
Of the many contentious political discussions ...

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>The double standard around here is nauseating.

Indeed it is. I understand the GOP is pushing the boundaries of the law to end the investigation into Troopergate - an investigation that started long before Palin was nominated. But they also want desperately for the Rezko trial to continue and implicate Obama. Hypocrites.

If you intended that towards me you were wasting your breath.

I say if there is wrondoing, let the facts be found, and where necessary, prosecute them to the fullest extent.

Are you of the opinion that Rezko and Obama are not connected in any manner?

Or that Obama did not involve himself in any wrongdoing?

If so please explain how you know that Obama has done nothing wrong.

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Pssssssssst, there was no surplus, we still had a large deficit,

The national debt was still there.

Psssssssssssssssst, yes there was an annual surplus, 236B Clinton's last year in office per gov docs.

Yes, there was still a debt, has been since 1840ish, but it appears you don;t understand the difference.

DEFICIT: An annual measure of the government budget to collect more revenues versus spend more.

DEBT: A grand tally of the total amount of money the government has gone into the red.

Darius wrote:

We had a RECORD surplus, an amazing economy, and all over America people were living better then they had before,We were also respected more in the world, We had not lost personal freedoms, We still believed that Everyone is entitled to due process. I can go on and on. All this is known as an IMPROVEMENT.

Now we have a deficit, have lost all credibility in the world, It seems every day we are finding out that we were lied to, Started a false war (at least the reasons that were original given were not true), Our troops are getting killed every day, We have the blood of hundreds of thousands of inocent Iraqis on our hands, loss of personal freedoms,and the economy is in the toilet. I can go on and on again.

He wrote that we now have a deficit when we did not at the end of teh Clinton era, that is a true statement even if you don't like it.

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I really don’t know what to say anymore.

Pretty soon the GOP will make good sound like bad and bad sound like good and look at us all crazy like we are the ones who are lost.

Record Surplus when Clinton left office, record deficit and getting worst with GWB. He has also spent and borrowed more money then any president in history.

If you are a republican and not a blind sheep doesn’t that fact alone make him anti republican?

Rep. bitch about raising taxes and the money spending democrats, but it has been the opposite for decades so why the blind loyalty?
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Do you honestly believe half the country is completely out to lunch?

Considering the results of the 2000 and 2004 elections, it would appear so.

or maybe the Democrats couldn't find anyone good enough elect. or maybe the majority don't like the democrats thinking.

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Pretty soon the GOP will make good sound like bad and bad sound like good and look at us all crazy like we are the ones who are lost.

Please refer to George Orwells "1984" and the term newspeak.


You can also think of it as dumbing down.

"Political Correctness" fits the bill, as well.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I really don’t know what to say anymore.

Pretty soon the GOP will make good sound like bad and bad sound like good and look at us all crazy like we are the ones who are lost.

Record Surplus when Clinton left office, record deficit and getting worst with GWB. He has also spent and borrowed more money then any president in history.

If you are a republican and not a blind sheep doesn’t that fact alone make him anti republican?

Rep. bitch about raising taxes and the money spending democrats, but it has been the opposite for decades so why the blind loyalty?

Reading/listening to neo-con double-speak is like reading/listening to children in so many ways. You really can't get angry, even tho at first you tend to get frustrated. They don't reference much, they rely on what someone down the street said, they rely on popularity, and when they get stuck they don't want to play anymore.

Dems will talk your ears off with facts and reference until you want to them to shut up, but that is preferential to relying on skewed or outright incorrect so-called facts. Take the poster claiming Obama was a US Senator for 2 years only when he has been for almost 4. And then he says that is all the experience that Obama has at all, when Obama was a Constitutional law teacher for years, a state senator for 7 years and so many other accomplishments. We'll see what he does when he reads this, probably runs......

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Record Surplus when Clinton left office, record deficit and getting worst with GWB. He has also spent and borrowed more money then any president in history.

Right, we can post data from gov offices to indicate the annual deficit that Clinton inherited at 290B/yr and left with 236B/yr/. We can also indicate the debt increase to be ~250B/yr when Clinton took office and left at 33B his last year. We can also refer to the US currency exchange rate to be $1US = $1.55 Canadian as Clinton lleft, it is now ~ even. The numbers aren't there for them, but ideologues are like that; facts are a hurdle to be avoided.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Rep. bitch about raising taxes and the money spending democrats, but it has been the opposite for decades so why the blind loyalty?

Yep. And with social programs vs corporate welfare, their process has never worked going way back. Hoover tried corporate welfare and it didn't work, Reagan tried it and the other 2 neo-cons with the exception that GHWB moved away from it at the end of his presidency, a little too late tho. Conventional welfare acts as a constant stimulus, as the recipients spend it immediately, whereas corp welfare is stashed away and teh corp decides when to spend and they usually spend it when the economy needs it the least, save it when the economy needs it the most.

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The press, and people for that matter have not given Sen. Obama the vetting in two years that Gov. Palin has received in two weeks.

Thanks for the laugh. I needed that. That's hilarious!

Good grief...okay, I'll explain it this way:

The amount of scrutiny being applied now to Gov. Palin would crush Sen. Obama. She's been in elected office five years longer than the Senator, yet everyone is claiming "we don't know about her". It's not like she's not been in the public eye.

What I am seeing from this is that her selection caught the democrats completely off guard. We know all about Senators McCain and Biden. Politicos know about Gov. Palin.

What's been discovered about Sen. Obama, and gets no coverage is disturbing. The Chicago political machine, Ayers, contributions received from Freddie/Fannie (he's number two on the list for all time, he's only been in the US Senate for two years)...all the things that people wish we could change away from!

I'm not part of that whole smear crowd about his religion, skin color, et al...this person is a tax-spend socialist. He's been building his campaign on "anti-love" of country. He claims this country isn't as good as it once was. When was it better?

He got rich these past eight years. When else might he have accomplished this?

Why is someone's incessant whining about what's wrong so appealing to people? Are people feeling that sorry for themselves?

Bump, I'll bring it to the top for ya Gawain.

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