our own concepts of truth.


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>Quite true base on your preconceived viewpoints.

So you believe that the electromagnetic force in vector drive motors might be God spinning the rotor? Or is it really electromagnetic force no matter what your viewpoint is?

>As such we can seek out a relationship with God or self-deify and
>create our own concepts of truth.

That is definitely true. If your concept of truth includes that the Earth is 6000 years old, then that's fine - as long as you don't try to teach kids geology, or work as a paleontologist. Likewise, if you don't believe in evolution, that's fine - as long as you're not a doctor or biologist.

If you don't believe in gravity, that's also fine. Just avoid skydiving.

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>As such we can seek out a relationship with God or self-deify and
>create our own concepts of truth.

That is definitely true. If your concept of truth includes that the Earth is 6000 years old, then that's fine - as long as you don't try to teach kids geology, or work as a paleontologist. Likewise, if you don't believe in evolution, that's fine - as long as you're not a doctor or biologist. If you don't believe in gravity, that's also fine. Just avoid skydiving***

Right on all accounts. But unless you can conclusively explain the eternal nature of our existence and all of the forces that shape reality, you shouldn't close you mind to possibilities. As it is the quarks in you body and energy that powers your mind has been rambling around this latest phase of creation for 13.75 billion years with no loss of spin, charge or mass. Attributing this to blind chance is short sighted to say the least.


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And that us, his greatest and most treasured creation

So why is he so busy killing us and letting millions of us starve and suffer. Why did your god brutally massacre over 2,391,421 people in the bible, including women and children?

If we are his "greatest" creation why are we so flawed, why are we so fragile and susceptible to 1000's of illnesses many fatal. Why did he create Cancer, AID’s and the most brutal and horrific SIDs (Sudden infant Death). May be he was bored one day and decided to randomly and without any reason kill babies in their sleep.

Why do we as a human race not have a single belief in one god, there are some 22 main stream religions, all with as much evidence and validity as yours.

Why is there not a burning cross in the sky to remind us?
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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If it means that much to you, then perhaps you should describe it.

LoL...Ive been trying too!! But the beautiful thing about love is that it is sacred and special to everything it touches, it literally is, that we all have our own relationship with it...Is not love Jealous?


God is Love.

So God is but an emotion? Or are you trying to redefine love to be something it really isn't?

The emotions are only expressions of inspired thought. Our hearts can inspire our minds, and often do. By hearts, I mean where we keep our love. Its the battle over the heart that the whole war is about. Emotions are how we experience Love and learn how good it feels. I wrote a while back that there is a connection in nature that we often share with it. Beauty. Inside ourselves we are filled with emotions, adoration, brain pulses, racing hearts ect...and outside of ourselves we see what is beautiful, be it a mountain, a river, a sky, a baby, a loved one, ect...but, there is a connection between the workings of our minds and the object we are admiring...beauty is good and is truly only seen with the heart. Love is beauty, beauty is good, God is good...do you see the connection?
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May be he was bored one day and decided to randomly and without any reason kill babies in their sleep.

One might think that an all knowing god could plan his day such that he wouldn't be bored.


Why do we as a human race not have a single belief in one god, there are some 22 main stream religions, all with as much evidence and validity as yours.

One might think that an all powerful god could unify humanity's beliefs if it meant that much to him.


Why is there not a burning cross in the sky to remind us?

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But unless you can conclusively explain the eternal nature of our existence and all of the forces that shape reality, you shouldn't close you mind to possibilities.

Not believing in a human-created god does not equal closing one's mind to possibilities.

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But unless you can conclusively explain the eternal nature of our existence and all of the forces that shape reality, you shouldn't close you mind to possibilities.

Not believing in a human-created god does not equal closing one's mind to possibilities.
One could even say that is does exactly the opposite;):ph34r:
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LoL...Ive been trying too!! But the beautiful thing about love is that it is sacred and special to everything it touches, it literally is, that we all have our own relationship with it...Is not love Jealous?

That reminds me of a favorite line from a Pink Floyd song: "Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?"


Our hearts can inspire our minds, and often do.

If, by inspire, you mean supply oxygen via blood circulation, and by minds, you mean brains.


By hearts, I mean where we keep our love.

So, by hearts, you mean brains? Your terminology is confusing. I really wish you would use standard definitions.


Its the battle over the heart that the whole war is about.

I thought it was about WMD's removing a secular leader from power to encourage sectarian based civil war providing opportunities for private contractors to bilk the government out of $Billions.


Emotions are how we experience Love and learn how good it feels.

Love is an emotion. If what you are talking about transcends emotions, please use a suitable word for it.


I wrote a while back that there is a connection in nature that we often share with it.

Were you referring to electromagnetic attraction?


Beauty. Inside ourselves we are filled with emotions, adoration, brain pulses, racing hearts ect...and outside of ourselves we see what is beautiful …

Actually, the process of seeing takes place within ourselves, also.


there is a connection between the workings of our minds and the object we are admiring.

So, by connection, you mean relation


beauty is good and is truly only seen with the heart.

If, by heart, you now mean eyes.


Love is beauty, beauty is good, God is good...do you see the connection?

Only that you're still making definitions up as you go along.
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And that us, his greatest and most treasured creation

So why is he so busy killing us and letting millions of us starve and suffer. Why did your god brutally massacre over 2,391,421 people in the bible, including women and children?

If we are his "greatest" creation why are we so flawed, why are we so fragile and susceptible to 1000's of illnesses many fatal. Why did he create Cancer, AID’s and the most brutal and horrific SIDs (Sudden infant Death). May be he was bored one day and decided to randomly and without any reason kill babies in their sleep.

Why do we as a human race not have a single belief in one god, there are some 22 main stream religions, all with as much evidence and validity as yours.

Why is there not a burning cross in the sky to remind us?

When you find the answers to those questions, you let me know. Peace is something that can only come through understanding no matter what circumstances life throws at us. I cant be sorry enough that it is this way, and I am far from acheiving it, but on the path to. A couple of "answers" I have found are that blame and rebellion will destroy, absolutely destroy peace in our hearts. Gratitude for the things in your own life should not be too hard given the suffering in the world yes? Now someone once confronted me on this site that because I said that, he thought that I believed that others were made to suffer so that I can find gratitude. I thought that was a bit mean personally, but he later apologized.

When I was about 12 or so I remember asking similar questions as to why I was born with all my limbs, and an "average looking" person, when others I have seen were not so "fortunate". I remember finding no answer whatsoever in the following years and pursued the path of blame so that I could live the way I wanted to, steeped in sin with excuses to back me up. That is, that blame actually gives us an alibi to destroy ourselves does it not? See if you see it in someones life, or perhaps in your own, after you "cross a line" you just keep right on going cause youve already crossed the line anyway. Like when you spend alot of money on something that you didnt really want to spend, you just sort of treat yourself to something and justify it in almost a rebellious manner. Dont worry, all of us do this in some way, and of course some more than others. I have a chronic throat problem which prevents me from playing paying gigs anymore, so I used to self lubricate (justification) and rage in alcoholism even more sort of as a rebellious f--k you (basically to myself), Im gonna do what I want, even if that means destroying myself. Ect...Its an interesting but powerful battle, the one over the heart.

The point is that blame is the fire for rebellion, and in rebellion there is no peace. This is true whether there is suffering in the world or not. Most of us blame God because there is no one else left to blame. Why not, blame satan every now and then? Jesus says he is the prince of the world. Jesus, who is God in human form was murdered by worlds inabiltiy to see truth. This means that the truth was murdered by the lie. There is so much more to say about this as I am sure you understand. Jesus has already promised a kingdom of eternal reign on a new earth with those who have received the heart to love God, so we have the hope of this place in our hearts, and what a glorious hope it is. I want to give you a couple of scriptures from the Gospel, but I am on a mac and dont quite know how to operate safari, so I cant minimize this and open anohter window to copy and paste them on this post.
"We didn't start the fire"

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Why not, blame satan

Who is to blame for all these murders? Then…

SAB, Brick Testament
Number Killed Cumulative Total
Lot's wife for looking back Gen.19:26, BT
1 1
Er who was "wicked in the sight of the Lord" Gen.38:7, 1 Chr.2:3, BT
1 2
Onan for spilling his seed Gen.38:10, BT
1 3
Pharaoh and 600 chariot captains (plus his entire army) Ex.14:8-26
601+ 604+
For dancing naked around Aaron's golden calf Ex.32:27-28, 35, BT
3000 3604+
Aaron's sons for offering strange fire before the Lord Lev.10:1-3, Num.3:4, 26:61, BT
2 3606+
A blasphemer Lev.24:10-23, BT
1 3607+
A man who picked up sticks on the Sabbath Num.15:32-36, BT
1 3608+
Korah, Dathan, and Abiram (and their families) Num.16:27, BT
12+ 3620+
Burned to death for offering incense Num.16:35, 26:10, BT
250 3870+
For complaining Num.16:49, BT
14,700 18,570+
For "committing whoredom with the daughters of Moab" Num.25:9, BT
24,000 42,570+
Midianite massacre (32,000 virgins were kept alive) Num.31:1-35, BT
90,000+ 132,570+
God tells Joshua to stoned to death Achan (and his family) for taking the accursed thing. Joshua 7:10-12, 24-26, BT
5+ 132,575+
God tells Joshua to attack Ai and do what he did to Jericho (kill everyone). Joshua 8:1-25, BT
12,000 144,575+
Joshua kills 5 kings and hangs their dead bodies on trees Joshua 10:24-26, BT
5 144,580+
God delivered Canaanites and Perizzites Judges 1:4, BT
10,000 154,580+
Ehud delivers a message from God: a knife into the king's belly Jg.3:15-22, BT
1 154,581+
God delivered Moabites Jg.3:28-29, BT
10,000 164,581+
God forces Midianite soldiers to kill each other. Jg.7:2-22, 8:10, BT
120,000 284,581+
The Spirit of the Lord comes on Samson Jg.14:19, BT
30 284,611+
The Spirit of the Lord comes mightily on Samson Jg.15:14-15, BT
1000 285,611+
Samson's God-assisted act of terrorism Jg.16:27-30, BT
3000 288,611+
"The Lord smote Benjamin" Jg.20:35-37, BT
25,100 313,711+
More Benjamites Jg.20:44-46
25,000 338,711+
For looking into the ark of the Lord 1 Sam.6:19
50,070 388,781+
God delivered Philistines 1 Sam.14:12
20 388,801+
Samuel (at God's command) hacks Agag to death 1 Sam.15:32-33
1 388,802+
"The Lord smote Nabal." 1 Sam.25:38
1 388,803+
Uzzah for trying to keep the ark from falling 2 Sam.6:6-7, 1 Chr.13:9-10
1 388,804+
David and Bathsheba's baby boy 2 Sam.12:14-18
1 388,805+
Seven sons of Saul hung up before the Lord 2 Sam.21:6-9
7 388,812+
From plague as punishment for David's census (men only; probably 200,000 if including women and children) 2 Sam.24:13, 1 Chr.21:7
70,000+ 458,812+
A prophet for believing another prophet's lie 1 Kg.13:1-24
1 458,813+
Religious leaders killed in prayer contest 1 Kg.18:22-40
450 459,263+
God delivers the Syrians into the Israelites' hands 1 Kg.20:28-29
100,000 559,263+
God makes a wall fall on Syrian soldiers 1 Kg.20:30
27,000 586,263+
God sent a lion to eat a man for not killing a prophet 1 Kg.20:35-36
1 586,264+
Ahaziah is killed for talking to the wrong god. 2 Kg.1:2-4, 17, 2 Chr.22:7-9
1 586,265+
Burned to death by God 2 Kg.1:9-12
102 586,367+
God sends two bears to kill children for making fun of Elisha's bald head 2 Kg.2:23-24
42 586,409+
Trampled to death for disbelieving Elijah 2 Kg.7:17-20
1 586,410+
Jezebel 2 Kg.9:33-37
1 586,411+
God sent lions to kill "some" foreigners 2 Kg.17:25-26
3+ 586,414+
Sleeping Assyrian soldiers 2 Kg.19:35, 2 Chr.32:21, Is.37:36
185,000 771,414+
Saul 1 Chr.10:14
1 771,415+
God delivers Israel into the hands of Judah 2 Chr.13:15-17
500,000 1,271,415+
Jeroboam 2 Chr.13:20
1 1,271,416+
"The Lord smote the Ethiopians." 2 Chr.14:9-14
1,000,000 2,271,416+
God kills Jehoram by making his bowels fall out 2 Chr.21:14-19
1 2,271,417+
Judean soldiers 2 Chr.28:6
120,000 2,391,417+
Ezekiel's wife Ezek.24:15-18
1 2,391,418+
Ananias and Sapphira Acts 5:1-10
2 2,391,420+
Herod Acts 12:23, BT
1 2,391,421+

Your God is a killer, and a killer of women and children....
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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LoL...Ive been trying too!! But the beautiful thing about love is that it is sacred and special to everything it touches, it literally is, that we all have our own relationship with it...Is not love Jealous?

That reminds me of a favorite line from a Pink Floyd song: "Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?"

>>>>If it has power, what does it matter? I used to listen to pink floyd, now there just too dark for me. Like the doors in many ways. Great bands though.

>>>>The rest of your responses reveal to me either that you are being just a iittle argumentative (which I dont think is the case) or you are actually that blind and insensative to the deeper aspects of the human mind. Either way, the blindness is good, because if God ever did reveal himself to you, you would see in a light so powerful, it would overwhelm you in the most magnificent ways and you would then be one of his greatest testimonys.

I hope I didnt just completey ignore your responses, but you and I are just in two totally different places, dont you agree?;)

"We didn't start the fire"

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That reminds me of a favorite line from a Pink Floyd song: "Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?"

If it has power, what does it matter?

The first is positive, and complimentary to a happy life. The second is negative, consuming, and can lead to obsession.


The rest of your responses reveal to me either that you are being just a iittle argumentative …

Just pointing out that you use words outside the context of their definitions, effectively rendering your posts meaningless.


I hope I didnt just completey ignore your responses, but you and I are just in two totally different places, dont you agree?;)

Agreed. There's still hope that you'll catch up, though.
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Your God is a killer, and a killer of women and children....

Nice cut and paste job! Yes your right...in the old testament, but in the new testament, he relents and saves with his own blood. Gods heart is the same, but his covenant with man has changed from the "old wine" into the "new wine" Important to remember that if the world is run by satan then all of the world are satans children. Besides, I dont think mankind has the right to judge Gods actions, the last time I checked, we were pretty brutal as well. But you will say, "only in the name of God", and you would be wrong. In the name of territory, money, power, and even EGO.

Im afraid I cant make you understand that you need to fear the Lord right down to your deepest fear, (it is much more liberating than you know). Im afraid telling you to fear God only sparks rebellion and treachery in someone like you. But the fear of the Lord humbles a man greatly, and humbleness is the way to soften our hearts. When Jesus came, he washed the feet of his disciples and humbled himself in ways NO MAN on earth will ever be able to. God who created all things bore the humility and humbleness of the cross so that we might have life. He came into his own and was murdered. The point is that humbleness is a beautiful fruit of the spirit. You need to fear the Lord, and you need to fear him deeply. I have found that this actually inspires us to recieve more love through humbleness...Like a little child reveres his father and recieves more love through that reverence. Its about understanding discipline so that we can learn what is right. Deep remorse is very necessary to recieve humbleness.

But, I am afraid you did not grasp the way to peace. Perhaps you are still full of blame and bitterness?
"We didn't start the fire"

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That reminds me of a favorite line from a Pink Floyd song: "Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?"

If it has power, what does it matter?

The first is positive, and complimentary to a happy life. The second is negative, consuming, and can lead to obsession.

>>>>Very good point. Let me rephrase the question. How do you know which one you are in? But still, if I am obsessed over Jesus, then I can find no greater obsession, if I am consumed with Gods love to the point of madness, then I consider that a great compliment. I do however understand your point, and it is a very good point, especailly as it applies to the world today.


The rest of your responses reveal to me either that you are being just a iittle argumentative …

Just pointing out that you use words outside the context of their definitions, effectively rendering your posts meaningless.

>>>>Does a song lose truth or power just because it uses words outside of the "context" of their definitions? Yet some of those songs are pretty powerful arent they, hardly meaningless id say. I guess you might call it poetry, although I dont consider myself a poet at all.


I hope I didnt just completey ignore your responses, but you and I are just in two totally different places, dont you agree?;)

Agreed. There's still hope that you'll catch up, though.

>>>>Thats just too funny!!!:D Ive been in your place before, I never want go back, probably couldnt even if I wanted to!
"We didn't start the fire"

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But, I am afraid you did not grasp the way to peace. Perhaps you are still full of blame and bitterness?

blame and bitterness for what exactly?
--+ There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.. --+

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But unless you can conclusively explain the eternal nature of our existence and all of the forces that shape reality, you shouldn't close you mind to possibilities.

Not believing in a human-created god does not equal closing one's mind to possibilities.
One could even say that is does exactly the opposite;):ph34r:

Humans do themselves a disservice with regard to science when they accept a particular theory as fact. Any theory may allow us practical benefits, yet a 'now we know it all' attitude causes stagnation. An open questioning attitude seems to be much more productive.

In a like manner ---
The quest to understand the meaning of life and the why/how of the origin of everything is very strong in humanity. It seems to me that subscribing to any one religious 'theory' is self limiting in this regard. Belief of itself proves nothing. And the rigidity inherent in any 'belief' system precludes further inquiry. What a shame.

I like to think that I have the humility to be an agnostic, that I can accept that I do not know the answers. I like to think that I can therefore continue my personal quest with an open, inquiring mind, knowing that I will almost certainly never arrive at verifiable conclusions.
I understand that if I gave myself wholeheartedly to a belief system that I might feel a temporary (or even permanent) fulfillment, but I would also probably feel somewhat ashamed.


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But, I am afraid you did not grasp the way to peace. Perhaps you are still full of blame and bitterness?

blame and bitterness for what exactly?

I dont know, it was more a question I believe. Its my experience that blame and bitterness remain because we cant see them. If I faulted someone for something, I fail to see my own fault, therefore blame and bitterness remain in my blindness. Similar to when relationships are destroyed, we generally only see the fault in others and sincerely believe we have none ourselves, or believe it is very little. Im sure you may be able to testify that when it comes to the destruction of a relationship, there is almost equal amounts of blame on both sides.
"We didn't start the fire"

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But unless you can conclusively explain the eternal nature of our existence and all of the forces that shape reality, you shouldn't close you mind to possibilities.

Not believing in a human-created god does not equal closing one's mind to possibilities.
One could even say that is does exactly the opposite;):ph34r:

Humans do themselves a disservice with regard to science when they accept a particular theory as fact. Any theory may allow us practical benefits, yet a 'now we know it all' attitude causes stagnation. An open questioning attitude seems to be much more productive.

In a like manner ---
The quest to understand the meaning of life and the why/how of the origin of everything is very strong in humanity. It seems to me that subscribing to any one religious 'theory' is self limiting in this regard. Belief of itself proves nothing. And the rigidity inherent in any 'belief' system precludes further inquiry. What a shame.

I like to think that I have the humility to be an agnostic, that I can accept that I do not know the answers. I like to think that I can therefore continue my personal quest with an open, inquiring mind, knowing that I will almost certainly never arrive at verifiable conclusions.
I understand that if I gave myself wholeheartedly to a belief system that I might feel a temporary (or even permanent) fulfillment, but I would also probably feel somewhat ashamed.

I dont think anyone here has proposed that Science as understand it today was aLL THE ANSWERS OR THAT OUR CURRENT UNDERSTANDings ARE facts.
it's the THEORY....( of the big bang, Evolution, Sting etc...) and as such theroies are open to examination, and also open to be proven null and void.
That's what i love about Science, a million experiments can support a theory, and one can destroy it.
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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I agree. Good science is open-minded. I was trying to relate this attitude to religious attitudes.

Belief systems by definition limit inquiry, and ultimately limit understanding. I think religions are in many ways a disservice to humanity.


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How do you know which one you are in?

I think everyone hs to figure that out for themselves.


Does a song lose truth or power just because it uses words outside of the "context" of their definitions?

There's a big difference between poetry and a precise definition.


Ive been in your place before, I never want go back, probably couldnt even if I wanted to!

I was thinking that same thing when I wrote that.
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>But unless you can conclusively explain the eternal nature of our
>existence and all of the forces that shape reality, you shouldn't close you
>mind to possibilities.

Right, no one should. Indeed, you could argue that the agnostics are the people with the most open minds; most fundamentalist's minds are completely closed to the possibility that God does not exist.

>As it is the quarks in you body and energy that powers your mind has
>been rambling around this latest phase of creation for 13.75 billion years
>with no loss of spin, charge or mass. Attributing this to blind chance is
>short sighted to say the least.

Agreed. It is wiser to attribute it to physics.

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Right, no one should. Indeed, you could argue that the agnostics are the people with the most open minds; most fundamentalist's minds are completely closed to the possibility that God does not exist.***

Agnosticism is a good place to start, but it sure is a waste to get stuck there. For me God has provided the opportunity of knowing much more about Him than "ya I think He exists, maybe". Spiritually speaking, there is a universe of possibilities to explore.


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