
Will ROe v. Wade be overturned in your lifetime?

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I belive it could happen. John Macain and his VP choice are still living in the stone age on the matter, and if they get elected with the current Judges then yes choice could be fucked.
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The debate on abortion is a non -starter. It won't change...not in my lifetime.

It only needs one change on the SCOTUS. If McCain/Palin wins, that is a distinct possibility. Palin is very clear on her (extreme) position that even rape victims shouldn't have abortions.

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I doubt it, which I think is a shame.

I'm quite pro-Choice, but I also think that Roe is a horrible decision. Trying to find a "penumbra" of non-enumerated rights in a clause specifically enumerating things is pretty silly. The court should, instead, have looked directly to the amendment discussing non-enumerated rights. Of course, that might have led us down some roads that those in favor of reducing citizen rights might not like..."you mean there are other rights in there--no, we can't have that!"

A better solution would be;

a) Rule that the right to decide resides with the States, under the 9th amendment. This (rightfully) respects the federal nature of our system and devolves the power to the separate states.

or, if you're more pro-choice;

b) Rule that the right to decide resides with the people, individually, under the 9th amendment. I'm not sure that I'd personally go with that decision, since I'm not sure that the Supremes ought to be ruling about the division of rights between the people and the several states,

or, and this is what I'd go for;

c) Simply rule that the 9th amendment reserves these rights to either the individual people or the several states, and bow out of further decision making, rather than trying to micromanage a federal system that wasn't made for that sort of oversight.
-- Tom Aiello


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To vehemently pro-Life folks, it's clearly the most important issue.

Look at it this way, if you believe that abortion is murder, there are a huge number of murders being committed, often with state support (i.e. funding). That's a fundamental wrong on the level of the holocaust. If that was what you believed, wouldn't that make this far and away the most important issue in every election?
-- Tom Aiello


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I agree with Tom about how ridiculous the decision is with regard to the reasons behind it.

I will state that I don't think it will be overturned because it is pretty well-settled jurisprudence, and there has to be a pretty compelling reason to overturn it, and such will not exist for a very long time - if ever.

The only way to overturn it is a Constitutional Amendment.

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... often with state support (i.e. funding)

How much state funding do you think there is for abortion?

Since 1983 the Hyde Amendment limits Medicaid funding for abortions only to cases of rape, incest, &/or life endangerment.

The currrent US policy, known as the “global gag rule,” prevents federal funding of any organization that is involved in work providing, promoting, or even discussing abortion services, even when that work is funded from non-US sources. This negatively affected AIDS prevention and treatment programs/groups and anti-child prostitution/child trafficking efforts/groups (because the groups might also discuss abortion even if being funded by non-federal or non-US entities). Ironically, the "global gag rule" has also been found to contribute to increase in *unsafe* abortions. [:/]


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... often with state support (i.e. funding)

How much state funding do you think there is for abortion?

I'd say that at least 13 states provide public funding for abortion, although the ACLU says that it's 17 states. In terms of dollars? I don't know, but it's obviously something.

***Currently only seventeen states fund abortions for low-income women on the same or similar terms as other pregnancy-related and general health services. (See map.) Four of these states provide funding voluntarily (HI, MD, NY, and WA); in thirteen, courts interpreting their state constitutions have declared broad and independent protection for reproductive choice and have ordered nondiscriminatory public funding of abortion (AK, AZ, CA, CT, IL, MA, MN, MT, NJ, NM, OR, VT, and WV).

Source: American Civil Liberties Union.

I'm pro-Choice. I don't think that the government should regulate or ban abortions. I was trying to explain the thinking of people whose views I don't share on this issue.

I am also a Libertarian. I don't think the government should be providing funding for any health care, including abortions.
-- Tom Aiello


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I agree with Tom about how ridiculous the decision is with regard to the reasons behind it.

I will state that I don't think it will be overturned because it is pretty well-settled jurisprudence, and there has to be a pretty compelling reason to overturn it, and such will not exist for a very long time - if ever.

The only way to overturn it is a Constitutional Amendment.

Stare Decisis

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I am also a Libertarian. I don't think the government should be providing funding for any health care, including abortions.

So then let the sick, die? Fuck em?

Are you saying that if the government doesn't provide some entitlement program all sick people everywhere will die?

Does everyone who isn't on some sort of government assistance die when they become ill?
-- Tom Aiello


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I don't think that the government should regulate or ban abortions.

Do you mean regulate as in all aspects? Such as who can perform them and at what gestation? To me thats asking for major problems. Abortion is a medical procedure and therefore one who wishes to include that in their resume should be a doctor.


I am also a Libertarian. I don't think the government should be providing funding for any health care, including abortions.

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Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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Well in your case you should be glad your parents were stand-up enough to raise you and not just put you in an institution or foster home. Being born is such a small part of the battle in raising a child into adulthood.

So all of these dumb asses out there get pregnant, they cant afford-to/have-the-ability-to raise the child and the federal government forces them to have the child and then follows that up with cutting social programs.

Now thats forward thinking...

I appreciate your perspective but please realize there are a lot of situations out there and MOST arent as good as yours.

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