
Should abortion be allowed in cases of rape or incest?

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I believe that something with arms (to be ripped off) and legs (also to be ripped off) and removed (with a glorified vacume cleaner) is alive enough to not be killed.

What about a shapeless mass of cells?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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In other words, you are either pro-choice or anti-choice.


I have not probem with being called Anti Choice, Anti Abortion, or Pro Life. Why do Pro Abortion, Pro Choice, or Anti Life (No one uses this one) have a problem with being called any one of these.

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I believe that something with arms (to be ripped off) and legs (also to be ripped off) and removed (with a glorified vacume cleaner) is alive enough to not be killed.

What about a shapeless mass of cells?

A shapeless mass of cells that is contnually replicating forming things like lungs and a brain and arms, and legs.......I call that a baby in process.

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In other words, you are either pro-choice or anti-choice.


I have not probem with being called Anti Choice, Anti Abortion, or Pro Life. Why do Pro Abortion, Pro Choice, or Anti Life (No one uses this one) have a problem with being called any one of these.

Maybe because 2 of the 3 are inaccurate.

How hard is it for you to comprehend that neither YOU nor I nor Sarah Palin nor John McCain have any business telling any woman what she should or should not do with her uterus, regardless of our personal beliefs?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I believe that something with arms (to be ripped off) and legs (also to be ripped off) and removed (with a glorified vacume cleaner) is alive enough to not be killed.

Wait, I'm confused. You said that "life" (i.e., a baby) begins at conception. Now you're saying that if it has arms and legs it's alive enough to not be killed. So what about before that?

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In other words, you are either pro-choice or anti-choice.


I have not probem with being called Anti Choice, Anti Abortion, or Pro Life. Why do Pro Abortion, Pro Choice, or Anti Life (No one uses this one) have a problem with being called any one of these.

I don't have a problem with you calling me those things, but they're not accurate. There are probably (hopefully) very few people whom all three of those descriptors fit.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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