
Would You Vote For William Ayers For President?

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No? Then why would you vote for a candidate whose political career he helped to launch?

On September 11th, 2001, as jets hijacked by terrorists slammed into the World Trade Center, The Pentagon and that field in Pennsylvania, the New York Times published an article citing William Ayers (above) saying “I Don’t Regret Setting Bombs … I Feel We Didn’t Do Enough.” Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970’s as a fugitive in the Weather Underground, was sitting in the kitchen of his big turn-of-the-19th-century stone house in the Hyde Park district of Chicago.” (Dinitia Smith, “No Regrets For A Love Of Explosives,” The New York Times, 9/11/01)

At the time that article came out Barack Hussein Obama was serving on the Board of the Woods Fund with William Ayers. They are neighbors in the fancy Chicago neighborhood where the Rev. Louis Farrakhan also lives. Birds of a feather flock together!

Obama and Ayers are more than just casual acquaintances:

In 1995, During Obama’s First State Senate Campaign, William Ayers And Wife Bernadine Dohrn Hosted A Meeting Of Chicago Liberals At Their Home For Obama, Which One Attendee Said Was Aimed At “Launching Him.” “In 1995, State Senator Alice Palmer introduced her chosen successor, Barack Obama, to a few of the district’s influential liberals at the home of two well known figures on the local left: William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. While Ayers and Dohrn may be thought of in Hyde Park as local activists, they’re better known nationally as two of the most notorious — and unrepentant — figures from the violent fringe of the 1960s anti-war movement. … ‘I can remember being one of a small group of people who came to Bill Ayers’ house to learn that Alice Palmer was stepping down from the senate and running for Congress,’ said Dr. Quentin Young, a prominent Chicago physician and advocate for single-payer health care, of the informal gathering at the home of Ayers and his wife, Dohrn. ‘[Palmer] identified [Obama] as her successor.’ … Dr. Young and another guest, Maria Warren, described it similarly: as an introduction to Hyde Park liberals of the handpicked successor to Palmer, a well-regarded figure on the left. ‘When I first met Barack Obama, he was giving a standard, innocuous little talk in the living room of those two legends-in-their-own-minds, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn,’ Warren wrote on her blog in 2005. ‘They were launching him — introducing him to the Hyde Park community as the best thing since sliced bread.’” (Ben Smith, “Obama Once Visited ’60s Radicals,” The Politico, 1/22/08)

From March Of 1995 Until September Of 1997, Obama And Ayers Attended At Least Seven Meetings Together Relating To The Chicago Annenberg Challenge. (Chicago Annenberg Challenge, Board Of Directors Meeting, Minutes Of The Board, 3/15/95, 3/31/95, 4/13/95, 6/5/95, 9/30/97; National Annenberg Challenge Evaluation Meeting, List Of Participants, 5/24/95; Chicago Annenberg Challenge, Chicago School Reform Collaborative Meeting, Minutes, 10/23/96)

NOTE: Bill Ayers Was Asked To Help Obama Formulate The Chicago Annenberg Challenge By-Laws. (Chicago Annenberg Challenge Board Of Directors Minutes, 3/15/95)

In 1997, Obama Praised Ayers’ Book On The Juvenile Justice System. “The two men were involved in efforts to reform the city’s education system. They appeared together on academic panels, including one organized by Michelle Obama to discuss the juvenile justice system, an area of mutual concern. Mr. Ayers’s book on the subject won a rave review in The Chicago Tribune by Mr. Obama, who called it ‘a searing and timely account.’” (Jo Becker and Christopher Drew, “Pragmatic Politics, Forged On The South Side,” The New York Times, 5/11/08)

Obama On William Ayers’ “A Kind And Just Parent: The Children Of Juvenile Court”: “A searing and timely account of the juvenile court system, and the courageous individuals who rescue hope from despair.” (Chicago Tribune, 12/21/97)

“[Obama And Ayers] Have Also Appeared Jointly On Two Academic Panels, One In 1997 And Another In 2001.” (Russell Berman, “Obama’s Ties To Left Come Under Scrutiny,” The New York Sun, 2/19/08)

From 1999 To 2002, Obama Served With Ayers On The Board Of Directors For Woods Fund Of Chicago. (Timothy J. Burger, “Obama’s Chicago Ties Might Fuel ‘Republican Attack Machine’,” Bloomberg, 2/15/08)

While Obama And Ayers Were Serving On The Woods Fund Together, Ayers Posed Standing On An American Flag For An Article In Chicago Magazine Entitled “No Regrets.” (Marcia Froelke Coburn, “No Regrets,” Chicago Magazine, 8/01)

Neighbors Have Said “It’s Only Natural” That Obama Would Know Ayers, Who Often Opens His Home For Gatherings, As Obama And His Wife “Are A Part Of Our Neighborhood And Part Of Our Social Circle.” said Elizabeth Chandler, a neighbor of Ayers’.” (Trevor Jensen, Robert Mitchum and Mary Owen, “Bill Ayers’ Turbulent Past Contrasts With Quiet Academ ic Life,” Chicago Tribune, 4/17/08)

Ayers’ Organization, The Weather Underground, Was A “Violent Left-Wing Activist Group”:

“William Ayers … [Was] A Founding Member Of The Group That Bombed The U.S. Capitol And The Pentagon During The 1970s.” (Russell Berman, “Obama’s Ties To Left Come Under Scrutiny,” The New York Sun, 2/19/08)

•Ayers’ Group, The Weather Underground, Is A “Violent Left-Wing Activist Group.” “Senator Obama’s ties to a former leader of the violent left-wing activist group the Weather Underground are drawing new scrutiny as he battles Senator Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.” (Russell Berman, “Obama’s Ties To Left Come Under Scrutiny,” The New York Sun, 2/19/08)

The Weather Underground Produced A Manual Which Begins, “We Are A Guerrilla Organization. We Are Communist Women And Men, Underground In The United States For More Than Four Years.” “The coalition was said to be a violence-prone faction inspired by the Weather Underground’s ”Prairie Fire,” a guerrilla warfare manual published in 1974. (Paul L. Montgomery, “2 Women In Brink’s Case Identified With Weathermen From Start In ‘69,” The New York Times, 10/ 22/81
"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition"...Rudyard Kipling

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And you support Palin whose husband was a member of a secessionist movement whose goal is to have Alaska secede from the union? Whose leader said he didn't want to buried under the United States flag? Palin who recorded a video for the same secessionist hate group?

Sorry I know facts can be confusing to the small minds that are easily diverted from the real issues facing us in this election.

corrected spelling
"There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

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It's not like Ayers has changed his stripes.

"For instance, at a November 2006 education forum in Caracas, Venezuela, with President Hugo Chávez at his side, Ayers proclaimed his support for “the profound educational reforms under way here in Venezuela under the leadership of President Chávez. We share the belief that education is the motor-force of revolution. . . . I look forward to seeing how you continue to overcome the failings of capitalist education as you seek to create something truly new and deeply humane.” Ayers concluded his speech by declaring that “Venezuela is poised to offer the world a new model of education—a humanizing and revolutionary model whose twin missions are enlightenment and liberation,”"
Full Article

And this is what Barack Obama was helping Ayers fund. They're your kids, you decide.

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No? Then why would you vote for one of his strongest supporters for president?

McCain's own words:

"I made the worst mistake of my life by attending two meetings, the first with the chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the government agency charged with regulating the practices of the nation’s savings and loans, and a week later with four bank examiners based in San Francisco who were at that time investigating the investment and lending practices of Lincoln Savings and Loan of Irvine, California, owned by my good friend and generous supporter Charles Keating."

"I was judged eventually, after three years, of using, quote, poor judgment, and I agree with that assessment."

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McCain used poor judgment and he fessed up to it. If Obama said he used poor judgment in dealing with Ayers then thread would not be alive. All Obama can say is that he was 8 years old when Ayers was building bombs. That doesn't answer the question about his dealings with Ayers and he refuses to answer.
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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>McCain used poor judgment and he fessed up to it.

Good for him.

> If Obama said he used poor judgment in dealing with Ayers then thread
>would not be alive.

He didn't use poor judgment or good judgment. He did not "deal with Ayers." He met him a few times. He has as much connection to Ayers as I have to Kathy Ireland or Patrick Swayze.

>That doesn't answer the question about his dealings with Ayers and he refuses
>to answer.

That's akin to asking McCain when he will deal with the questions surrounding his treason.

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>McCain used poor judgment and he fessed up to it.

Good for him.

> If Obama said he used poor judgment in dealing with Ayers then thread
>would not be alive.

He didn't use poor judgment or good judgment. He did not "deal with Ayers." He met him a few times. He has as much connection to Ayers as I have to Kathy Ireland or Patrick Swayze.

>That doesn't answer the question about his dealings with Ayers and he refuses
>to answer.

That's akin to asking McCain when he will deal with the questions surrounding his treason.

Why don't you ask him or why hasn't the media asked him. I don't see McCain not answering any questions about his past; some I don't like. There is a distinct difference between these two candiates when it comes to their past.
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>There is a distinct difference between these two candiates when it comes to their past.

Very true. Obama continues to deceive the voters, and refuses to answer questions about what he was doing between 1936 and 1961. How can you vote for someone who refuses to answer questions like that?

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The Obama Fan-Dance Must End [Mark R. Levin]

As someone who has written critically of John McCain on a host of issues, including the Keating Five, none of it compares to the life that Barack Obama has led and his belief system. Obama is not merely associated with domestic terrorists, Palestinian radicals, Marxists, and black liberation ideologues — he was their favorite candidate. They groomed him. They befriended him. He befriended them. He socialized with them. In other words, these people saw Obama as representing their views and aspirations and he saw them the same way. I am not among those who raise Obama's associations but add "of course, it doesn't mean Obama shares their views." Oh really? These miscreants include Obama's former pastor, political mentors and allies, and friends. Obama attempts to downplay and distance himself from his own circle of allies now that he is running for president. But he is one of them. Obama is getting a pass that no other candidate in my memory has ever received.

If John McCain had belonged to a church for 20 years and that church advocated white supremacy and the pastor of the church spewed racist propaganda wrapped in Biblical verses — much of which was caught on video-tape — what would we say? If McCain's good friends included people involved in blowing up abortion clinics instead of the Capitol Building, the Pentagon, and police stations, what would we say? If McCain was socially close to a professor with ties to neo-Nazi groups in Berlin, as opposed to a professor who had ties to the PLO, what would we say? If McCain spent his formative years schooled in fascism as opposed to Marxism, what would we say?

Every time Obama's life experiences and character are raised, the response is a diversionary tactic. Today, we're supposed to be impressed with the moral equivalency argument (Ayers = Keating Five), or Obama's associations and friendships aren't what they appear to be, or Obama really isn't like all those people he drew around him, or those raising these issues are guilty of McCarthyism
"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition"...Rudyard Kipling

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>There is a distinct difference between these two candiates when it comes to their past.

Very true. Obama continues to deceive the voters, and refuses to answer questions about what he was doing between 1936 and 1961. How can you vote for someone who refuses to answer questions like that?

How can you?
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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Here are the links you requested, however you'll probably deny them since they aren't to Drudge or Newsmax.


"There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

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>There is a distinct difference between these two candiates when it comes to their past.

Very true. Obama continues to deceive the voters, and refuses to answer questions about what he was doing between 1936 and 1961. How can you vote for someone who refuses to answer questions like that?

How can you?


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I twice served on committees with Nobel prizewinners. I guess that makes me super smart.

I also served on a committee with two billionaires, so I guess I'm super rich too.

Piper17 - your reasoning is absolutely pathetic.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Had you attended weekly Lectures by those Nobel prize winners (Like Obama did with Rev. Wright) for 20 years, I would think you might have learned from them. Had you choosen to attend those lectures above all others, I would think that you must believe what the lecturer is saying more often than not.

Had the Billionaires help launch your career and have done so from their own living room, I would suspect that they share similar philosophies to yours.

kellend: Your reasoning is blinded by hatred for the opposition.

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Had you attended weekly Lectures by those Nobel prize winners (Like Obama did with Rev. Wright) for 20 years, I would think you might have learned from them. Had you choosen to attend those lectures above all others, I would think that you must believe what the lecturer is saying more often than not.

You mean like Sarah did with the witch hunting


Had the Billionaires help launch your career and have done so from their own living room, I would suspect that they share similar philosophies to yours.

Now you're just spouting the Sean Hannity/Faux News lies. Check your facts before posting, a good site to do so is www.factcheck.org
"There are two kinds of skydivers in this world, the kind that skydive to enrich their lives and the kind that skydive to define their lives. Don't be the latter."

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You mean like Sarah did with the witch hunting

1) Palin isnt running for president. McCain is.
2) 20 years as a member of a congregation is quite a bit different than attending a couple of services.

Obama - 20 years of membership with Rev. Wrights Church. 20 years of Sermons. 20 years of Spiritual guidance from Rev Wright. Obama Chose Rev Wright to conduct his wedding, Obama Choose Rev. Wright to Baptize his children.

You honestly think he doesn’t share the same views on most things? :S

3) Are you saying that this isn’t true.. "In 1995, State Senator Alice Palmer introduced her chosen successor, Barack Obama, to a few of the district’s influential liberals at the home of two well known figures on the local left: William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn."?

If I am mistaken on this I would like to corrected.

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Obama is not merely associated with domestic terrorists, Palestinian radicals, Marxists, and black liberation ideologues — he was their favorite candidate.

Did you expect black ideologues to be McCain supporters?

Members of the KKK clearly support McCain over Obama. What does that say about McCain? Not a thing, of course.

I worked for Mike Milken and met him in the office in 1998. Does that association with a junk bond crook damn me?


Today, we're supposed to be impressed with the moral equivalency argument (Ayers = Keating Five), or Obama's associations and friendships aren't what they appear to be, or Obama really isn't like all those people he drew around him, or those raising these issues are guilty of McCarthyism

in one, you have some sort of fuzzy relationship with a guy that did bad things in the past. In the other, you have a senator hurting America for a friend that gave him money (exactly what we need for the current financial problems)

Yeah, I don't see the equivalency either.

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Did you expect black ideologues to be McCain supporters?

Members of the KKK clearly support McCain over Obama. What does that say about McCain? Not a thing, of course.

If McCain had gone to KKK meetings for 20 years (or even a single meeting), It would be safe to say that ANY rational person would have a problem with that.

If MCain had been introduced to the local political elite in David Dukes Living room, You can bet that Rational people would have an Issue with that.

I know I would.


you have some sort of fuzzy relationship with a guy that did bad things in the past.

When one of those people were your chosen Spiritual advisor for 20 years, The person you called on to Baptize your children, the person you to Listened to every Sunday for 20 years.. The relationship isnt so Fuzzy.

When someone like Bill Ayers hosts your introduction to the local political elite in his home, You would think that maybe, just maybe.. They share many of the same beliefs.

McCain/Keeting = Poor Decision in which McCain attended two meetings over a brief period of time. McCain acknowledges this as the biggest mistake of his life, learns from it and moves on.

Obama/Rev Wright = 20 Years as Obama’s Pastor. Nothing fuzzy about that one.

Obama/Ayers = 1995 Ayers hosts a Meeting where Obama is introduced to the local Political elite at his home. See the David Duke analogy for my thoughts on that one.

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