
incremental babysitting

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At first, someone recognized the health risks of smoking.

Next, smokers got higher insurance premiums.

Then, there were smoking/non-smoking areas of restaurants. (One restaurant had a romantic fireplace in the non-smoking area. Imagine the irony.)

Then, no more smoking in restaurants.
Soon, no more smoking on California beaches...
...public office, government buildings...

Then, smoking bans. You will not be hired if you smoke. (A thread two weeks ago)

All this has progressively, incrementally occurred.

The future?
Huge penalties of some kind for smoking.
Maybe REQUIRED additional health insurance.

A smoking permit. $500 a year.

(It sounds like an exaggeration, but so did all the other stuff 10 years ago.)

Smoking will become illegal without the smoking permit. Smokers will do it secretly.
Without the permit, possession will become against the law. "...but I was just holding it for a friend." ;)

No new permits will be issued soon.

The cost of illegal, and addicting, tobacco at $50 a pack drives smokers to rob liquor stores to support their habit.

the news

So... at first, someone recognized the health risks of obesity.

Next, obese people got higher insurance premiums...

Sound familiar?

Perhaps obese people will apply for disability.
Maybe get disability parking spaces because they can't walk that far.

Soon the battle will begin between the groups -
victim-hood "We didn't know we were fat."
babysitters "Warning labels." (oh wait, we have these)
entitlement "Food is a right."
lawsuits "They knew they were fattening you. It's their fault."

Get a cigarette, a beer, and a cheeseburger today.
Die soon, but die free.

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At first, someone recognized the health risks of smoking.
So... at first, someone recognized the health risks of obesity.

The problem (and resulted bans) with smoking is that when you smoke, you effectively force anyone around you to smoke with you.
Someone who is obese does not.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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