
The debate -Did it change your mind?

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Did it change anyone’s mind??

I went into watching the debate not overly thrilled with either candidate (although leaning towards McCain) and came out actually feeling a little better about both and most likely leaning even more towards McCain.

I didn’t see a clear winner, just one that I tended to agree with more than the other.

I am curious if anyone here (that was NOT already decided) came out of the debate with a decision or if anyone changed their minds based on what they heard tonight?

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Didn't change mine. I don't think it would have. It was definitely something for the "undecided" crowd....:|

So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Did it change anyone’s mind??

I went into watching the debate not overly thrilled with either candidate (although leaning towards McCain) and came out actually feeling a little better about both and most likely leaning even more towards McCain.

I didn’t see a clear winner, just one that I tended to agree with more than the other.

I am curious if anyone here (that was NOT already decided) came out of the debate with a decision or if anyone changed their minds based on what they heard tonight?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I didn’t see a clear winner, just one that I tended to agree with more than the other.

The polls have Obama as a clear winner, but yea, they were vanilla ice cream. The most memorable moment so far, per the pundits, was when McCain refered to Obama as, "that one." Really angy and impersonal and parpalyed with McCain running off w/o shaking Obama's hand.

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Concur. Hopefully they don't tend towards socialism and government solutions...

Hey Vinnie!:)I know you are in the Navy and my ex husband is in the Navy, He is a commander serving in Iraq for a year now. I was a Navy wife for many years and went through four + deployments. I know what it is like to get government healthcare.

You don't want government solutions but you personally get government healthcare. You get regular preventive care as well just as my ex does. Are you unhappy with it? Does it work for you or would you rather have it done differently.... just curious.

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Did it change anyone’s mind??

I went into watching the debate not overly thrilled with either candidate (although leaning towards McCain) and came out actually feeling a little better about both and most likely leaning even more towards McCain.

I didn’t see a clear winner, just one that I tended to agree with more than the other.

the more Obama opens his mouth the less i like him or his policy. McCain is definately not the best we have but he is for less gov control and spending, on the other side i see Obama as someone that thinks busisness will just take the tax increases and still employ people. on this subject Obama is dead wrong, raising taxes to a business will just reduce jobs, increase prices, or make them go somewhere cheaper.

lets face it, it is cheaper in mexico or india, and making it more expensive to do business here in the US will just cost us in the long run.

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I have been a member of the Libertarian Party since 1986. I worked the Libertarian National Convention (Ron Paul was our Nominee that year) in 1988 and founded the Libertarian Chapter on Campus at the College I went to.

I became disillusioned with the Libertarian in the mid-90`s when the Radicals, Nutcases and Legalize Drugs crowd took over the Party.

I still believe in many of the principals of the Libertarian party..


Bob Barr is a fucking joke and as far from a Libertarian as you can get. He is a disgusting Low Life Lying scumbag piece of shit.

Bob Barr was the congressman from my district when he still called himself a Republican. I would rather see Hillary Clinton in Office than this asshole (And if you knew how I felt about her, That is saying something).

Him running as a Libertarian is a Joke and has destroyed any semblance of credibility the Libertarians had left (which wasn’t much).

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The debates are a joke IMO. All both candidates do is repeat their buzz words and phrases. They should truly debate one another. No tele-prompters, no knowledge of questions before hand. no PC speak. If that were too happen the debates might actually prove useful in showing who has more substance and knowledge. As they are now it is just a dog and pony show with no substance.
The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

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> All both candidates do is repeat their buzz words and phrases. They should truly debate one another.

Yep. I thought the first debate was a bit better for that reason - the moderator kept insisting that they talk to each other, not the cameras.

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> All both candidates do is repeat their buzz words and phrases. They should truly debate one another.

Yep. I thought the first debate was a bit better for that reason - the moderator kept insisting that they talk to each other, not the cameras.

i didn't like them getting time limits so small. lets make it 2-3 hours long, up to 10-15 min talks, and spread over several nights. lets get the details not just the cover story.

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