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I visited this country in '01, right before it got really bad under that worthless sonofabitch Mugabe. Every time I read an article about what goes on there it just ticks me off.


Interesting articles in the last issue of Foreign Affairs about Sudan and Congo, speaking of Africa.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Zim, and other large parts of Africa are really fucked up and dangerous places. Like most conflicts, it will not change until the parties involved, people and governments decide that they are tired of it - and that will not happen for decades or centuries.

Even when you hand South Africa back tot eh blacks, (which is/was the right thing to do), it becomes a fucked up part of the world.

I feel bad for Zimbabwe, we could have easily taken out Mugabe as a 'ruthless dictator', but the next guy would only be marginally better if at all.

No matter what the world does for intervention, Africa is so fucked up that it will not be fixed by any UN 'sanction' or political move. THe move has to come from the people that live there.

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Why is it the right thing to do?

Would it be the right thing to do to hand the US of A back to the Native Americans and their Bisson?

Or Australia back to their Natives
Or New Zealand back to theirs..... etc... etc....

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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it was the right thing to do because the country was being run by an oppressive regime that did not create men equal and treated its people differently based upon the color of their skin. That is wrong.

Having the country run by its majority in a democracy is the right thing to do, however, before that happens, you must remove the existing government. Which has consequences, but is still the right thing to do.

taking out Mugabe would be the right thing to do as well, but would probably dive the country into civil war - a bad outcome. But that does not mean that taking him out would be wrong. it just has consequences.

telling the world that your 'uncle fred' groped you as a child is the right thing to do - it will create endless grief in your family, but it is still the right thing to do.

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Why is it the right thing to do?

Would it be the right thing to do to hand the US of A back to the Native Americans and their Bisson?

Or Australia back to their Natives
Or New Zealand back to theirs..... etc... etc....

USA, Australia and New Zealand all have small minority native populations. Furthermore they have all the rights the rest of the population has. SA was denying political rights to the vast majority.

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