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The DEMONcrats took the same course...

After a 17 month probe, two state grand juries, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, have indicted 12 Democrats for alleged illegal activities and according to prosecutors, more charges are expected in what they are calling a "widespread" conspiracy within the Pennsylvania Democratic caucus to use tax payer funds to finance political activities.


Luv YA!! :D;):)

Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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Hey if they are crooked.. they need to be going to jail....

Corruption in some places on the local level seems to be fairly ingrained..

But the rePUBICans seem to have really taken it to new highs on the federal level.

I wonder if anyone will go after him when he gets to federal pound him in the butt prison.... he is 84 after all.

I wonder how the CA congressman ex fighter jock is doing with his new buddies.

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They're both a far cry worse off than the man who claimed that he missed all parts of an illegal conversation because he had drank too much iced tea and had to take frequent restroom breaks, aren't they?

I know - you don't like the question. I'll answer - yes, they are far worse off than he. And they've earned their fate (unless the indicted is proven innocent).

When will Sandy Berger take his court ordered lie detector test?


Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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The DEMONcrats took the same course...

After a 17 month probe, two state grand juries, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, have indicted 12 Democrats for alleged illegal activities and according to prosecutors, more charges are expected in what they are calling a "widespread" conspiracy within the Pennsylvania Democratic caucus to use tax payer funds to finance political activities.


Luv YA!! :D;):)

They are all thieves. Yor point is?
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Do you think anyone has gone to Washington in the last 20 years to serve their country.. rather than to serve themselves?

How about the last 30 years??

No and i cant believe we finaly agree on something. I think i need to go to the doc.[:/]. I am glad you calmed down enought to see that it is not a left or right thing, it is a right or wrong thing.:P
Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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I have been indirectly involved in politics for some time and is why I choose the path of centrist. There's good on both sides and there's bad on both sides. There's conservative democrats, liberal republicans, northern democrats and republicans that are different than southern or even eastern vs. western democrats and republicans.

We seem to have allowed the media to influence with sensationalist titles leading with party categories rather than individual deeds. My point was both primary parties and the other parties all have their good and bad.

As you and I have both served, we know that the "content of one's character" is not based on political affiliation, color, creed, religion... but, their ability to shoot straight and do they have our back.

Our Representatives are supposed to have our backs, to be our voice, to serve our communities... and somewhere along the line; some of them forgot that and began serving themselves.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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