
So, what was that you said, McCain (Part II)

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Oh come on John, get your door straightened.
We all know he said it, as did many others.
I just don't appreciate the edited embellishments in the video, just like you wouldn't were the shoe on the other foot.
You can remove your stir stick now.;)

That's cool.

Then we are agreed that on an issue which will cost us over $1 TRILLION (when all costs are added up) and over 4000 lives of young Americans, Obama was RIGHT and McCain was WRONG.

Obama took the safe road to make himself look good. Obama has never taken a stance on anything that could be used against him. face it Obama is a spineless used car salesman and nothing more. his economic policies will force companies over seas and reduce jobs. Obama is going to rob from the hard workers and give to the lazy period. he has no understanding of what his tax increases will do companies and jobs, and the lower income people are seeing $'s coming their way for free. The lower 40% of income earners already pay very little or no tax and the top 5% pay most of the tax already.

Obama's plan is flawed and people are to pissed off at bush to look objectily at the reprocussions of voting in Obama's policies.

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>Obama took the safe road to make himself look good.
>Obama has never taken a stance . . .
>Obama is a spineless used car salesman . . .
>Obama is going to rob . . .
>he has no understanding . . .

Mindless stuff like the above is one reason, I think, that Obama stands a reasonable chance this time around. People are sick of all the unthinking partisan name-calling and vitriol that surrounds these campaigns. After months of McCain attack ads (and people parroting them) voters are starting to automatically assume that anything that comes out of McCain's campaign is just another bit of likely-untrue slander.

Obama, of course, has done the same thing, but to a much smaller degree. Most polls show McCain being perceived as far more negative, and far less honest, than Obama.

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>Obama took the safe road to make himself look good.
>Obama has never taken a stance . . .
>Obama is a spineless used car salesman . . .
>Obama is going to rob . . .
>he has no understanding . . .

Mindless stuff like the above is one reason, I think, that Obama stands a reasonable chance this time around. People are sick of all the unthinking partisan name-calling and vitriol that surrounds these campaigns. After months of McCain attack ads (and people parroting them) voters are starting to automatically assume that anything that comes out of McCain's campaign is just another bit of likely-untrue slander.

Obama, of course, has done the same thing, but to a much smaller degree. Most polls show McCain being perceived as far more negative, and far less honest, than Obama.


Obama voting present instead of yes or no?= no stance so no backlash on a decission = no backbone

taxing the companies and hard working people = no understanding what will happen with his policies

his afiliation with freddi and fannmie, acorn, his rev, ayers, and others = rob us

this is all fact not speculation to bad the left can't see through this = used car salesman(got you to buy a lemon)

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Oh come on John, get your door straightened.
We all know he said it, as did many others.
I just don't appreciate the edited embellishments in the video, just like you wouldn't were the shoe on the other foot.
You can remove your stir stick now.;)

That's cool.

Then we are agreed that on an issue which will cost us over $1 TRILLION (when all costs are added up) and over 4000 lives of young Americans, Obama was RIGHT and McCain was WRONG.

Obama took the safe road to make himself look good. Obama has never taken a stance on anything that could be used against him. face it Obama is a spineless used car salesman and nothing more. his economic policies will force companies over seas and reduce jobs. Obama is going to rob from the hard workers and give to the lazy period. he has no understanding of what his tax increases will do companies and jobs, and the lower income people are seeing $'s coming their way for free. The lower 40% of income earners already pay very little or no tax and the top 5% pay most of the tax already.

Obama's plan is flawed and people are to pissed off at bush to look objectily at the reprocussions of voting in Obama's policies.

Mark, your repeated parrotting of McCain ads does you no credit unless you can back up what you say with facts.

McCain was WRONG about Iraq. His own words on video prove that. Obama was right.

The Iraq mistake has cost us thousands of lives and about $1Trillion.

Those are facts.

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not everyone believes iraq was a mistake


Chicago Tribune, 4/24/2008

Public discontent over the war in Iraq has reached a new peak, if only by a notch, the Gallup Poll reports today, with 63 percent of Americans surveyed saying the United States made a mistake in sending troops to Iraq -- the previous high, 62 percent.

It's still not clear, Gallup suggests, which war has proved less popular -- Iraq or Vietnam.

"The new high in Iraq war opposition is also notable because it is the highest 'mistake' percentage Gallup has ever measured for an active war involving the United States -- surpassing by two points the 61percent who said the Vietnam War was a mistake in May 1971,'' Gallup's Jeffrey Jones reports.

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Obama was right.

Yeah right, Obama was so right that he tried to keep the troops there for his own personal political gain, just click on the second link of my sig line! Obama will do anything and sacrifice anyone for his own personal gain!!!
Time and pressure will always show you who a person really is!

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Obama was right.

Yeah right, Obama was so right that he tried to keep the troops there for his own personal political gain, just click on the second link of my sig line! Obama will do anything and sacrifice anyone for his own personal gain!!!

You're getting desparate, aren't you?:D

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You're getting desparate, aren't you?

In your words, prove me wrong, show me data that says that it is not true!!!

McCain is an extraterrestrial alien. Show me data that says that it is not true.


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that still leaves 38% that think it was not a mistake. minority yes, but not all majorities are right.

But in this case they are, since

(1) there WERE NO WMDs (contrary to what Bush and McCain said).

(2) Iraq was not involved in 9/11, contrary to Bush's insinuations.

(3) It WASN'T all over quickly. contrary to The Administration's and McCain's statements.

(4)They DIDN'T greet our troops with flowers.

(5) Sunnis DID fight Shias, contrary to McCain's statements.

(6) The cost was many times higher than the Bush Administration told the public it would be.

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that still leaves 38% that think it was not a mistake. minority yes, but not all majorities are right.

But in this case they are, since

(1) there WERE NO WMDs (contrary to what Bush and McCain said).

(2) Iraq was not involved in 9/11, contrary to Bush's insinuations.

(3) It WASN'T all over quickly. contrary to The Administration's and McCain's statements.

(4)They DIDN'T greet our troops with flowers.

(5) Sunnis DID fight Shias, contrary to McCain's statements.

(6) The cost was many times higher than the Bush Administration told the public it would be.

just because mistakes were made doesn't mean it was a mistake. only time will tell the end result. what happens if in the future this actually makes a big change in something because they will be our alli. the end result of the war wont be seen for years but alot of people in iraq are better off now and happier now.

the full effects of ww1 & ww2 weren't seen for years after the war and this war is no diiferent

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that still leaves 38% that think it was not a mistake. minority yes, but not all majorities are right.

But in this case they are, since

(1) there WERE NO WMDs (contrary to what Bush and McCain said).

(2) Iraq was not involved in 9/11, contrary to Bush's insinuations.

(3) It WASN'T all over quickly. contrary to The Administration's and McCain's statements.

(4)They DIDN'T greet our troops with flowers.

(5) Sunnis DID fight Shias, contrary to McCain's statements.

(6) The cost was many times higher than the Bush Administration told the public it would be.

just because mistakes were made doesn't mean it was a mistake. only time will tell the end result. what happens if in the future this actually makes a big change in something because they will be our alli. the end result of the war wont be seen for years but alot of people in iraq are better off now and happier DEAD now.

Yup, I bet all the families of those dead people are really glad we invaded. Over 100,000 Iraqi civilians dead, I believe. Not to mention the 4490 coalition dead (mostly US).


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Just maybe during WWII there was a group of US citizens saying we should not be in that war. If we would have not been that the world would be a lot different today. England Who? Only time will tell if this is a just war. The one thing I know about our warriors they ask to go fight a war to keep us free to jump from planes and any other freedoms we enjoy like free speech. FREEDOM is NOT FREE! That is why I thank EVERY VET I meet or take on a skydiving.

Or how about this in the 10 years you and I have been jumping over 200 people died skydiving. Maybe we should STOP! Remember some were our friends and they died in preventable accidents.

3000+ people died on 9/11! They did not volunteer do die for a cause. I know some did... ie fire fighters. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The 4000+ dead soldiers die for them so others will not die on US soil in the wrong place at the wrong time. STOP using US Soldiers as political pawns!

What party has been in "power" (read writing laws) for the past 6 years? How did we end up in the economic boat we are in if they were doing their jobs? Neither party has done their jobs. They were all running for office. We ALL may loose our JOBS or FREEDOMS because THEY did not do their JOBS. Maybe it time for a NEW GOVERNMENT. ONE for the people by the people! Oh isn't that what we have?


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