
Why my mom is voting for McCain

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Since most of my posts on here tend to be leftward-leaning, I thought I would share the perspective of my mom, who is going to vote for McCain. I just had dinner with her tonight and she explained her reasons:

1. Obama is definitely a Muslim.
2. We're fighting in Iraq because of 9/11.
3. The media is all democrats, and they hate McCain.
4. The only people that are voting for Obama are doing it because he's black.

I asked her what she felt about McCain's energy policies, and she had no idea. I asked her if she thought Palin was as experienced in Washington as Obama, and she said she was definitely more experienced in Washington because she was Governor of Alaska. I asked her where she got all that information, and she said her friends sent it to her in emails.

Smear tactics work.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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1. Obama is definitely a Muslim.
2. We're fighting in Iraq because of 9/11.
3. The media is all democrats, and they hate McCain.
4. The only people that are voting for Obama are doing it because he's black.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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I asked her where she got all that information, and she said her friends sent it to her in emails.

Thanks for the post. Interesting observations

Beyond politics, folks have started asking questions like

"Is the Internet dumbing us down?" - demise of deep, effective, and analytical reporting and rise of 'cult of amateur.'


"Is Google making us stupid?" - over-reliance on disparate, disconnected facts or asserted, dubious claims without context and shortening of already shortened attention spans.

Go read a book ... like this one (reviewed by the WSJ).


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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Since most of my posts on here tend to be leftward-leaning, I thought I would share the perspective of my mom, who is going to vote for McCain. I just had dinner with her tonight and she explained her reasons:

1. Obama is definitely a Muslim.
2. We're fighting in Iraq because of 9/11.
3. The media is all democrats, and they hate McCain.
4. The only people that are voting for Obama are doing it because he's black.

I asked her what she felt about McCain's energy policies, and she had no idea. I asked her if she thought Palin was as experienced in Washington as Obama, and she said she was definitely more experienced in Washington because she was Governor of Alaska. I asked her where she got all that information, and she said her friends sent it to her in emails.

Smear tactics work.

Dude, I swear to God, I've had similar conversations with my mom, but it was a mirror image. She's voting for Sen. Obama because:

1. Sen. McCain wants to go to war with Iran
2. Gov. Palin should be at home with the kids
3. Sen. Obama says he'll cut her taxes (quote: "Didn't you see his speech? 95%!" little does she know she makes too much)

I asked her where she gets most of her news, she said MSNBC... :S
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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>Sen. McCain wants to go to war with Iran

Question: "A strategic attack on weaponry in Iran - do you need congressional approval?"

McCain: "If the situation requires immediate action . . . (snip; he says he will 'at minimum consult with Congress') . . . . This is a possibility that is maybe closer to reality than we are discussing tonight."

So it is certainly safe to say he thinks an attack on Iran is "close to reality."

>3. Sen. Obama says he'll cut her taxes (quote: "Didn't you see his
>speech? 95%!" little does she know she makes too much)

She makes more than $250,000 a year? Good for your mom!

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She makes more than $250,000 a year

Per http://www.taxfoundation.org/candidates08/compare/ the Senator's tax plan will mean tax increases for those making more than $160K/year. Also, he plans to raise taxes on dividends and capital gains...money that is already taxed (up from 15% to 20-28%). Plus, all the other add-ons equals a net increase tax on her, even though she does not make that much.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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>3. Sen. Obama says he'll cut her taxes (quote: "Didn't you see his
>speech? 95%!" little does she know she makes too much)

She makes more than $250,000 a year? Good for your mom!

Although Obama says he will raise taxes on folks making more than 250k, his actual record shows votes in favor of tax increases on people making as little as 42k.

While I appreciate that he may be planning to change his behavior, I'm still a little concerned that he may be saying one thing now, and later may change his mind (remember "read my lips"?), and decide that a little bit more taxation, on folks making a little less money, might not be so bad after all.

Oddly, I have the same problem with McCain in reverse. I fear that he may do the things he's saying he will, but hope that, if elected, he'll turn out to continue acting in many of the same ways he has in the past (despite his promises to parts of his party to change those ways).

Basically, it comes down to whether you (a) believe what politicians are promising, or (b) believe that they'll generally continue to behave as they have in the past.
-- Tom Aiello


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As GHWB discovered, sometimes you just have to raise taxes.

It seems to have escaped the notice of many that we are living on a mountain of debt. You can't raise enough money to deal with it by taxing people who have no income or assets worth speaking of.

Just how long do you think it can go on before we have to pay our way?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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As GHWB discovered, sometimes you just have to raise taxes.

No, as he discovered, he should've let the government shut itself down. He could have played that and turned the tide in '92.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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As GHWB discovered, sometimes you just have to raise taxes.

I don't buy that. You could just as easily eliminate the mountain of debt by simply saying "the government will shut down for one year" and paying things off instead of buying new "things." Being quite a bit less extreme, you could easily pay off the debt by simply halving federal expenditures.

I don't believe that raising taxes is the answer. I certainly don't believe that it's every the _only possible_ answer.
-- Tom Aiello


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As GHWB discovered, sometimes you just have to raise taxes.

I don't buy that. You could just as easily eliminate the mountain of debt by simply saying "the government will shut down for one year" and paying things off instead of buying new "things." Being quite a bit less extreme, you could easily pay off the debt by simply halving federal expenditures.

I don't believe that raising taxes is the answer. I certainly don't believe that it's every the _only possible_ answer.

I think shutting down the military, air traffic control, the FBI, Customs and Border Control, Social Security Administration, the IRS, CDC, NOAA, and a few other agencies might prove too disruptive and counterproductive.

Now, shuttering the White House and sending Congress home for a year would be fine with me.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>No, as he discovered, he should've let the government shut itself down.

You'd really be OK with a shutdown that would impact every part of the US? i.e. support for the military, inspections on meat packing plants, police, air traffic control, fire and EMS, veteran's hospitals? That would surprise me.

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You'd really be OK with a shutdown that would impact every part of the US? i.e. support for the military, inspections on meat packing plants, police, air traffic control, fire and EMS, veteran's hospitals? That would surprise me.


I think that virtually all of those functions are either (a) unnecessary, or (b) better performed by private companies.

And, don't you think you're overstating Gawain's case there? He was proposing shutdown of federal services. That does not include (local) police, fire and EMS, which are generally maintained by entities that are not allowed to run a budget deficit.
-- Tom Aiello


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You'd really be OK with a shutdown that would impact every part of the US? i.e. support for the military, inspections on meat packing plants, police, air traffic control, fire and EMS, veteran's hospitals? That would surprise me.


I think that virtually all of those functions are either (a) unnecessary, or (b) better performed by private companies.

And, don't you think you're overstating Gawain's case there? He was proposing shutdown of federal services. That does not include (local) police, fire and EMS, which are generally maintained by entities that are not allowed to run a budget deficit.

You would have to do something about all those soldiers in Iraq though. Last I looked the military was a federal service.

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>No, as he discovered, he should've let the government shut itself down.

You'd really be OK with a shutdown that would impact every part of the US? i.e. support for the military, inspections on meat packing plants, police, air traffic control, fire and EMS, veteran's hospitals? That would surprise me.

Clearly you are unaware of the critical functions that continue despite a budget lock and government shut down. I didn't know the FD, PD, and EMS were federal agencies...??:S

What it means is that Congress shuts down, non-essential personnel stay home, and a few roads go unpaved. Critical infrastructure, military, ATC, law enforcement obviously continues...it's not like it hasn't happened before.

In that case, Congress successfully strong armed President G.H.W. Bush, he should have pushed back, and hit the airwaves. Instead, he signed the bill, and begged forgiveness.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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