
Obama plans to halt future weapons programs, disarm our nuclear program and protect us.

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Again.. BULLSHIT.....I expect and demand reasoned responses.. and we get far too few of those from those on the fringe right.

You expect something you rarely provide yourself, I've honestly lost count of how many times you've called someone brainwashed and discounted their argument simply because they make an effort to justify their position which could be considered to be supportive of right wing politicians.


You yourself seem to lump ANYONE who does not believe in your personal theology of the right. to be a leftie....I find that the fringe right truly believe they are moderates...guess what.. you are not moderates in ANY form

Kinda gets annoying when someone writes you off as being affiliated with a certain group no matter how far off the mark they are just because you disagree with them isn't it. Did I strike a nerve serving you up a bit of your own BS?


I actually DO support our troops.. FAR more than you seem to believe... as found in your diatribe above.

You obviously missed where I agreed that YOU support the troops, as long as its in a thread where the general consensus is to support us, cause its the cool thing to do. Unfortunately you won't stick your neck out for us if someone in the military says something that in any way supports republican policies, I've seen you make comments countless times that write off young soldiers as mindless drones because they support the war in Iraq or agree with some of Bush's policies. I've never once said that supporting us means blindly following the policies of the administration, Bush is a fucking retard, I agree with you 100% on that, and most soldiers don't care too much for him anymore either, but despite our stance on Bush I guess we're all still tools of his administration because we are finding reasons to believe in the sacrifices we are making given the shitty situation we're in.

And next time you want to accuse someone of being off the mark when they peg someone as being extremist on either side of the fence you may want to take a second to figure out where they stand on all the issues, i'm pretty far right when it comes to national security issues but other than that I'm either middle of the line or leaning slightly to the left, but I guess you'd have to take 5 minutes out of your busy schedule of turning every post into a slight against Bush to realize that.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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let me see, universal healthcare or nuclear weapons. Healthy people good for all or trillions spent on fat government contracts and cost overruns.

i will vote for Obama, even if he decides to ELIMINATE the military 'cause it is pretty obvious that the miserable fucking job that the current CUNT in office has done has done nothing for our country except fuck it up. less money for healthcare, education, road improvements, pretty much everything since all of it is being sent on the war (and then some)

John McCain will continue the same policies - a complete fuck up before he even gets started in office.

So yes, i will vote for Obama because the Republicans need to be eliminated and annihilated. What he does with the military is of no interest to me - this country has bigger issues - like maybe trying to take care of Americans - something that has not happened in government in this country for the past 2 decades at least.


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that's one guys opinion on it - and yes, it has problems - nothing like the problems here in the USA.

And NO ONE in Canada would give it up. Search the other threads about how fucked up the American health care system is instead of basing your entire retort on one opinion in one thread.

Besides this thread is not about the healthcare system, it is about MILITARY SPENDING - and my opinion is that we spend about 4000x what we should be spending on it.

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that's one guys opinion on it - and yes, it has problems - nothing like the problems here in the USA.

And NO ONE in Canada would give it up. Search the other threads about how fucked up the American health care system is instead of basing your entire retort on one opinion in one thread.

Really? Sound like there's at least one that isn't too thrilled with it, so that throws your assertion that "NO ONE would give it up" right out the window, doesn't it?


Besides this thread is not about the healthcare system, it is about MILITARY SPENDING - and my opinion is that we spend about 4000x what we should be spending on it.

Then why did you bring it up? (healthcare)

Luckily, it's ONLY your opinion (military spending).

I'm well familiar with the thread you mention, thanks. I'll still pass.

If the socialized healthcare systems are so damn good, then WHY does everyone that can manage it come to the States for medical care?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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You obviously missed where I agreed that YOU support the troops, as long as its in a thread where the general consensus is to support us, cause its the cool thing to do. Unfortunately you won't stick your neck out for us if someone in the military says something that in any way supports republican policies, I've seen you make comments countless times that write off young soldiers as mindless drones because they support the war in Iraq or agree with some of Bush's policies. I've never once said that supporting us means blindly following the policies of the administration, Bush is a fucking retard, I agree with you 100% on that, and most soldiers don't care too much for him anymore either, but despite our stance on Bush I guess we're all still tools of his administration because we are finding reasons to believe in the sacrifices we are making given the shitty situation we're in.

You still do not get it do you. I have the right to disagree AND to voice my opinion.. as an AMERICAN ....of policies I do not agree with...When I do not agree with what ANYONE is saying.. I can and DO voice my opinion...its my right.. just as it is yours...

I also KNOW all too well what it means to justify what you are doing so that it becomes meaningful to you AND to those you are serving with... I was there the last time we had a war that MOST of the country did not support.. nor did they support those of us who were serving at the time. I support the troops because its the right thing to do as an American NOT because its cool.. in that you are completely and UTTERLY wrong... I support them so much.. I dont think they should be misused and their lives wasted on an unnecessary war. Perhaps others feel.. and voice the old.. THEY SIGNED UP THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE GETTING INTO... that does nothing but piss me off.

Do I think the media gets it right all the time when they are telling the Iraq story.. hell no... BUT I think far more went wrong over there than has gone right. Does the media focus on the bad stuff.. HELL YEAH.. its what they do... ever heard the term..If it Bleeds..it leads". Every time one of those who has been there and goes on and on about how much has gone right and voices how bad the media is telling the story... those same troops ... certainly gloss over all the fucked up contracts and waste...in fact none of you have brought up those little "facts".

You can use the term brainwashing all you want... BUT.. I think it is more properly termed buying all of the propaganda that is being fed by the chain of command that dares not deviate from the administrations talking points OR ELSE. ( How many generals and flag officers..f were retired so far for disagreeing with the policies of this administration????)

I think that is one thing the military HAS done VERY well...selling the war to those who have had to go and prosecute the decisions handed down from on high.

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let me see, universal healthcare or nuclear weapons. Healthy people good for all or trillions spent on fat government contracts and cost overruns.

Obama is calling for a reduction in the nuclear arsenal. I think that's a great idea. We have more than plenty.
A little perspective

What could we do with the money that we save by reducing the size of the arsenal? My vote is to spend some of it pursuing fusion and then follow some of the advice from these folks.

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It's nice to see that Obama plans on improving our military to the point that we don't need to spend 30X what it costs for the next largest first-world country (Canada) to defend itself or more than the entire rest of the world needs.

I would say you spend 30x more then Canada because instead of defending yourself, you happily go and invade countries...

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It's nice to see that Obama plans on improving our military to the point that we don't need to spend 30X what it costs for the next largest first-world country (Canada) to defend itself or more than the entire rest of the world needs.

I would say you spend 30x more then Canada because instead of defending yourself, you happily go and invade countries...

Canada happily benefits from the US being it's only land neighbor. It doesn't take much of a defense (one might question the need for any) when you have the arctic waters and the world superpower protecting your borders.

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It's nice to see that Obama plans on improving our military to the point that we don't need to spend 30X what it costs for the next largest first-world country (Canada) to defend itself or more than the entire rest of the world needs.

Umm, Canada is not the next largest first world country after the US. Canada is the next largest country after Russia.

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