CanuckInUSA 0 #1 October 10, 2008 I know nobody cares about Canada and our election (yes the USA is not the only country in the midst of an election), but this video is worth watching if you want to see who our next PM could be. Thank god the CTV is an honest news organization and they have made this video public for the world to see. We know the CBC would never let the public see this sort of tape since the CBC is in bed with the LIEberal Party of Canada. Watch the video and you be the judge: Try not to worry about the things you have no control over Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airdvr 210 #2 October 10, 2008 Wow! I didn't watch all of it...just the first minute or so was enough. Bon chance to my friends in the great white North.Please don't dent the planet. Destinations by Roxanne Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gawain 0 #3 October 10, 2008 I read that Mr. Harper had called for new elections, a smart move to do so ahead of the US elections I think. I don't think he has too much to worry about if this is his competition, do you think?So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrewwhyte 1 #5 October 10, 2008 Actually Harper is crashing big time. He will still win but he has run a piss poor campaign and will likely be weaker than when he called the election. He spent weeks telling the public that the US's credit problems wouldn't affect us. He said Canadians are not worried about their jobs while the automakers are announcing plant closures. When the Stock market crashed he told people there were great bargains to be had. He is an autocratic policy wonk with absolutely no common touch. He may be the best manager we have, but people just don't like him. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gawain 0 #6 October 10, 2008 QuoteActually Harper is crashing big time. He will still win but he has run a piss poor campaign and will likely be weaker than when he called the election. He spent weeks telling the public that the US's credit problems wouldn't affect us. He said Canadians are not worried about their jobs while the automakers are announcing plant closures. When the Stock market crashed he told people there were great bargains to be had. He is an autocratic policy wonk with absolutely no common touch. He may be the best manager we have, but people just don't like him. Oh I see. I knew things were afoot up there, but didn't have a finger on the pulse.So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright 'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life Make light! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #7 October 10, 2008 OK, so anyway, edumacate us about Dion. Is he intelligent? An idiot? Average, but prone to "Bush-isms"? To what do you attribute his performance in the video - the intro announcer seemed to implicate campaign exhaustion. Could any of it be attributed to English being his 2nd language? Any Canuckistanian is invited to answer. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rehmwa 2 #8 October 10, 2008 I think by definition, anyone running for a national position in any country is an idiot ... Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanuckInUSA 0 #9 October 10, 2008 Dion is a puppet. Sure his grasp of the English language is not good. But his problems run much deeper than this. First off the LIEberal Party of Canada is a corrupt organization (IMHO). They promise the world to the lemmings during elections and then once in power they do nothing but raise taxes and steal money. They were caught red handed a few years ago funneling money from the Federal treasury to their political friends. They are masters of "playing the fear card" with their CBC media buddies and then they cry foul when others use similar tactics on them. Canadians love their so called "free healthcare" and under our constitution the provinces (same as your states) are responsible for delivering this service (as well as many other similar services) to the citizens of each respective province. But in Canada we send our income taxes to the Federal government and the Feds then give (so called) equal amounts to each province based on equalization formulas on who can afford what and who needs more money than others to ensure social services are somewhat equal across the country (in theory it is good, but reality and theory do not alway work). Well a few years back the LIEberals decided to cut funding to the provinces and all of a sudden the provinces had a harder time delivering these social services to the lemmings (sorry citizens) all the while the LIEberals were boasting what great money managers they were by running 15+ billion dollar annual budget surpluses. I am sorry massive government surpluses are a sign of over taxation, not good fiscal management especially when money is cut from the provinces responsible for delivering things like healthcare, education, infrastructure and welfare. If Canadians are not happy with their healthcare (and they are not) they need to be whining to their respective provincial governments not the Feds, but this does not stop LIEberal hacks from claiming the Conservatives are out to destroy healthcare even though more money is now in the hands of the people responsible for the job than when the LIEberals cut funding to the provinces. Well after being caught stealing money from the tax payer in 2004-2005, we had our last election in 2006 and Canada elected a minority Conservative government. It could have been a majority, but the LIEberals are masters with their "the Conservatives have a hidden agenda there will be soldiers in the streets with guns in Canada if you elect the Conservatives" and we had the Cons in power with limited power without the help of one of the other major parties (unlike the US we have 5 major political parties but recently it has been discovered that the Green Party is in bed with the LIEberals so we really only have 4 and one of the 4 is a Quebec separatist party so we really only have 3). Anyway the Conservatives are far from perfect, but they actually showed up for work and did things in government passing new laws. The Conservatives did NOT run on the promise that they would run massive surpluses and instead they said they would cut taxes where they could, restore funding to the provinces (which they did), start funding the military (which was in decay thanks to years of LIEberal abuse) and run small surpluses. There has been a few bunps along the way, but for the most part they have done what they set out to do and in a world which is experiencing financial turbulence, Canada for the most part is weathering the storm with it's head still above water. But this does not stop the LIEberals from telling the world what horrible managers of the economy the Conservatives are saying that under the LIEberal rule they ran 15+ billlion dollar surpluses versus the Conservatives 3-6 billion dollar surpluses. In April/May (tax season) Canada's government was for two months in a deficit while money was sent back to individuals and corporations (this happens every year to every government) and the LIEberals and their CBC media was all over this. Well the country is back running a small surplus but that does not stop the BIG RED PROPAGANDA MACHINE from the lies and there are still people running around claiming a government deficit. So back to Dion ... he was not even the LIEberals first choice during their last leadership campaign in 2006. He was running in 3rd place. But the soup kitchen expert Gerard Kennedy (then running in 4th place) gave all his deligates to Dion and that was enough to thrust him ahead of the two people ahead of him. There is still fighting in LIEberal backrooms over this. Dion is a professor by trade, has never worked in the real world outside of academia and politics. He was a former Quebec separatist as a young man and is a duel citizen of France with no intentions of ever giving up his ties to that country. He is playing "environmental fear politics" and he is promising to impose a "Carbon Tax" on the country but no targets to actually reduce carbon but instead is just a way to fund the socialism he is promising to the people of Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver (screw all those rural Canadians). He has no economic plan, he has no economic experience yet he accuses the current government that they have no plan (despite the fact that the current government has kept the country's head above water in these though times). I could go on and on and no doubt there are millions of (socialistic) Canadians who do NOT agree with me. But IMHO Dion is not the man to be leader of a G8 nation and this video proves that he is not. It is not that he did not understand the question, it is not that he has a hearing problem (like the "I am a victim" LIEberals claim he has). He has no plan for the economy other than to raise taxes. The other night on TV an airplane pilot asked him if Dion's proposed carbon tax would put the pilot out of work and Dion's response was "we will build green airplanes". When the TV commentator said "he is talking about flying airplanes, not building them" Dion's response again was "we will build green airplanes". Once again people watch the video and judge for yourself. Is this man a leader you want in tough economic times? Try not to worry about the things you have no control over Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danger 0 #10 October 10, 2008 I second this. The Provincial Lieberals in Ontario are just as bad. The Premier calls for an emergency debate on the economy and then only 17 of their 71 members showed up to the debate. Even the Premier did't show up. They also decided to have a day off for the Federal election so they can help support their Federal friends. Damn Lieberals Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites