
Do fat people repulse you?

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What is "schitchel"???

The entree at a really bad Imbiss? :)

Hmmmm .... no. Even the best Imbiss has no entree.

Have a look here:


Entrée is just for fine restaurants. You have to wear a neck-tie, your wife has to be in full war paint B|

Sometimes at such a chip shop, you will find wonderful and tasty potato-pancakes, freshly handmade ... OK, millions of calories but, I love them :$:$ Jeeez, am I hungry :S

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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This is an interesting question.

The answer is no.

Media sets the standard of ideal to be locked into your subconcious. Men and women can all come to some type of consensus of what Ideal is.

Look at any supermodel in the world. What are they? Thin. The Media's Doing.

And trust me- even those who claim not to be shallow are in some form or fashion. Attraction is attraction...

This is coming from a former "fatty" about two years go I was 60 lbs heavier and you know what? I thought I was freaking Niaomi Campbell on two feet.

Until I had a guy tell me that I am limiting my opportunities in life because I am fat. (Saying that men don't want fat chicks and that I would have to work harder in life because I can't take care of myself)

So I lost the weight- And still need to trim down more- and for what? for men? Fuck no. For myself.

It's mostly to give the big "fuck you" to the dumb ass prick whos like "yeah your hot" but wouldn't give me the time of day 60 lbs ago. I love doing that....

so yeah you can kinda say I've become a bit bitter about that whole thing.

Its about intensity for me- if they can make me think- get my heart pumping with passion-romance- love....that is what is attracting in a human being if a "fat" person can do it then I would be attracted to them.

It just depends on each person's outlook on life.
Best Girl Scout Ever.

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What is "schitchel"???

The entree at a really bad Imbiss? :)

Hmmmm .... no. Even the best Imbiss has no entree.

Have a look here:


Entrée is just for fine restaurants. You have to wear a neck-tie, your wife has to be in full war paint B|

Sometimes at such a chip shop, you will find wonderful and tasty potato-pancakes, freshly handmade ... OK, millions of calories but, I love them :$:$ Jeeez, am I hungry :S

Yumm.... Ein Greek salat und ein rahmschnitzel mit cola light fur trinken, bitte!!
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Yumm.... Ein Greek salat und ein rahmschnitzel mit cola light fur trinken, bitte!!

OK. I see you liked the menu - will keep it in mind for yur next visit ... :)

I spent 5 years in Germany in the Mannheim area - I still remember SOME of the language, but sadly not much. I never got much beyond the ability of being able to order meals and shop.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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The 'media' may play a part in encouraging people to be thin, such as in your example with supermodels. But what's wrong with being simply healthy? That's pretty obvious in my book.

Besides, if the media was so powerful as you allude to, wouldn't there be less fat people then?

Whilst fat people may inside be wonderful people, they're still physically unattractive. And people are simply not attracted to unattractive people. Normally.

So that about sums it up; fat people are unattractive
whilst obesity is repulsive.

And that doesn't make me shallow either. If we only concern ourselves with the physical, of course people will be attracted to healthy people rather than fat ones. Concerning personality issues, most fat people dislike being fat, and therefore dislike themselves to a greater or lesser extent.

And then why exactly are they fat in the first place? Hardly an attractive personality trait is it?

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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Fat people don't repulse me; repulsive people repulse me. Personally I find smoking, by anyone, to be repulsive. When I see a fat person smoking, I tend to presume that their smoking is but one of many elements in a personally unhealthy lifestyle.

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By posting the link to metabolic syndrome and other medical conditions, I am not trying to enable by giving a source of blame to excuse taking personal responsibility. I'm just saying that for some with the added challenges of genetics and medical conditions, it just isn't as easy to gain control over the weight issues as the average person without such challenges. There are people who DO watch what they eat, use portion control, and make good dietary choices (who don't eat chips, doughnuts, fast food) who still struggle.

Oh of course. I struggle constantly to either keep weight off or put weight on. I have the worst of both worlds in that I cam never maintain 185-190. I'm pushing 210 today. 6 weeks ago I was at 190. 2 yearsago I was 180.

Ypu are mentioning weight problems. That is different entirely. Comparing weight problems with obesity is like comparing a bonfire with a house fire. The comparisons may be made but there is a different understanding.

My personal preference with women is a woman who is soft - one who would be considered 10 or 20 pounds overweight. Those are the ones who usually seem to struggle to maintain their weight. THAT is the struggle.

But the ones who are extremely overweight - those are the ones for whom I speak. They got thenselves there. There was no way that a person can legitimately claim that he or she struggled to keep the weight off for those last 100 pounds. No way.

I am the first to admit that it is easy to gain weight. A Snickers bar is, what, 300 calories? All things being equal, if a person ate just ab extra 300 calories per day over break even for a year, that is an additional 109,500 calories in that year. A pound of fat is 3,500 calories. So an extra snickers bar a day would equal 30 pounds of weight gain in a year.

The body is remarkable in its ability to manage itself!!! How many have gained 30 pounds in a year??? It is mind-boggling how good the body is at managing what it needs.

It shows how easy it is to be obese. Obesity is easy to do. But on the flip side, 300 calories less per day is a 30 pound weight loss in a year.

Point? It is not that had to gain weight nor is it hard to lose it. To an extent. It gwts more difficult with age. But that means that the body's demands are less. The desires are more.

Many need help to control. I know that. I frequent fast food establishments - I'll admit it. I recall while studying for the bar exam muy study partner and I dropped by a Der Wienerschnitzel. A man was at a table with 20 chili dogs. Yes. 20. I asked the girl at the counter how many he had and she said 20. He is there every Sunday and orders 20 chili dogs and eats them all. And he did.

Oh - he had a shake to wash them down.

That was repulsive to me. he had apparently lost all respect for himself. He didn't stop at a mere 10. 20 chili dogs and a shake. 6,000 calories in 30 minutes for under $20.

this is not a man who struggled with his weight. This is a man who ALLOWED - if not outright COMMANDED himself - to lose control.

That, Katee, is the person I speak of. Not the 40 year old woman who works to stay in a size 12 - or works to keep enoguh weight on for a size 6.

A snickers bar a day is 30 pounds per year - that is struggle. 20 chili dogs for lunch is something entirely different.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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The perentages of people losing weight to be healthy are small.

Its equivalent to the same bs that overweight people use as "my metabolism is slow- or im just naturally big"

If we as a society want to be "healthy" we would have all banned together and elimiated mcdonalds, burger king, and all other fast food chains. We as a society would have also changed and regulated portion sizes that are distributed amongst restaurants.

How come if I can be DENIED access to a bar because I can't walk straight, but when I was overweight the waitress never denied me my bbq wings??:????

Majority are to in the gym to fit the ideal role.

Trust me- I am not any healthier now than I was 60 lbs ago.

Only thing I have to do now- is run a lot more and lift weights.

I smoke- I drink excessively on the weekends- the foods I eat are shitty....

Being over weight is has a lot to do with control. Ultimately we all have the power to look and be what ever we want. It's a long term goal that we have to work on....and its not an easy task thats for sure. There are alot of overweight people due to various reasons, however gluttony is a major factor and lack of aerobic exercise.

When I was 60 lbs overweight- I never thought I was fat. Not ever. I looked in the mirror and saw a thinner woman than what the world saw. It was only when that stupid guy said I was fat when I started to be self concious. That circumstance triggered me to lose weight to prove to his vain ways wrong. I didn't change as a person- if anything I just became bitter about society.

If anything I am more unhappy now with my appearace than 2 years ago. During the first months of work outs- I would swear in my head at every one in the gym. I fucking hated them. I fucking hated that I had to change something to get farther in life. I wanted to stop running, but the hate just made me run faster.

I guess the best thing we can do is sort of figure out

At what point is a human fat- obease- average- or too thin?

Would you have to go by BMI or weight or visual estimations?
Best Girl Scout Ever.

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As I said above, my ENTIRE family is heavier set. I work HARD not to be.

Clearly its working because you're looking fine Doc.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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My favorite person in the whole world is a fat guy

Santa? :D:D

(honestly, I think I know who you mean... and I agree.... judging a book by its cover will sometimes cause you to miss the wonderful person living beneath the skin. . . . but I still don't like to hear my sisters complain about a self induced state)

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As in the similar thread about smokers: No, as long as I don't have to deal with it.

Unfortunately, on airplanes, I seem to attract the DeathStar passengers. See this thread:


I think the airlines should have an extra sign, under the "No smoking" and "Please Fasten Seatbelts" signs, there should be one that says "Please Keep Your Fat in Your Own Seat.":|

Speed Racer

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An interesting thread, I missed that one. I would have been very unhappy in your place as as far as I see it its a safety issue if someone is bloking your exit from your seat in the event of an emergency. I don't think that the woman should be allowed to sit on the aisle for safety reasons. If I were the young guy I would not have been happy to have her put the arm rest up and overflow on me. uhUH! Not happy at all.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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You get points for starting an honest thread and expressing an honest and very commonly held opinion.

Whether we want to admit it or not, fat people repulse most of us even if we are fat (or far from perfect) ourselves!

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(Not directed at you Skyrad)
Hi my name is Darius and I am fat.:)
What I find amusing are the people who seem angry at fat people? Why so mad? It’s not you who is fat as a matter of fact there are enough people who express the way they feel about fat people; so trust me the fatties know they are hated by some. Then they either become depressed, or like me look at the people who are judgmental and laugh my ass of. I just remember that they are an empty vessel in this life we have a lot of people like that. You don’t have to go back in history far to see where fatties were considered hotties.
I personally feel worst for people who feel they have to spend their life at the gym so maybe someone would love them or they work so hard to be worthy of love (in their mind). That’s all about a lack of self confidence, the same when people agree to be cut open just so they can have some sort of voluntary cosmetic surgery just to fit a social mold. To me those are the people I feel really sorry for.

I have no excuses for being fat I have never really tried looking for one. Have always been a big guy who is active, plays basketball, tennis (faster then all my skinny friends on the court), and guess what! even my hot skinny GF thinks I am attractive (imagine that someone who doesn’t follow access Hollywood to decide what’s hot). The big thing for me is I am healthy no cholesterol, no problem that’s are so called fat peoples problems. My Father is the same, so was my grandfather. I also cook most of the time, love vegetables, and maybe have fast food once every 6 months or so. I eat organic vegetables and eat farm-raised beef.

Like other stereotypes what some have said here is wrong or simply does not apply to all.

Regardless of who the stereotype fits and doesn’t if you feel so much anger against someone who has nothing to do with you then the first place you look should be in the mirror.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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What are you describing as fat though? I'm 6"4 and 17 stones so am a big guy and could do with loosing some weight myself (which I'm in the process of, mainly for health reasons) there are degrees of being overweight.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Unfortunately, on airplanes, I seem to attract the DeathStar passengers.

I’ve occasionally been seated next to some very large people on planes. The fattest & largest being one of multiple very large firefighters flying to Appleton, Wisconsin to check out a new ladder truck their department ordered.

The only time that the person hasn’t been somewhat embarrassed to downright apologetic was one very large guy on a flight to Colorado Springs. He wasn’t obese; he was just a big guy (not overly tall either). He was halfway into my seat (had to flip up the armrest, kept sticking his feet under the seat in front of me, forcing me to lean forward or against the woman in the window seat, etc), and he was just rude. Somehow it was *my* fault that I got stuck in the middle seat next to him on a full flight. :S I wasn’t the one who couldn’t fit in my seat. (And my ticket cost more than $300). It got to the point that the flight attendants intervened on their own. He was even moderately belligerent to them. I got a $150 travel voucher from Delta.

-- --- --- --

Arrogant, self-righteous, mean people who wallow with pride in their ignorance and people who abuse children, animals, or their spouse repulse me.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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