
Lindsay Lohan Calls Out Sarah Palin For Homophobia

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The problem with this system is that representatives often DON'T do what is in the best interest of the city, county, state, country, but what will get them re-elected. Or get them the money to run for re-election.

...and therein lies the problem. They have the freedom to do so. I don't like it. Plain and simple. It seems to be a major source of discontent with the entire system.

I don't like it, either. What you can do as a citizen is try to vote for those people whom you believe will carry out their oath of office, ethically and legally.

Elections aren't supposed to be about picking someone you would like to have a beer with...

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>Sarah Palin not supporting gay-marriage does not make her homophobic.

Hmm. If someone were to oppose interracial marriages, would you call them racist?

Bill, Do you even know the definition of the word 'homophobic'? The true definition, not the one that has been distorted.

If you denonce gay marriage, overtly and openly and want to once again desicate the sacred document called the US COnstitution with an amendment that disallows that, then I think you've moved into homophobia.

Remember the last time the moralist nuts got ahold of the US Const? Yea, prohibition, a behavior that needs to be controlled outside the US Const.


- unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality.

- Fear of or contempt for lesbians and gay men.
- Behavior based on such a feeling.

- irrational fear of, aversion to, or discriminationagainst homosexuality or homosexuals

Homophobic? Yes, I would say so based on the definition.

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