TankBuster 0 #126 September 14, 2008 LMAO. Ya see? You guys can't even figure out who's messin with who this week ON THIS FORUM! How are you going to figure out who perpetrated 911 in 2001? Now, now, boys, you two stop attacking each other! You are on the same side of this seven year old "issue." Get together, have a latte, do a little more research on who makes up the Bush cabinet, and come up with a plausible conspiracy theory. Please. The forecast is mostly sunny with occasional beer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky... 0 #127 September 14, 2008 Quote LMAO. Ya see? You guys can't even figure out who's messin with who this week ON THIS FORUM! How are you going to figure out who perpetrated 911 in 2001? Now, now, boys, you two stop attacking each other! You are on the same side of this seven year old "issue." Get together, have a latte, do a little more research on who makes up the Bush cabinet, and come up with a plausible conspiracy theory. Please. >>>>>>>>>>>>LMAO. Ya see? You guys can't even figure out who's messin with who this week ON THIS FORUM! It's not a you guys thing, 1 guy skim-read you issuing a PA and jumped. >>>>>>>>>>>>How are you going to figure out who perpetrated 911 in 2001? We don't have to, we're just gonna go blow up everything until we're broke, like Republicans. That is, until the world is sick of us. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Now, now, boys, you two stop attacking each other! You are on the same side of this seven year old "issue." Uh, I'm not attacking him. 7 year issue? HArdly, the American ignorance/arrogance is slightly more than that, probably 100's of years off it leading to recent lame security. We thought we could contiue to fuck with teh world w/o repraisal. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky... 0 #128 September 20, 2008 Quote don't hate the US, I just think it's a POS. All I needed to hear. You think this country is a PIECE OF SHIT? Funny how you still take your full VA bennies from this PIECE OF SHIT country. I'm this close to being banned for PA's. If I'm not mistaken even the hardcore libs would have a problem backing you on that statement. I would probably even stand and cross for the National Anthem, I will not do so now. So, when you're at a sporting event you sit? Where's that thread about douchebags.. >>>>>>>>>>>>>All I needed to hear. You think this country is a PIECE OF SHIT? Funny how you still take your full VA bennies from this PIECE OF SHIT country. Yep, I earned em. I also earned the right to think this country is a POS right now. I do think it will get better, as it did under Clinton if we get the neo-con garbage out. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>.I'm this close to being banned for PA's. That's because you can't control yourself. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>If I'm not mistaken even the hardcore libs would have a problem backing you on that statement. Of course, as we know the true Americans are the Republicans. >>>>>>>>>>>>>So, when you're at a sporting event you sit? I don't frequent them, so I have no set place....this matters how? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.Where's that thread about douchebags.. I would think u would know...... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky... 0 #129 September 20, 2008 Quote You served 1 term? What the fuck were you, class secretary? I have never EVER heard anyone, active, reserve, or retired that called it a TERM. I call bullshit. If I knew it for a fact that you did not serve in the military, you might be in a world of crap. You do know there are laws governing this act right?I think you may want to come clean and ask forgiveness, or hope that any veteran on this site, or in this sport, regardless of political ideology, finds out who you are, You PICK Veterans, and those currently serving, you might want to add your own comment. Don't worry, you can always try to befriend Jeanne/Amazon, I think she might give you a big 'ole hug for being a fake >>>>>>>>>>>>You served 1 term? That's what I wrote; hard to understand? >>>>>>>>>>>>>What the fuck were you, class secretary? I have never EVER heard anyone, active, reserve, or retired that called it a TERM. That's probably due to you being a child as compared to me. Hitch, term, etc.... of course my dad was a GI too during Korea, so perhaps that's where I got it and it matters how????? An enlistment term. http://www.demography.state.mn.us/notyet/nygnat03.html http://www.2k.army.mil/downloads/incentive%20TPs.pdf http://www.thefreedictionary.com/term+of+enlistment Noun 1. term of enlistment - a period of time spent in military service Perhaps we need to screen your viability as a service member. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I call bullshit. And I read bullshit. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>If I knew it for a fact that you did not serve in the military, you might be in a world of crap. Why, what the fuck would you do? Seriously, what the fuck would you do? Nothing, fucking keyboard hero. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>You do know there are laws governing this act right? Probably impersonating a military member, but not impersonating a veteran. Furthermore, I ama vet, so your silliness is moot. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I think you may want to come clean and ask forgiveness, or hope that any veteran on this site, or in this sport, regardless of political ideology, finds out who you are, You really are into yourself. Why would ask forgiveness, for what and from whom. I will not recant; the US is currently a POS, you will not revoke my right to have that opinion. I am of the school that wamts to make it better by voting out neo-copn scum and that will make it better in time. Finds out who I am, WHO GIVES A FUCK? You really think you are scarry....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Veterans, and those currently serving, you might want to add your own comment. Rallying the troops.... and here I thought you were doing something. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Don't worry, you can always try to befriend Jeanne/Amazon, I think she might give you a big 'ole hug for being a fake How is it I'm a fake? I served 1 term in the military; so what? Is that such a big deal? Millins have and I respect their service. Perhaps we need to examine your service or your attention to the service as you have never heard of a military term. >>>>>>>>>>>>. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky... 0 #130 September 20, 2008 Quote Quote Fair enough Mr. Fernackerpan. But a number of us also do not post anonymously. Besides, you know I like to use a stir stick! Anonymous posters have significantly less credibility than those who are willing to admit to their identity, PARTICULARLY when making claims about personal achievements and attributes, when thay have no credibility at all. Only in the world where ad hominems are protocol.....all others are based upon substance.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky... 0 #131 September 20, 2008 Quote Heck I know who he is, and who he hangs around with, I guess you are not privy to such information eh?Or are you just attempting a personal attack on someone who many people here actually know? I think you might want to stop before people think you are an asshole for doing so. You're Randall from Chicago.... no email or any other onfo and you bitch about me not posting info? Joke. >>>>>>>>>>>>>I think you might want to stop before people think you are an asshole for doing so. Seriously, do you need help? You quasi threatened me, and are pissed for nothing. They probably have people to help you at the base. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky... 0 #132 September 20, 2008 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Your lack of understanding when it comes to how Veterans view fakes, or possible fake veterans is obvious. Why is it so hard to believe that any person served a term in the service? It isn't exclusive and most enlisted in my era due to no opportunity at home. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Lucky isn't bothering me, but yet, when he posts things like "1 Term" I am led to believe he is not in fact a Veteran, but a fake. I posted several sites, some that come from military sources, that use the language, "military term." >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.That is something of concern, because impersonation of a veteran, and professing to have such feelings about our country (USA) is something very bad indeed. I compel you to go to a prosecutor. And then the men in white suits will come out... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky... 0 #133 September 20, 2008 QuoteQuote With that said, I wish I was part of teh greatest generation, they really had something to be prideful of. And again, the troops in all wars are heroes, they didn;t get to chose the war they fought within and the sacrifice/risk is the same, even if teh mission is shit. Bullshit. All of it. You wish you were part of the greatest generation because they came together, faught, and died to protect the world from Nazis and Japan. They committed to the mission and sacrificed everything. Yet, you wont stand the fuck up for the flag they defended. Who cares if you don't agree with the current government? You shit on the greatest generation's memories for acting like that. Yes, they were the greatest generation, but let's be clear, all gi's, esp in war are equal heros, just because some asswipes like LBJ or the current trash we have as an acting president sends guys to war for profit it doesn't diminish the sacrifice a bit - they are heroes as the WWII folks were. But yes, I would have loved to have been born in the 1920's. The greatest gen fought for me to have an opinion. For all you know, many of them would think the idiots that voted in the neo-con trash are disgraceful. Remember, the WWII guys were big fans of Eisenhower, a guy that would puke to think where the neo-con trash has taken us. Perhaps they would agree with teh dissent from vets like me.... don't disgrace them by speaking for them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky... 0 #134 September 20, 2008 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You said "and". He was indicted for lying. For some reason, women have to throw in some discussion of the BJ, as if to redirect the discussion to an unimportant tangent. Well then quit throwing it in, girly. >>>>>>>>>>>>>He lied under oath. Then, he recanted the lie at a later date. That is perjury. He was videotaped lying under oath. I don't know what further burden of proof that there could be. Welcome to your classist country where Steinbrenner gets a free ride for tax evasion, Ollie North eats it for Reagan and Clinton gets off for lying under oath. WHat next, a famous football star getting acquitted for a pair of murders he obvioulsy committed? You advocate this fat-cat good ole boy system; deal with it when it drives itself up your ass. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..Convicted? He WAS disbarred by the Arkansas Supreme Court because of the perjury for 5 years citing the perjury. Get your facts straight, he was suspended from practicing law in Arkansas, he was never disbarred from them. http://famguardian.org/Subjects/LawAndGovt/News/ClintonDisbar-011001.htm >>>>>>>>>>>I started a thread about whether anyone actually believed that either of the Clintons were honest. I wanted to hear a Clinton supporter, even one, say they believed it. None. Yet he helped the country so much as compared to neo-cons. The world love Clinton and thought the US was pathetic for pursuing Clinton on sexual matters. >>>>>>>>>>>..Of course, there was the usual, "it's about the bj" misdirection to avoid that topic. And with the saem criminal charges against Scooter Libby, conviction secured, the communtation complete, all he did was to lie about an investigation into the revealing of a federal agent...... sillly Republicans... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 2,998 #135 September 20, 2008 Tank, Lucky, Warped, Air - cut it out. Your one warning(s). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Braz933 0 #136 September 20, 2008 Lucky... I have read this entire thread, and you are entitled to your opinion..twisted though it may be. Tell me...Lucky...what nation do you consider to be a model the US should follow with respect to foreign policy, etc? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MegaGoliath11 0 #137 September 20, 2008 Quote Quote Navy here...but I want to try... 2nd Company 5th Infantry 25th something or other... oh! infantry division? Close Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Infantry Division, 25th Infantry Division. It's a little tough to follow if your in a different branch. no no no Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. Tropic Lighting! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky... 0 #138 September 20, 2008 QuoteLucky... I have read this entire thread, and you are entitled to your opinion..twisted though it may be. Tell me...Lucky...what nation do you consider to be a model the US should follow with respect to foreign policy, etc? Twisted? The US: - Until 2 years ago was 1 of 7 nations to execute juveniles - Still executes at the highest rate of adult prisoners even in the light that there are many errors, even today - Provides no universal care for its citizens, even tho all/most all indust nations do - Has many times over the richest people in the wprld, but also has a huge number of homeless, including vets - Imperialistically invades small countries and then complains when other superpowers do the same - Our leaders, the Republican ones, run teh debt up so they can kill social programs and offload the next several generation's cash to the richest, furthering the class disparity - Many others... So we're supposed to be blind patriots and look the other way? If not we're unpatriotic and terorrists? Whatever, mine are twisted and yours are right in line? Plese, be predictable and skim over the tough ones. The US should domestically: - Immediately initiate universal care - Tax large corporations heavily Foreign: - Get out of people's business - Stop attacking countries for ideological reasons, only in the most extreme of cases. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FallingOsh 0 #139 September 20, 2008 Quote The greatest gen fought for me to have an opinion. For all you know, many of them would think the idiots that voted in the neo-con trash are disgraceful. Remember, the WWII guys were big fans of Eisenhower, a guy that would puke to think where the neo-con trash has taken us. Perhaps they would agree with teh dissent from vets like me.... don't disgrace them by speaking for them Maybe. But bet your ass they would stand up for the anthem. That was my point. It doesn't matter what your political views are. Get up and put your hand over your heart. -------------------------------------------------- Stay positive and love your life. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gawain 0 #140 September 20, 2008 Quote no no no Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 5th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. Tropic Lighting! No no no no..."electric strawberries"...So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gawain 0 #141 September 20, 2008 Quote- Immediately initiate universal care Are you willing to give up your privacy to do so? Because instituting such a thing will mean that non-medical personnel will need to see your medical records...all of them. Because it will be a bureaucrat, not a doctor, that decides when, where, and how you'll maintain your health care. Quote- Tax large corporations heavily How much more should we tax them, we're #2 in the world in corporate tax rate. Give me a figure. The highest corporate tax rate for corporations making just $100K is 39%. So, a small business that cracks $100K in taxable income is on the hook for $39K... Here's the table: Corporate Income Tax Rates--2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003 Taxable income over Not over Tax rate $ 0 $ 50,000 15% 50,000 75,000 25% 75,000 100,000 34% 100,000 335,000 39% 335,000 10,000,000 34% 10,000,000 15,000,000 35% 15,000,000 18,333,333 38% 18,333,333 .......... 35% Quote- Get out of people's business Do you want Americans to give up there unmatched ability to provide aid when called upon, or will you advocate a policy that ignores the world when we are called upon to take action, whether violent or benevolent. Based on these three bullets alone, I can glean from your stance that you advocate the suspension of privacy, entrepreneurial spirit, capitalistic rewards for hard work, and your country's role in providing great relief (which comes at the cost of also wielding great power) and leadership to the free world.So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nerdgirl 0 #142 September 20, 2008 QuoteAre you willing to give up your privacy to do so? Because instituting such a thing will mean that non-medical personnel will need to see your medical records...all of them. Because it will be a bureaucrat, not a doctor, that decides when, where, and how you'll maintain your health care. Based on these three bullets alone, I can glean from your stance that you advocate the suspension of privacy, entrepreneurial spirit, capitalistic rewards for hard work, and your country's role in providing great relief (which comes at the cost of also wielding great power) and leadership to the free world. Max, Are you running for office this year? You usually don't use ad hominems. On principle your characterizations are hyperbolic and unsupportedly conflating opinion with fact. You claim with no evidence that supporting universal healthcare equals advocacy of the suspension of privacy. Come on’ – you’re usually better than that. (Nevermind ignoring the myriad other potential privacy infringement acts & actions.) That’s on the order of asserting that lack of universal healthcare means some people will not receive needed treatment and some might die from it, therefore you are in favor of killing children. Does that contribute to a discussion? (See [mnealtx]'s comments in this thread for more cogent arguments against universal healthcare.) Factually how many non-medical personal have access to your files now? Lots. One can generate equally specious correlations suggesting that you want the US to be the world’s policeman and favor Enron-like business practices. You’re usually better than the above post suggests. VR/Marg Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters. Tibetan Buddhist saying Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky... 0 #143 September 20, 2008 QuoteQuote The greatest gen fought for me to have an opinion. For all you know, many of them would think the idiots that voted in the neo-con trash are disgraceful. Remember, the WWII guys were big fans of Eisenhower, a guy that would puke to think where the neo-con trash has taken us. Perhaps they would agree with teh dissent from vets like me.... don't disgrace them by speaking for them Maybe. But bet your ass they would stand up for the anthem. That was my point. It doesn't matter what your political views are. Get up and put your hand over your heart. That is just symbolism. Meanwhile, those same people who would stand and cross elect guys that ruin the country and its fiscsal infrastructure. How does that make them super-patriots? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FallingOsh 0 #144 September 20, 2008 Quote That is just symbolism. Meanwhile, those same people who would stand and cross elect guys that ruin the country and its fiscsal infrastructure. How does that make them super-patriots? Yes, its a symbol of respect for your country and people's sacrifices to protect it (like the greatest generation which you claim to idolize). You imply the same people who stand up for the anthem are the ones who elect republicans? They sang the anthem at the DNC and everyone stood with their hand on their heart. Someone who stands for the flag isn't a super-patriot. You act like this is some weird tradition created last week by neo-cons. -------------------------------------------------- Stay positive and love your life. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lucky... 0 #145 September 20, 2008 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Are you willing to give up your privacy to do so? Because instituting such a thing will mean that non-medical personnel will need to see your medical records...all of them. Because it will be a bureaucrat, not a doctor, that decides when, where, and how you'll maintain your health care. Are you kidding, your party has ensured corporate America can help givernmental America to invade my privacy and then immunized them civilly. Furthermore, I really don't have a problem with it, but there would still be basic protectiosn in place regardless of which system we have. Besides, medical billing personnel already have access to your records in part. Moot point. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>How much more should we tax them, we're #2 in the world in corporate tax rate. Give me a figure. The highest corporate tax rate for corporations making just $100K is 39%. So, a small business that cracks $100K in taxable income is on the hook for $39K... I don't know that we're #2 in the world. Looking at inferential evidence, foreign corps run here for what I presume to be the tax advantage and the virtual absence of employee rights. Also, we generate more multi millionaires, so I don't see how your point has merit, even if it is true. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Do you want Americans to give up there unmatched ability to provide aid when called upon, or will you advocate a policy that ignores the world when we are called upon to take action, whether violent or benevolent. Yes, fuck the world until we're taken care of at home. It is Imperialistic to ignore the homeland and focus on foreign disasters in return for foreign favor. I feel that it is a patriotic view to worry more about us than them; what do you think, cross your heart and stand, but care more about other nations? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.Based on these three bullets alone, I can glean from your stance that you: - advocate the suspension of privacy, Hillarious considering your party is the party of privacy invasion. - entrepreneurial spirit, capitalistic rewards for hard work, No, I don't advocate Communism, that dissuades the above. Socialism advocates a balance of American greeed and Communism. - and your country's role in providing great relief (which comes at the cost of also wielding great power) and leadership to the free world. So Iraq is about leadership..... uh, yea.,..... Viet Nam was about leadership? Sure, whatever you say..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gawain 0 #146 September 20, 2008 QuoteQuoteAre you willing to give up your privacy to do so? Because instituting such a thing will mean that non-medical personnel will need to see your medical records...all of them. Because it will be a bureaucrat, not a doctor, that decides when, where, and how you'll maintain your health care. Based on these three bullets alone, I can glean from your stance that you advocate the suspension of privacy, entrepreneurial spirit, capitalistic rewards for hard work, and your country's role in providing great relief (which comes at the cost of also wielding great power) and leadership to the free world. Max, Are you running for office this year? You usually don't use ad hominems. I have great respect for your intellect. That was not an ad hominem. If I knew more about who or what Lucky was, then I could build a very tactful ad hominem. If I knew Lucky were a priest, and he told me that he believed abortion is morally wrong, and I said, "Of course, you're a priest." If he followed up with something about the tenants of his argument, and I followed with, "But you're a priest so that doesn't count. Plus you're just a henchman for the Pope so I can't take stock in what you say." That's and ad hominem. QuoteOn principle your characterizations are hyperbolic and unsupportedly conflating opinion with fact. You claim with no evidence that supporting universal healthcare equals advocacy of the suspension of privacy. Medicare? New rules require contractors record "impressions" of patients in certain care situations, not germane to the provider's job or specialty. http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=3057 QuoteUnder Medicare rules established in 1999, patients receiving home health care are required to divulge personal medical, sexual, and emotional information. Government contractors -- mainly home health nurses -- are directed to record such things as whether a senior has expressed "depressed feelings" or has used "excessive profanity." If seniors refuse to share medical and lifestyle information, their health care workers are required to act as proxies. This means total strangers will be permitted to speak for seniors. Never mind whether these private contractors can protect the information. We know the government systems have holes in them, and internet bellweathers like Yahoo may have just revealed some holes in theirs. Add to that, the overwhelming bureaucracy (won't even talk about cost) and information will not be containable. QuoteFactually how many non-medical personal have access to your files now? Lots. And for every case, I can generate a HIPPA paper trail that gives them specific permission for a specific purpose. Other than that, I cannot think of anyone not in a medical orientated job that can touch my information right now. In the end, I was pointing a factor of socialized health care that doesn't get enough attention. Most people like to dwell on the costs, and the whiners then just say, "well, look how much the war is costing us..." without pointing a real counter argument. QuoteOne can generate equally specious correlations suggesting that you want the US to be the world’s policeman and favor Enron-like business practices. You need not suggest anything. I do favor light regulation in lieu of government intervention, and if that means that bad business practices fail, they fail. It's their fault for taking the risk without good governance. In terms of the US being the world's policeman, we did not choose this role, but it has been placed upon us. It took us, not one, not two, but three large scale attacks (only to discover dozens more that were "ignored) to see that we all can't just "get along". We cannot just sit back and relax after 90 years of trudging a tough road. We tried. Pre-and-Post WWI, Post Cold War, and even now. When things go wrong, we're asked why we didn't do more. When we take action in our interest, we're the bad guy.So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nerdgirl 0 #147 September 20, 2008 Now this is more characteristic. Quote Medicare? New rules require contractors record "impressions" of patients in certain care situations, not germane to the provider's job or specialty. Those home health nurses, RNs, LPNs (who would be more germane to assess health?) are covered under the same HIPAA regulations that you site. The CATO Institute piece you cited was from 2003 with unspecific at best reference to "Medicare rules". Which ones? Are they still in effect? Did they ever go into effect in the way portrayed? The criticisms of concern regarding privacy of medical record information apply across *all* the possible healthcare providing schemes. Quote Quote Factually how many non-medical personal have access to your files now? Lots. And for every case, I can generate a HIPPA paper trail that gives them specific permission for a specific purpose. Other than that, I cannot think of anyone not in a medical orientated job that can touch my information right now. Yours personally perhaps not. Or you hope. (I hope so too for my own, albeit incredibly bland, medical history.) Unfortunately the strawman applies to current system as well: HIPAA violation private company, VA Violation of HIPAA, and stolen health records of active duty military personal. Again the criticisms of concern regarding privacy of medical record information apply across *all* the possible healthcare providing schemes. Quote Quote One can generate equally specious correlations suggesting that you want the US to be the world’s policeman and favor Enron-like business practices. You need not suggest anything. I do favor light regulation in lieu of government intervention, and if that means that bad business practices fail, they fail. It's their fault for taking the risk without good governance. Do you, however, advocate engaging in illegal fraud? Or "cooking the books"? Or shoddy accounting practices? Or a general disregard for virtually every tenet of business ethics? (That's where it goes from discussion to specious correlation.) I'm going to wager that you don't, and that like me, you would advocate engaging in perhap aggressive but nonetheless *legal* business practices that generate profits. (As opposed to equating every capitalist with those who engaged in Enron-like business practices, which is wrong & inaccurate.) VR/Marg Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters. Tibetan Buddhist saying Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpeedRacer 1 #148 September 20, 2008 QuoteIn terms of the US being the world's policeman, we did not choose this role, but it has been placed upon us. It took us, not one, not two, but three large scale attacks (only to discover dozens more that were "ignored) to see that we all can't just "get along". We cannot just sit back and relax after 90 years of trudging a tough road. We tried. Pre-and-Post WWI, Post Cold War, and even now. When things go wrong, we're asked why we didn't do more. When we take action in our interest, we're the bad guy. You make it sound as though we were just sitting around minding our own business, and suddenly Al Quaida started attacking us just because, well, they hate us for not being Muslim. Speed Racer -------------------------------------------------- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gawain 0 #149 September 20, 2008 Quote Now this is more characteristic. Quote Medicare? New rules require contractors record "impressions" of patients in certain care situations, not germane to the provider's job or specialty. Quote Those home health nurses, RNs, LPNs (who would be more germane to assess health?) are covered under the same HIPAA regulations that you site. The CATO Institute piece you cited was from 2003 with unspecific at best reference to "Medicare rules". Which ones? Are they still in effect? Did they ever go into effect in the way portrayed? The criticisms of concern regarding privacy of medical record information apply across *all* the possible healthcare providing schemes. The current track record concerning government information security must undergo a massive upgrade. From the VA to USAF, we're leaking too much data. As it is now, we can barely contain classified national security data, now we want to add 300,000,000 more records into the mix? It's a matter of hard data security and soft-intangibles that will be a real rub to reconcile. It's an easier argument than the money factor. Quote Quote Factually how many non-medical personal have access to your files now? Lots. And for every case, I can generate a HIPPA paper trail that gives them specific permission for a specific purpose. Other than that, I cannot think of anyone not in a medical orientated job that can touch my information right now. Yours personally perhaps not. Or you hope. (I hope so too for my own, albeit incredibly bland, medical history.) Unfortunately the strawman applies to current system as well: HIPAA violation private company, VA Violation of HIPAA, and stolen health records of active duty military personal. Again the criticisms of concern regarding privacy of medical record information apply across *all* the possible healthcare providing schemes. Exactly my point, which is strong enough on its own to not expand it. Quote Quote One can generate equally specious correlations suggesting that you want the US to be the world’s policeman and favor Enron-like business practices. You need not suggest anything. I do favor light regulation in lieu of government intervention, and if that means that bad business practices fail, they fail. It's their fault for taking the risk without good governance. Do you, however, advocate engaging in illegal fraud? Or "cooking the books"? Or shoddy accounting practices? Or a general disregard for virtually every tenet of business ethics? (That's where it goes from discussion to specious correlation.) I'm going to wager that you don't, and that like me, you would advocate engaging in perhap aggressive but nonetheless *legal* business practices that generate profits. (As opposed to equating every capitalist with those who engaged in Enron-like business practices, which is wrong & inaccurate.) I said, "light regulation", not "no regulation".So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nerdgirl 0 #150 September 20, 2008 QuoteThe current track record concerning government information security must undergo a massive upgrade. I can make an argument that government vulnerabilities to cyberthreats and non-malicious information security breaches may have larger strategic implications, especially for national security. E.g., NATO Chief says Cyber Threat Poses as Great a Threat as a Missile Attack & discussion therein. Concurrently, however, as I cited ($100,000 fine for HIPAA violation by private a healthcare provider), the private sector is hardly immune (to cyber security or to HIPAA violations). (1) It is likely less well reported because they're private (anecdotal numbers suggest Microsoft is subject to 3-10x the number of cyber attacks as the DoD), and (2) while protection of proprietary information is important, the sensitivty is not the same as some USG information. It gets more attention because the potential consequences are greater. Additionally a 2005 DOJ ruling limited HIPAA (it may have been reversed Congressionally ...). QuoteQuote Do you, however, advocate engaging in illegal fraud? Or "cooking the books"? Or shoddy accounting practices? Or a general disregard for virtually every tenet of business ethics? (That's where it goes from discussion to specious correlation.) I'm going to wager that you don't, and that like me, you would advocate engaging in perhap aggressive but nonetheless *legal* business practices that generate profits. (As opposed to equating every capitalist with those who engaged in Enron-like business practices, which is wrong & inaccurate.) I said, "light regulation", not "no regulation". Exactly! You don't advocate Enron-style business practices. Asserting that anyone who favors liberal economic-based capitalism automatically favors Enron-style buiness practices would be a spurious correlation. Similarly Quote ... I can glean from your stance that you advocate the suspension of privacy, entrepreneurial spirit, capitalistic rewards for hard work, and your country's role in providing great relief (which comes at the cost of also wielding great power) and leadership to the free world. was an ad hominem argument ("replying to an argument or factual claim by attacking or appealing to a characteristic or belief of the person making the argument or claim, rather than by addressing the substance of the argument or producing evidence against the claim.") VR/Marg Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters. Tibetan Buddhist saying Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites