
Should abortion be allowed in cases of rape or incest?

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Sound to me like "Equal rights when it is convenient" but women have more rights when it is hard on them. How about when the woman chooses to have the baby, and the father that wanted to have the abortion has to pay for the rest of his life, thus having a large impact on his life for the rest of his life.

Unfortunately for men, the reality is that they really don't have a choice in the matter after the woman has become pregnant. It's not fair, but thinking about who you put your dick in should help cure that problem some.

So women and men are not equal........


What's the debate?

equal rights, Equal pay for equal work, women in the military, Glass ceiling........there are a lot of debates that say that women and men have equal rights.

Edited to add that I never got this answered and would like an answer from the pro-abortion CHOICE crowd


Fixed it for you. That was a very lame attempt to disparage those who disagree with you.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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equal rights, Equal pay for equal work, women in the military, Glass ceiling........there are a lot of debates that say that women and men have equal rights.

Yes, but that doesn't mean women can impregnate anyone or men can ovulate.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Edited to add that I never got this answered and would like an answer from the pro-abortion crowd

Another thing that bothers me is when people say abortion is ok in certain circumstances and not in others. Abortion is either killing a baby, or just a medical procedure (like having liposuction), and if it is not killing a baby, what is wrong with it being used as a form of birth control? What is the difference between someone that has 10 tummy tucks over the course of their life and 10 abortions if it is not killing a baby?

Both show a serious lack of self discipline, not to mention irresponsibility.

If you need to keep having abortions, maybe you should close your legs.

If you need to keep getting tummy tucks, maybe you should go to the gym (and stay there since gaining and losing weight is what most people get tummy tucks for).

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Is abortion killing a baby? Honestly, I don't know.


I don't see a problem with very very early abortions

Does anyone else see the problem with this line of thinking?

Not really. A zygote isn't a baby. It may become a baby, but it isn't one yet.

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Is abortion killing a baby? Honestly, I don't know.


I don't see a problem with very very early abortions

Does anyone else see the problem with this line of thinking?

Life starts with conception.

Life is simply the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body. It doesn't not mean that a group of cells that are a week old is a "baby".

Of course, that is an opinion that may differ from person to person, which is why the debate of whether abortion is ok or not will never end.

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Is abortion killing a baby? Honestly, I don't know.


I don't see a problem with very very early abortions

Does anyone else see the problem with this line of thinking?

Life starts with conception.

Is it your position that sperm and ova are not living tissue?

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Life starts with conception.

Even if it does, so what? It still has no feelings about its own life, no knowledge of its existence. It has NOTHING, other than a little more potential, to separate it from any other two cells with half a set of chromosomes each. So early termination of a pregnancy isn't causing it any kind of pain. Life, for life's sake in that case, isn't sacred, imho.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Is abortion killing a baby? Honestly, I don't know.


I don't see a problem with very very early abortions

Does anyone else see the problem with this line of thinking?

Life starts with conception.

Is it your position that sperm and ova are not living tissue?


Because they do not reproduce cells to something that will form organs and a baby. A woman having her period is not a miscarrage.

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[Edited to add that I never got this answered and would like an answer from the pro-abortion CHOICE crowd


Fixed it for you. That was a very lame attempt to disparage those who disagree with you.

No I said it right, you are either pro (for) abortion or anti (against) abortion.

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Life starts with conception.

Even if it does, so what? It still has no feelings about its own life, no knowledge of its existence. It has NOTHING, other than a little more potential, to separate it from any other two cells with half a set of chromosomes each. So early termination of a pregnancy isn't causing it any kind of pain. Life, for life's sake in that case, isn't sacred, imho.


Do you think that a newborn that is thrown in a dumpster and dies within an hour truely has "knowledge of its own existance"?

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[Edited to add that I never got this answered and would like an answer from the pro-abortion CHOICE crowd


Fixed it for you. That was a very lame attempt to disparage those who disagree with you.

No I said it right, you are either pro (for) abortion or anti (against) abortion.

No, not really. I don't encourage abortions, but I stand for the right to choose if you want one or not. It's entirely different.

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Life starts with conception.

Even if it does, so what? It still has no feelings about its own life, no knowledge of its existence. It has NOTHING, other than a little more potential, to separate it from any other two cells with half a set of chromosomes each. So early termination of a pregnancy isn't causing it any kind of pain. Life, for life's sake in that case, isn't sacred, imho.


Do you think that a newborn that is thrown in a dumpster and dies within an hour truely has "knowledge of its own existance"?

LOFL at comparing a zygote to a newborn baby!

You're kidding, right? :D

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[Edited to add that I never got this answered and would like an answer from the pro-abortion CHOICE crowd


Fixed it for you. That was a very lame attempt to disparage those who disagree with you.

No I said it right, you are either pro (for) abortion or anti (against) abortion.

No, not really. I don't encourage abortions, but I stand for the right to choose if you want one or not. It's entirely different.

You are either for (pro) someone's right to have an abortion or against (Anti) that right.

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[Edited to add that I never got this answered and would like an answer from the pro-abortion CHOICE crowd


Fixed it for you. That was a very lame attempt to disparage those who disagree with you.

No I said it right, you are either pro (for) abortion or anti (against) abortion.

No, not really. I don't encourage abortions, but I stand for the right to choose if you want one or not. It's entirely different.

You are either for (pro) someone's right to have an abortion or against (Anti) that right.

That's not what you said. You said FOR ABORTION, not for the RIGHT to have an abortion if you choose.

Are you not seeing the difference between the two?

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Life starts with conception.

Even if it does, so what? It still has no feelings about its own life, no knowledge of its existence. It has NOTHING, other than a little more potential, to separate it from any other two cells with half a set of chromosomes each. So early termination of a pregnancy isn't causing it any kind of pain. Life, for life's sake in that case, isn't sacred, imho.


Do you think that a newborn that is thrown in a dumpster and dies within an hour truely has "knowledge of its own existance"?

Killing a newborn is not early termination of a pregnancy. There are a lot of qualities that a newborn has that separate it from any other two cells with half a set of chromosomes each. And yes it has knowledge of its own existence. It feels. It has a brain.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Life starts with conception.

Even if it does, so what? It still has no feelings about its own life, no knowledge of its existence. It has NOTHING, other than a little more potential, to separate it from any other two cells with half a set of chromosomes each. So early termination of a pregnancy isn't causing it any kind of pain. Life, for life's sake in that case, isn't sacred, imho.


Do you think that a newborn that is thrown in a dumpster and dies within an hour truely has "knowledge of its own existance"?

LOFL at comparing a zygote to a newborn baby!

You're kidding, right? :D

It's a matter of degree. Tell me what magical thing happens that makes it a life. Is is when the heart starts beating, is it when you can see little arms and legs, is it when it can survive outside of the mother with assistance of a ventilator(premie), is is when it can survive outside of the mother without any assistace other than the mother?

To me I can tell you the "magical" moment life starts and that is conception.

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Life starts with conception.

Even if it does, so what? It still has no feelings about its own life, no knowledge of its existence. It has NOTHING, other than a little more potential, to separate it from any other two cells with half a set of chromosomes each. So early termination of a pregnancy isn't causing it any kind of pain. Life, for life's sake in that case, isn't sacred, imho.


Do you think that a newborn that is thrown in a dumpster and dies within an hour truely has "knowledge of its own existance"?

LOFL at comparing a zygote to a newborn baby!

You're kidding, right? :D

It's a matter of degree. Tell me what magical thing happens that makes it a life. Is is when the heart starts beating, is it when you can see little arms and legs, is it when it can survive outside of the mother with assistance of a ventilator(premie), is is when it can survive outside of the mother without any assistace other than the mother?

To me I can tell you the "magical" moment life starts and that is conception.

You're confusing "life" with "baby". A group of fetal cells that are a week old are alive, but they are not a baby.

edit to add: but that's just my opinion on the matter

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To me I can tell you the "magical" moment life starts and that is conception.

I think it's actually once they leave college and get a real job and move out and have to pay their own way. But that's just one opinion. So most anyone under 30 isn't really mostly there yet.

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No one has proof of when a humane life starts. If you wish to value all cells as life then I killed life when I had a mole removed from my ass.

You don’t know when life starts you might think you know but there is no proof for anyone.

So for something that none of us are clear on, I believe the person it effects the most the would be mom should have the decision to do what SHE wishes.

If you believe what you believe because of religion that’s great however we do not live in a monarchy so your religious choices should be personal and not law.

If you do have proof of when a life becomes humane life, please share you could solve this debate that has been going on for decades.
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[Edited to add that I never got this answered and would like an answer from the pro-abortion CHOICE crowd


Fixed it for you. That was a very lame attempt to disparage those who disagree with you.

No I said it right, you are either pro (for) abortion or anti (against) abortion.

Perhaps, but that would mean that many anti-abortion people are pro-choice, simply because they do not presume themselves qualified to make value statements for others.
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[Edited to add that I never got this answered and would like an answer from the pro-abortion CHOICE crowd


Fixed it for you. That was a very lame attempt to disparage those who disagree with you.

No I said it right, you are either pro (for) abortion or anti (against) abortion.

That is simply untrue and a deliberate and unethical misrepresentation.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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