rushmc 23 #1 September 2, 2008"America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves." Abraham Lincoln Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #2 September 2, 2008 And how many americans died in your place this week in Iraq??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gawain 0 #3 September 2, 2008 So you approve of the protesters actions and tactics? Their actions were on behalf of those that are overseas? You really don't make sense to me sometimes. Free speech protester advocates trying to attack and shut down others who were exercising the same right.So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnDeere 0 #4 September 2, 2008 QuoteAnd how many americans died in your place this week in Iraq??? And everyone of them chose to be there. As a matter of fact a good amount of them joined since 9/11, and even within the last several years. Just so these ignorant people have the right to spew there hate speech.Nothing opens like a Deere! You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #5 September 2, 2008 Quote Except these were NOT anti-war protesters; THAT is simply the spin the FoxNews headline writer attached to them. In the body of the article it says; Quote The violent demonstrators were mostly dressed in black and described themselves as anarchists. Anybody that calls themselves "anarchists" are not anti-war, they're anti-government.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #6 September 2, 2008 Quote So you approve of the protesters actions and tactics? Their actions were on behalf of those that are overseas? You really don't make sense to me sometimes. Free speech protester advocates trying to attack and shut down others who were exercising the same right. These morons.. have the right to protest.. they always come out of the woodwork..... some of them get off on the violence....seems a LOT of americans.. get off on violence. If they break the law.. arrest them.. when most of them grow up they will probably be like so many of the anti war protestors during MY WAR. In the mean time.. its VERY american to protest whatever you want... to deny them that.... well you just dont have a leg to stand on Max. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gawain 0 #7 September 2, 2008 Quote to deny them that.... well you just dont have a leg to stand on Max. Good thing I wasn't drinking my'd owe me a new keyboard... Quote In the mean time.. its VERY american to protest whatever you want... I agree...but throw bleach in your countryman's eyes? So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #8 September 2, 2008 QuoteI agree...but throw bleach in your countryman's eyes? These morons were being painted as something they are not.. as I said.. when protestors break laws... they need to be removed to a place where they cant hurt others, the same idiots were here in Seattle during WTO. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
birdlike 0 #9 September 2, 2008 Quote Quote Except these were NOT anti-war protesters; THAT is simply the spin the FoxNews headline writer attached to them. In the body of the article it says; Quote The violent demonstrators were mostly dressed in black and described themselves as anarchists. Anybody that calls themselves "anarchists" are not anti-war, they're anti-government. They want Anarchy? We can give them Anarchy. Start by informing them that in an Anarchy, there is no such fucking thing as "due process" or "the right to an attorney." Let them rot in a fucking gulag. Let's not forget this part: "A group of protesters came toward the delegation and tried to rip the credentials off their necks and sprayed them with a toxic substance that burned their eyes and stained their clothes, delegate Rob Simmons told KMSP-TV. One 80-year-old member of the delegation had to be treated for injuries, and several other delegates had to rinse their eyes and clothing, the station reported." What the FUCK, man?! I'm telling you, GIVE the "Anarchists" their anarchy. Make a fuckin' reality show out of it. The world would get to watch just how much "Anarchists" love what they've been seeking once they get it.Spirits fly on dangerous missions Imaginations on fire Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #10 September 2, 2008 Quote I'm telling you, GIVE the "Anarchists" their anarchy. Make a fuckin' reality show out of it. The world would get to watch just how much "Anarchists" love what they've been seeking once they get it. I won't disagree with your points. I'm just disagreeing with the subject line of this thread and the mischaracterization of FoxNews as to who these people are.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChasingBlueSky 0 #11 September 2, 2008 QuoteSo you approve of the protesters actions and tactics? Their actions were on behalf of those that are overseas? You really don't make sense to me sometimes. Free speech protester advocates trying to attack and shut down others who were exercising the same right. How did you feel about the Twin City police arresting a group of 20 somethings and reporters this past week? They were doing nothing and sitting inside a house. The reporters arrested followed police violence versus peaceful protesters that were arrested with a backdrop to lies. I didn't see FoxNews cover that story._________________________________________ you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me.... I WILL fly again..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
akarunway 1 #12 September 2, 2008 Quote Damn. I wish I could have been there w/ them. (the protesters) But I'm on the NO FLY list for some reason (AND THEY WON'T TELL ME WHY) and the PRICE OF A GALLON OF GAS STOPS ME FROM DRIVING THERE. I wonder why they are protesting? I hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
birdlike 0 #13 September 2, 2008 So you really feel that the reason people are protesting is because the majority of American travelers are being placed on no-fly lists? Or can't afford gasoline? Or just can't afford gasoline PLUS their LUXURIES and INEFFICIENT, BEHEMOTH FUCKIN' PILE-OF-SHIT VEHICLES?!Spirits fly on dangerous missions Imaginations on fire Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gawain 0 #14 September 2, 2008 QuoteQuoteSo you approve of the protesters actions and tactics? Their actions were on behalf of those that are overseas? You really don't make sense to me sometimes. Free speech protester advocates trying to attack and shut down others who were exercising the same right. How did you feel about the Twin City police arresting a group of 20 somethings and reporters this past week? They were doing nothing and sitting inside a house. The reporters arrested followed police violence versus peaceful protesters that were arrested with a backdrop to lies. I didn't see FoxNews cover that story. I don't read a whole ton of major news cites, but if you care to provide a link, I'll read it.So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
birdlike 0 #15 September 2, 2008 Yeah, if the claim is being made that a phalanx of police just popped on into a house where people were doing nothing out of the ordinary, I'd like to read about that. Oh, they were just baking pie, right? Well, someone come up with some FACTS, please, before we just go on believing it was a gestapo act.Spirits fly on dangerous missions Imaginations on fire Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kallend 2,067 #16 September 2, 2008 QuoteYeah, if the claim is being made that a phalanx of police just popped on into a house where people were doing nothing out of the ordinary, I'd like to read about that. Oh, they were just baking pie, right? Well, someone come up with some FACTS, please, before we just go on believing it was a gestapo act Here's another anti government nutcase arrested. Maybe they were his cheering section.... The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
birdlike 0 #17 September 2, 2008 Quote Here's another anti government nutcase arrested. Maybe they were his cheering section. Quote Police said officers found Bush carrying the pistols — which were equipped with laser sights — and 400 bullets. They also found another 7,800 rounds of ammunition in his van and 3,000 more in his storage locker, police said. Wow, if he had 400 more primers and 400 more loads of smokeless powder, they could have upped the total number of rounds of ammunition to 11,200. When are reporters going to finally crack open their fuckin' AP Stylebooks and look at the entry for "weapons"? A bullet does not equal a round of ammunition. So why do they always announce that the guy had x number of guns on him, as though the more guns, the more ominous the intention? How many guns can a person effectively use at any one time? ONE. Especially if he's a nutjob. Quote He was arrested late Friday by campus police after he allegedly shot at a traffic light a block away from the university. Police searched him, his van and a storage unit, finding weapons, ammunition and what police called an anti-government manifesto. A manifesto, huh? I wonder if he had shaved the fingerprints off his fingers with a razor blade, too. Shot at a traffic light? Come on, heh, who can raise their hand and say they've never done that when they're frustrated and late for work?! Heh......anybody?Spirits fly on dangerous missions Imaginations on fire Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
birdlike 0 #18 September 2, 2008 Oh, I forgot... "LASER SIGHTS?! Oh my, he was certainly dangerous, but those laser sights, oooh, he was just a walking WMD! *GASP* He had laser sights?! More sensationalist bullshit. Spirits fly on dangerous missions Imaginations on fire Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #19 September 2, 2008 I agree with quade. These are criminals who call themselves "anarchists.". They are the same clowns who show up at G8 conferences and the like for no other purpose than to cause a ruckus. There ARE similarities with the "leaders" of anti-war crowd of the Vietnam era - people who used the war as their opportunity to show how important they are. I suspect that many of these anarchists will go the way of Abbie Hoffman and off themselves in the coming years when they figure out that they just are not relevant... My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,535 #20 September 2, 2008 QuoteThey want Anarchy? We can give them Anarchy. Start by informing them that in an Anarchy, there is no such fucking thing as "due process" or "the right to an attorney." Great idea, but you realise you won't be able to use any police to arrest them, or have any prisons to put them in, right?Do you want to have an ideagasm? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
algboy 0 #21 September 2, 2008 QuoteQuoteThey want Anarchy? We can give them Anarchy. Start by informing them that in an Anarchy, there is no such fucking thing as "due process" or "the right to an attorney." Great idea, but you realise you won't be able to use any police to arrest them, or have any prisons to put them in, right? Check the shoes of these "anarchists". Probably cop credentials tucked away somewhere. Like they said in the 60s, if someone suggests you blow something up and they just happen to have a stick of dynamite you can use--it's probably a cop (or FBI, or BATF, or DHS). But, hey! Hell of a job those cops did on Amy Goodman and company at the RNC, eh? Jackbooted ninja turtles ripping press credentials off of journalists necks, stomping on their backs, pushing their faces into the cement, and cutting off their hand circulation with those atavistic ziptie cuffs? But, as sure as "W" misunderestimates the intelligence of the American people, you can count on Faux Noise to spin the story into those troublemaking anarchists getting their just desserts now Honey can you turn back to the Jerry Lewis Telethon my head hurts and be a good ol' gal and fetch me `nother Bud.“Keep your elbow up!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
livendive 8 #22 September 2, 2008 Quote Quote And how many americans died in your place this week in Iraq??? And everyone of them chose to be there. As a matter of fact a good amount of them joined since 9/11, and even within the last several years. Just so these ignorant people have the right to spew there hate speech. Hey look! It's Reason for the Iraq War #218! Blues, Dave"I AM A PROFESSIONAL EXTREME ATHLETE!" (drink Mountain Dew) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Para_Frog 1 #23 September 3, 2008 That sounds nifty and convenient trying to differentiate your whacko fringe from your anti-war majority, however, as opposed to the right who condemns their whackos - the left has always refused to condemn theirs. The country sees the DNC as code pink and Abbie Hoffman, as peopele who shit on the flag and those who die for it. Might be unfair in the modern millieu, but it's a fact. Until you shake that'll never win another national election.- Harvey, BASE 1232 TAN-I, IAD-I, S&TA BLiNC Magazine Team Member Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpeedRacer 1 #24 September 3, 2008 that last post makes no sense. Speed Racer -------------------------------------------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Para_Frog 1 #25 September 3, 2008 Wow. Solid retort. Color me impressed.- Harvey, BASE 1232 TAN-I, IAD-I, S&TA BLiNC Magazine Team Member Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites