rhys 0 #1 October 6, 2008 For all you believithists out there, i would like to re live the reality of the collapses, Now it has been some years there are various accounts of thermate having been uses in the WTC collapses/demolitions. The obvious reluctance of the NIST reprt to accept these hard facts shows there is more to what we are told. If they accepted the presence of such a substance and considered the thought of terrorists gaining access to the towers and planting such a substance, then they would seem to be telling the truth. But, the consistant lies and deception that is not backed by scientific data along with the consistant evidence is clear cut proof thet they do not wish to tell the truth. here are a few reports, from different scientists and footage proving such a substance was used in the collapses. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSo-hXwkkQs&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asu-XzpwP5c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fo5JDa1n9rM this is a good one, ever seen someone lying and truying to look like they are telling the truth? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVE34kMwn0U Now below is a video claimig to debunk the thermite/thermate theory. once again they claim it was the airplane aluminium melting, But no scientific data is provided and they also fail to mention that 6 weeks later there were pools of moulten metal in the debris, so hot that nothing in the structure would be able to generate such a heat for such a long period of time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhHzMttUKO0&NR=1 There are literally hundreds of these accounts many by scientists from around the world and NIST thinks it was a waste of time to make some simple scientific analysis of the moulten material still glowing and flowing weeks after the collapse? So much for thier credability."When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wildcard451 0 #2 October 6, 2008 Awesome safety points to be learned here. How can we apply this to the first jump course for new students? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnRich 4 #3 October 6, 2008 Yes, rhys, it was all a conspiracy by George Bush. In fact, those same guys have now taken your posting here out of "Speaker's Corner" where it belongs, to try and keep you from revealing the truth. But keep fighting those evil guys. Some day, you'll convince everyone. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhys 0 #4 October 6, 2008 Once again a well thought out response by such an intellectual mind, maybe you should have the nobel prize. What do the scientists know anyway. NIST are so convincing I guess i'll jusy give up. [roll the eyes back int the head] Fortunately not everyone that reads these threads are compelled to make comments."When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #5 October 6, 2008 Quote [roll the eyes back int the head] Fortunately not everyone that reads these threads are compelled to make comments. Most of us don't even bother engaging in these nonsense conversations anymore. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhys 0 #6 October 6, 2008 QuoteMost of us don't even bother engaging in these nonsense conversations anymore. Funny (peculiar) because hundreds of architects and engineers are! and thousands of students in those fields also and they are the ones that know about these things. http://www.ae911truth.org"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grimmie 186 #7 October 6, 2008 I'm going to throw the bullshit flag on these guys. have you ever had a building collapse on you? Have you ever seen a roof of a single story building collapse? Ever see what a massive building fire does to the contents? How about what happens in a small industrial fire? I have been riding fire trucks since 1976. I have been caught in three collapses. It's quite an experience. I read the report from truth 9/11.org. Some of their "clues" and impressions are flat out wrong, IMHO. You can call me if you would like to discuss what happens in a collapse. Air pressure, structure failure, fire load, etc. There are a number of other FF's that post here that could add a lot to the discussion also. What happened on September 11th, 2001 was the largest structure fire in the history of the world. It spread to a number of buildings. The destruction caused was the like of which haven't been seen before. Not even in war, because of the sheer size of the WTC. A fire and collapse of that magnitude was never dealt with before. It caused many things to happen that no one could understand. Including the engineers and architects. Could explosives been planted, sure. It's possible. But I highly doubt it. I had friends dig on the pile for weeks looking for our brothers. They don't recall anything "unusual", if you can say that while digging through the rubble of skyscrapers. I guess I'll have to wait for the Oliver Stone movie to come out before we'll get the answers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #8 October 6, 2008 Quotehttp://www.ae911truth.org Sorry the first thing I see is somebody trying to sell crap and have me donate. That's not research and telling the truth; that's assholes trying to make money off of death. Fuck 'em.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhys 0 #9 October 6, 2008 QuoteWhat happened on September 11th, 2001 was the largest structure fire in the history of the world. It spread to a number of buildings. now who is talking crap!"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #10 October 6, 2008 QuoteNIST are so convincing I guess i'll jusy give up. Please??? We really DON'T need the MOTD from conspiracies_r_us.com, thanks. [roll the eyes back int the head] <--- yea, that's our reaction whenever you post this crap.Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhys 0 #11 October 6, 2008 Quote Sorry the first thing I see is somebody trying to sell crap and have me donate. That's not research and telling the truth; that's assholes trying to make money off of death. Fuck 'em. yeah, what an elaborate scam in order to sell you a few Tshirts for $18. Sheesh the nerve of it. I'm sure theier investment of many $1000 of dollard and many years into their careers is all in the name of making a few bucks on some t shirts and bumper stickers."When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #12 October 6, 2008 Quoteyeah, what an elaborate scam in order to sell you a few Tshirts for $18. I think you'd be rather amazed to know the profit margin on selling DVDs for $20 each.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skyrad 0 #13 October 6, 2008 Quote What happened on September 11th, 2001 was the largest structure fire in the history of the world. You maybe right but I would have thought that the Madrid skyscraper fire was larger and lasted allot longer. Quote It spread to a number of buildings. Why is there no footage of this? If it was from buring debris falling on other buildings then where is it in the news footage? Quote The destruction caused was the like of which haven't been seen before. Not even in war, because of the sheer size of the WTC. Maybe this is true in the USA but its not correct elsewhere, Dresden, Hamburg, Coventry East London all destroyed beyond imagination. Quote A fire and collapse of that magnitude was never dealt with before. It caused many things to happen that no one could understand. Including the engineers and architects. Fair point, Quote Could explosives been planted, sure. It's possible. But I highly doubt it. I think the only thing that makesme think it couldn't have been is the time it takes to rig a building for such a precision demolition and the fact that it would have been bloody obvious to anyone inside the building with hundreds of metres of Det cord and thermite packages on hundreds of the supporting coloumns. Quote I had friends dig on the pile for weeks looking for our brothers. They don't recall anything "unusual", if you can say that while digging through the rubble of skyscrapers. I guess I'll have to wait for the Oliver Stone movie to come out before we'll get the answers. Thats how history is remembered these days.When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy. Lucius Annaeus Seneca Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Skyrad 0 #14 October 6, 2008 So what about the required 60 Tons of thermite? Where was it kept? How come no one asked "What is that? Why did they place it half way up the building if they had access to the basement? You are asking questions, thats good, but how about answering some?When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy. Lucius Annaeus Seneca Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rhys 0 #15 October 6, 2008 I am fucked if i know, but on a few of the documentaries on the subject, there were many accounts of unusual activity in the buildings prior to the attacks. i am sure there would be so many occupants in the buildings doing many different things that no one would question construction type workers doing construction type activities. if the explosives and thermite wer only placed in the basement the collapse would not have been qute the same as it was. i would have been made to appear to be the said pancake type collapse. Things just do not fall through the path of greatest resistance without some sort of assistance. think about it."When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #16 October 6, 2008 QuoteI am fucked if i know, but on a few of the documentaries on the subject, there were many accounts of unusual activity in the buildings prior to the attacks. i am sure there would be so many occupants in the buildings doing many different things that no one would question construction type workers doing construction type activities. if the explosives and thermite wer only placed in the basement the collapse would not have been qute the same as it was. i would have been made to appear to be the said pancake type collapse. Things just do not fall through the path of greatest resistance without some sort of assistance. think about it. We have - that's why we call bullshit on the thermite conspiracy. Do you have ANY idea how much TIME it would take to wire TWO 110-story buildings for demolition? You're talking MONTHS of time and THOUSANDS of pounds of explosives and MILES of wiring for EACH building - not to mention knocking out interior load bearing walls, pre-cutting beams, etc etc etc.Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vortexring 0 #17 October 6, 2008 You seem quite interested in wasting your time on 9/11 conspiracy theory at the moment. Why not have a look at studying why these theories are ridiculous, instead of foolishly believing them, and bringing to attention nonsense which has previously been shown to be nonsense. The fact you haven't actually bothered to look into these theories in depth; as you believe them, speaks volumes. Shortly I'll be PM'ing you some links which prove the Moon is made of cheese.... it's followed with a 'convincing' YouTube video too... 'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.' Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grimmie 186 #18 October 6, 2008 The WTC disaster was the largest single structure fire. You could say Nagasaki and Hiroshima were bigger. But I'm talking building, not city wide. There is PLENTY of footage to show the fire and collapse of surrounding buildings. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DJL 235 #19 October 6, 2008 These are the worst sources I've ever seen. You fail."I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
klyster 0 #20 October 28, 2008 /rant/ lol, apparently building 7 fell due to a diesel fire from generator fuel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD06SAf0p9A There were insurance policies taken out on the World Trade complex just prior to the supposed attack for, get this, TWO strikes. Yeah, it was a bunch of scruffy Arabs who did this ;) They know this for they found an intact passport, lol. The financial dealings prior to 9-11 are evidence enough to turn a so called conspiracy theory into a conspiracy. The inconstancies cannot just be brushed aside. If you want to be pooned in the but by the the rich pigs who construed this act, by all means, suck up the "official" explanations, or maybe, if the apathy hasn't hit you too hard, you could use your own brain, and make your own mind up rather than believe the half assed explanation that Popular Mechanics and NIST managed to dredge up. It wasn't B*sh, the guys an idiot son of an asshole, it was the guys who control him and any other politician who supersedes him. Presidents are puppets nowadays. GOP or Democrat, it doesn't matter, the control is from people with more power than the U.S government. The U.S government just allows them to perpetually bugger them, and their charges, the people. The machine needed an excuse for war, so they made one. And you all fell for it. And you're still falling, hope that chute opens./end rant/ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jakee 1,534 #21 October 28, 2008 Quote/rant/ lol, apparently building 7 fell due to a diesel fire from generator fuel. Ok genius, help me escape from this crowd of sheep and see the light. Why did WTC-7 fall? It wasn't hit by any planes, and there weren't any plans for it to be hit that failed, so there's no reason to think they had a controlled demolition set up to follow another plane strike. It's irrelevant to the public perception of the scale of the attack, the two towers alone are the symbols of 9-11, so what possible motive could there be for the conspirators to blow it up? Why in the world would they bother? All it could possibly do for them is give that much more fuel to the conspiracy morons theorists. Why do it?Do you want to have an ideagasm? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DJL 235 #22 October 28, 2008 Please cite sources. So what was it an insurance scam or a way to start a war? Both? What else, please what else? So far it's as if every since angle is some kind of conspiracy. How about the payout to the victim's families? Are they in on it too... Oh shit, maybe I shouldn't have said that. What do I do now so they won't...get me? Paint an X on my window?"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
klyster 0 #23 October 29, 2008 Instead of asking me questions, do some digging, for your own conclusions. There are multitudes of sources to cite, but I'm sure you just want to point out that none of them are credible, like the "official" sources, lol. As for building 7, are you aware of the tenants and the contents of that building? Has it occurred to you that the buildings demise and the unrecoverable contents might be very convenient to whoever was aware this was going to happen? Not to mention a nice figure from the insurance. As for the victims families, how much did they get again? ;) Do some research, stop being lazy. Anyway, I've said my piece, have a nice day ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
downwardspiral 0 #24 October 29, 2008 QuoteQuoteI am fucked if i know, but on a few of the documentaries on the subject, there were many accounts of unusual activity in the buildings prior to the attacks. i am sure there would be so many occupants in the buildings doing many different things that no one would question construction type workers doing construction type activities. if the explosives and thermite wer only placed in the basement the collapse would not have been qute the same as it was. i would have been made to appear to be the said pancake type collapse. Things just do not fall through the path of greatest resistance without some sort of assistance. think about it. We have - that's why we call bullshit on the thermite conspiracy. Do you have ANY idea how much TIME it would take to wire TWO 110-story buildings for demolition? You're talking MONTHS of time and THOUSANDS of pounds of explosives and MILES of wiring for EACH building - not to mention knocking out interior load bearing walls, pre-cutting beams, etc etc etc. In his last 9/11 thread I provided a link to a video containing evidence the towers collapsed from the top down. Of course he completely ignored me because it complete shoots his theory out of the sky. It reminds of.... "Don't try to confuse me with the facts."www.FourWheelerHB.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #25 October 29, 2008 did you really create a new account just to continue this claim? BTW, I thought your first post here was mocking the conspiracy nuts with the way it was written. Rambling, incoherent, nonsense. You're actually one of them? These rants seem to fall into two categories. The one I just described, and then the ones very well written, full of would be damning scientific evidence, but the minute you examine the arguments and data it quickly falls apart. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites