
National Voter Picture ID

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It all sounds good on paper, but the reality is that these solutions in search of a problem prevent people who are qualified to vote from registering. The righties do everything they can to limit the number of people voting. The fewer people vote, the more likely they win elections.

Once again, we're hearing about voter purges just before a presidential election.

I don't oppose cleaning up the voter lists. But it should be done before the primary, not the main election, giving people time to get it fixed. Better yet, restrict it to the off year election cycle.

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I think it brings to mind the Soviet Union.

Papers, Comrade!

What does this ID provide that the driver's license does not already? Nothing.

Lets start with CITIZENSHIP. Illegals get DL's in NC all the time.

Well, if they can obtain a DL illegally, they have all the paperwork necessary to obtain a voter ID as well.

The obvious solution is to fix the problem with DLs, not waste billions on a redundent ID.

Poll taxes were another popular form of making voting a pain.

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No question, there is voter fraud (both parties). Why not have a national voter registration picture ID. Some states have this already. Assist older citizens at home and help the physically handicapped obtain documentation (all at no cost).

What data do you have to support your conclusion that there is voter fraud from both parties?

All of the information I can find shows that this "problem" is statistically insignificant.

What IS happening with this so called problem is that the Reppublicans are making a big stink about "suspected" voter fraud. Using the FUD ( fear, uncertainty, doubt) created with the cooperation of the corporate media outlets, they are implementing all kinds of obstructions to voter registrations.

It all sounds good on paper, but the reality is that these solutions in search of a problem prevent people who are qualified to vote from registering. The righties do everything they can to limit the number of people voting. The fewer people vote, the more likely they win elections.

........................... Can't handle the idea of voter fraud, can you. It doesn't matter which party does it the most. It should be stopped. Here is an example of how "insignificant" it is. LBJ sent us to war.
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| Chapter 1 — Introduction To Voting Problems |

| Next — Chicago Rules Of Election Fraud |

| Back — Voter Fraud Issues: A Florida Department Of Law Enforcement Report And Observations |


While voter fraud is not new in this nation, it seems to be gathering steam in recent years with the absentee voting explosion, loosened voting registration requirements and fewer controls, not to mention the enormous incentives for successful practitioners.

A scant 87 votes changed the course of world history in 1948. Out of one million votes cast, an 87-vote margin caused a young Texas congressman named Lyndon Baines Johnson to become a United States senator. What the history books neglect to tell us is that, but for widespread vote buying and shameless ballot box stuffing in the corrupt barrios of South Texas, LBJ would not have become a senator, then vice president and ultimately president. The rest is history.
Another article quoted that on that day 202 Mexican-Americans who were deceased or out of the county that day lined up alphabetically and voted for LBJ. No doubt this is peanuts by todays standards, and insignificant to you. Once again, would you like to see all voter fraud stopped, or do I get a long tirade again.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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It all sounds good on paper, but the reality is that these solutions in search of a problem prevent people who are qualified to vote from registering. The righties do everything they can to limit the number of people voting. The fewer people vote, the more likely they win elections.

Once again, we're hearing about voter purges just before a presidential election.

I don't oppose cleaning up the voter lists. But it should be done before the primary, not the main election, giving people time to get it fixed. Better yet, restrict it to the off year election cycle.

Purges: legal/illegal are a counter to the rush to get people legally/illegally registered before the primary election. There should be a solution to get this done early and legitlmate like your suggested.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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The fewer people ignorant of the issues vote, the more likely they win elections.

If this is the case, how do you explain why McSame/Caribour Barbie seem to have something 30% solid support from people who clearly must be completely ignorant of the issues?

If the standard were as you describe, the R's would be in the single digits, like right at ZERO.

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If this is the case, how do you explain why McSame/Caribour Barbie seem to have something 30% solid support from people who clearly must be completely ignorant of the issues?

If the standard were as you describe, the R's would be in the single digits, like right at ZERO.


Only one party?

Q: Are you more for Obama because he is pro life or because he thinks our troops should stay in Iraq and finish this war?

A: I think because our Troops should stay in Iraq and finish this war.

Q: If he (Obama) wins do you have any problem with Sarah Palin being VP?

A: No, no I would not.


Truth is most people have no idea what they are talking about
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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