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Ah, but here is a reason. Russia, the Soviet Union, whatever they're calling themselves, has ALWAYS been an expansionist empire. Historically, Russia has always invaded neighbor states like Ukraine, Georgia, the Baltic countries, and Poland. As well as the Islamic camel dung states, like Kazakhstan and the like. It shouldn't surprise anyone that they're doing it again. Under Putin (oh wait - he's just the Prime Minister anymore...), er, Medvedev, they sense the opportunity with this ethnic Russian uprising in the southern Ossetia province.
Up through WW1/2, every significant nation state was an expansionist one. Russian hardly stands out. They routinely fought each other in the 19th Century to win land, cull the population. Only after the nuclear bomb and the cost of WW2 entered consciousness did this tendency die.
Since the Revolution, the Russians have faced a stream of significant attacks, and it's hard to fault them for taking the buffer zone strategy. We have oceans, they had Eastern Europe. And Poland - hell, everyone invades them for a good time.
NickDG 23
>>WTF is Russia Doing?
Whatever it is, I hope they go to war with China before we do.
I don't want to get drummed to death . . .
Skyrad 0
Ah, but here is a reason. Russia, the Soviet Union, whatever they're calling themselves,
And thats where I stopped reading, right there.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca
algboy 0
QuoteMy co-worker, who apparently saw the CNN headline "Russia invades Georgia!" But didn't bother to actually read the article, just ran through the office yelling about Russia invading the southern US.
Co-worker: Russia just invaded the south! They're in Georgia!
Me: you mean they just invaded the country of Georgia, between Russia and Turkey, right?
Co-worker: Don't be an idiot. Georgia's a state.
Me (having flashbacks to Miss Teen South Carolina and considering purchasing a map for him): Okay. Whatever.
Co-worker (running on his way): Russia's invaded the south!
"Morons! Your bus is leaving!! -- Phil Connors (Bill Murray) in "Groundhog Day"
CENTCOM needs more cannon fodder, er ah "heroes" to enlist right now to fight the evil . . . uh, youknow, bad ones. USA! USA!! USA!!!

algboy 0
QuoteThey seem to be invading another country for no apparent reason - where have we heard that before.
This does loook crazy
So it would seem--if your only source for becoming misinformed is corporate western media, esp. Faux news. [Pravda never had it so good].
In fact, Georgia flouted the UN General Assembly's request for a truce during the Beijing Olympics. They have pummeled civilian targets in South Ossetia--some might call it "ethnic cleansing".
Georgian tanks and infantry, aided by Israeli military advisers, captured the capital of breakaway South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, early Friday, Aug. 8. The Georgians engaged in artillery and missile volley fire into civilian towns--completely destroying many areas and killing many people.
Russian warplanes bombed only AFTER the Georgian's invasion of South Ossetia.
Here's the second layer of the onion you missed on ABCNNBCBSFox:
"DEBKAfile discloses Israel’s interest in the conflict from its exclusive military sources:
[Israel] owns a strong interest in Caspian oil and gas pipelines reach the Turkish terminal port of Ceyhan, rather than the Russian network. Intense negotiations are afoot between Israel, Turkey, Georgia, Turkmenistan and Azarbaijan for pipelines to reach Turkey and thence to Israel’s oil terminal at Ashkelon and on to its Red Sea port of Eilat. From there, supertankers can carry the gas and oil to the Far East through the Indian Ocean.
Aware of Moscow’s sensitivity on the oil question, Israel offered Russia a stake in the project but was rejected.
Last year, the Georgian president commissioned from private Israeli security firms several hundred military advisers, estimated at up to 1,000, to train the Georgian armed forces in commando, air, sea, armored and artillery combat tactics. They also offer instruction on military intelligence and security for the central regime. Tbilisi also purchased weapons, intelligence and electronic warfare systems from Israel.
These advisers were undoubtedly deeply involved in the Georgian army’s preparations to conquer the South Ossetian capital Friday.
In recent weeks, Moscow has repeatedly demanded that Jerusalem halt its military assistance to Georgia, finally threatening a crisis in bilateral relations. Israel responded by saying that the only assistance rendered Tbilisi was “defensive.”
This has not gone down well in the Kremlin. Therefore, as the military crisis intensifies in South Ossetia, Moscow may be expected to punish Israel for its intervention. [ *Israeli* independent news source]
And that's the REST of the story. We return you to your regularly scheduled pablum.

algboy 0
QuoteWell ACTUALLLLLY parts of the Semiole tribe have run Georgia since... oh about 12000 years or so....neeneer neener..
Amazon--you smoking the peace pipe AGAIN? Every decent `merican KNOWS that Christopher Columbus didn't discover `merica `til 1492. Jeeezzzz!!

No. It's not about oil. Where have I heard that before. > Russian jets targeted major oil pipeline-Georgia 09 Aug 2008 14:07:00 GMTQuoteQuoteThey seem to be invading another country for no apparent reason - where have we heard that before.
This does loook crazy
So it would seem--if your only source for becoming misinformed is corporate western media, esp. Faux news. [Pravda never had it so good].
In fact, Georgia flouted the UN General Assembly's request for a truce during the Beijing Olympics. They have pummeled civilian targets in South Ossetia--some might call it "ethnic cleansing".
Georgian tanks and infantry, aided by Israeli military advisers, captured the capital of breakaway South Ossetia, Tskhinvali, early Friday, Aug. 8. The Georgians engaged in artillery and missile volley fire into civilian towns--completely destroying many areas and killing many people.
Russian warplanes bombed only AFTER the Georgian's invasion of South Ossetia.
Here's the second layer of the onion you missed on ABCNNBCBSFox:
"DEBKAfile discloses Israel’s interest in the conflict from its exclusive military sources:
[Israel] owns a strong interest in Caspian oil and gas pipelines reach the Turkish terminal port of Ceyhan, rather than the Russian network. Intense negotiations are afoot between Israel, Turkey, Georgia, Turkmenistan and Azarbaijan for pipelines to reach Turkey and thence to Israel’s oil terminal at Ashkelon and on to its Red Sea port of Eilat. From there, supertankers can carry the gas and oil to the Far East through the Indian Ocean.
Aware of Moscow’s sensitivity on the oil question, Israel offered Russia a stake in the project but was rejected.
Last year, the Georgian president commissioned from private Israeli security firms several hundred military advisers, estimated at up to 1,000, to train the Georgian armed forces in commando, air, sea, armored and artillery combat tactics. They also offer instruction on military intelligence and security for the central regime. Tbilisi also purchased weapons, intelligence and electronic warfare systems from Israel.
These advisers were undoubtedly deeply involved in the Georgian army’s preparations to conquer the South Ossetian capital Friday.
In recent weeks, Moscow has repeatedly demanded that Jerusalem halt its military assistance to Georgia, finally threatening a crisis in bilateral relations. Israel responded by saying that the only assistance rendered Tbilisi was “defensive.”
This has not gone down well in the Kremlin. Therefore, as the military crisis intensifies in South Ossetia, Moscow may be expected to punish Israel for its intervention. [ *Israeli* independent news source]
And that's the REST of the story. We return you to your regularly scheduled pablum.![]()
Source: Reuters
TBILISI, Aug 9 (Reuters) - Russian fighter jets targeted the the major Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) oil pipeline which carries oil to the West from Asia but missed, Georgia's Economic Development Minister Ekaterina Sharashidze said on Saturday.
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
algboy 0
QuoteQuoteThey seem to be invading another country for no apparent reason - where have we heard that before.
Ah, but here is a reason. Russia, the Soviet Union, whatever they're calling themselves, has ALWAYS been an expansionist empire. Historically, Russia has always invaded neighbor states like Ukraine, Georgia, the Baltic countries, and Poland. As well as the Islamic camel dung states, like Kazakhstan and the like. It shouldn't surprise anyone that they're doing it again. Under Putin (oh wait - he's just the Prime Minister anymore...), er, Medvedev, they sense the opportunity with this ethnic Russian uprising in the southern Ossetia province.
Glass houses. The US has 725 military bases in over 130 countries. I call it empire. You can call it Mabel. Who cares? We spend so much freaking money on the military to make the world safe for Haliburton, McDonalds, Monsanto, Exxon et al that the entire world struggles to even match what we spend on keeping "Mabel" up.
But it's all about spreading "democracy", right? You'll have to have a chat with Mr. Right Hand for that one.

Glass houses. The US has 725 military bases in over 130 countries. I call it empire. You can call it Mabel. Who cares? We spend so much freaking money on the military to make the world safe for Haliburton, McDonalds, Monsanto, Exxon et al that the entire world struggles to even match what we spend on keeping "Mabel" up.
Here's a list of military spending based on GDP.
Here's a list of our country's military budget since 1940. It's been hovering around 4% for nearly 15 years.
No doubt the military is expensive, but I think saying 'the rest of the world struggles to keep up' just isn't true.
Stay positive and love your life.
birdlike 0
QuoteThey seem to be invading another country for no apparent reason - where have we heard that before.
Well, we didn't hear it in that case of the U.S. going to reign in a dictator who was making a mockery of U.N. sanctions imposed after he was stopped from invading Kuwait, that's for sure. Because one of many valid reasons for that invasion was the fact that this dictator was spitting in the eye of the toothless United Nations and someone had to have the balls to shut him down.
Imaginations on fire
rwieder 0
I see further invasions of Syria, and who knows where it will stop. I feel they are moving in for a logistic aquizition. Nothing that happens will suprise me....nothing.
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"
US' expenditure: $276,700,000,000.00
China's expediture: $55,910,000,000.00
edit to include link:
QuoteQuoteThey seem to be invading another country for no apparent reason - where have we heard that before.
Well, we didn't hear it in that case of the U.S. going to reign in a dictator who was making a mockery of U.N. sanctions imposed after he was stopped from invading Kuwait, that's for sure. Because one of many valid reasons for that invasion was the fact that this dictator was spitting in the eye of the toothless United Nations and someone had to have the balls to shut him and countless thousands of INNOCENT men, women and children that just happened to get in the waydown.
(1) Never forget that America is part if the Toothless UN
(2) Was the slaughter of all those innocent civilians justified because their leader spit in your eye?
Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
Because Russia and the US operate in different ways, how is this a talking point or defence of history??
"Say what you will" ummm ok... all the examples you listed have about 7 million or more reasons for being worse than passing a pointless domestic level law upon yourself (Russia) that you are allowed to kill your ex pats when you (Russia) would do it anyway.
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