
GASP! You mean democrats are hypocrites TOO?????

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So, I don't come around that often anymore, which is a good thing. I find I'm much happier not being around all of the same back and forth nonsense that poses for debate on here. Not much has changed in the past [enter any number] years.

That having been said, when I saw the story on Rep. Mahoney in Florida, I just had to come back here and see what sort of coverage it got on SC. I found one thread. One. Here is a liberal democrat who replaced a scumbag republican. Mahoney ran on family values and gets caught cheating with not one but two women.

Where's the outrage? Where are the right wingers wagging their fingers and calling the leftists out for their own party members hypocrisy? When it happens to a republican, it seems, at least to me, that people just can't shut up about how much of a low life the "God's Own Party" asshole is and how all GOP'ers are hypocrites and the like. But when it's a democrat, why the virtual silence? Or is it just b/c y'all just can't stop talking about the other two asshat politicians who are bucking for the seat in the oval office?

I dunno, they pretty much are all liars if you ask me. I have yet to meet (figuratively speaking of course) a politician or a political candidate who is constitutionally capable of NOT distorting his or her opponents views, values, plans, etc. for his or her own benefit. "McSame" and "Nobama" both have been shown to be incapable of really representing what they will do for us or what their opponent really stands for.

Ugh, what a system we have. I know it's the one we have and it's worked pretty good so far, but this time around sure has become pretty trying.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Where's the outrage? Where are the right wingers wagging their fingers and calling the leftists out for their own party members hypocrisy?

Because, for the most part, the Democrats don't hold themselves as being "above" human foibles. We Democrats are not "proud" of it, but we realize it happens.

On the other hand . . . when certain Republicans claim moral authority . . . it's hilarious to see them as we all really are.

I can't say whether or not Rep. Mahoney claimed any moral authority. I don't follow district politics in states that far away from my own. Just doing some searches on the web, it looks like Mahoney mostly won because most people thought he was unopposed (since it was too late to put Nagron's name on the ballot). Got any links?
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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More specifically, it seems to be the Republicans who want to bring people's private sex lives into the public, government-dominated regime.

This trend has been noticed by fellow Republicans. Barry Goldwater was known as "Mr Conservative" in his time. And yet, he got pissed off at the religious right's rising influence on the party starting in the early 80s. He said, "They're trying to turn the Republican party into some sort of religious organization!"

And regarding gays in the military, he pointed out that the Romans had an extremely effective military, even though everyone knew there were homosexuals in it.

And as for the American military, he said, "You don't have to BE straight, you just have to SHOOT straight!"

The Republican party (as it is now) is the one that makes a big noise about slamming people based on their private sex lives. (it is Republicans who say crap like America deserved 9/11 & Hurricane Katrina because it was God's punishment for homos & porn)

And why is it that the ones that do that the loudest seem to be the ones that are always eventually caught wearing fishnet pantyhose, with a half-naked choirboy, while holding a box of well-greased gerbils??


Speed Racer

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The Mahoney thing is a story because of the irony, considering the seat he replaced. Politicians having heterosexual, consensual affairs is not really news. Being a jerk about it and having it recorded, yea...that will probably get you in the news. Also, it's difficult to equate a heterosexual affair and man/boy trolling, especially when it involves the party that claims to be some sort of moral model.
But right now the election and an economic meltdown that affects the entire world and is forcing the nationalization of the banking community are much bigger stories. Thankfully.

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Where's the outrage? Where are the right wingers wagging their fingers and calling the leftists out for their own party members hypocrisy?

Because, for the most part, the Democrats don't hold themselves as being "above" human foibles. We Democrats are not "proud" of it, but we realize it happens.

On the other hand . . . when certain Republicans claim moral authority . . . it's hilarious to see them as we all really are.

I can't say whether or not Rep. Mahoney claimed any moral authority. I don't follow district politics in states that far away from my own. Just doing some searches on the web, it looks like Mahoney mostly won because most people thought he was unopposed (since it was too late to put Nagron's name on the ballot). Got any links?

You said that for the most part, the Democrats don't hold themselves as being "above" human foibles. Well, Mahoney did. Bottom line is that both parties are mired in a bunch of hypocritical shit but dems typically aren't called on it b/c they usually don't preach against it, is that what y'all are saying? What a load of hooey.

Links about Mahoney and his family values campaigning.




I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Where's the outrage? Where are the right wingers wagging their fingers and calling the leftists out for their own party members hypocrisy?

Because, for the most part, the Democrats don't hold themselves as being "above" human foibles. We Democrats are not "proud" of it, but we realize it happens.

On the other hand . . . when certain Republicans claim moral authority . . . it's hilarious to see them as we all really are.

I can't say whether or not Rep. Mahoney claimed any moral authority. I don't follow district politics in states that far away from my own. Just doing some searches on the web, it looks like Mahoney mostly won because most people thought he was unopposed (since it was too late to put Nagron's name on the ballot). Got any links?

You said that for the most part, the Democrats don't hold themselves as being "above" human foibles. Well, Mahoney did. Bottom line is that both parties are mired in a bunch of hypocritical shit but dems typically aren't called on it b/c they usually don't preach against it, is that what y'all are saying? What a load of hooey.

Links about Mahoney and his family values campaigning.




Mahony got elected because he said he was not like his predisessor and was found to be just like him. he should be taosted the same. but the dem's know they can't because it would bring a bad light to their side and that would hurt them right now.

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The original premise of your OP was to ask where the outrage was from the Right at Mahoney. So it seems you should be arguing with the Right. Either way, Mahoney's toast now - there's no future for him. People don't really toast their own teammates, but that doesn't equate to lining up to defend them either; they just become de facto outcasts. (As I said in the other Mahoney thread, referring to both Foley and Mahoney, "a pox on both their houses".)

This whole "you failed to repudiate Joe Blow" trend in politics is a lot of horseshit. Politicians and uber-bloggers may think that way, but most normal people do not.

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So what do you think is the cause? Is it the liberal media squelching the stories?

I don't really know. I hesitate to say it's all due to the (largely) liberal media, but I bet that has something to do w/ it.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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So what do you think is the cause? Is it the liberal media squelching the stories?

the liberal media does have a lot to do with it. they are on a quest to sway an election for the first time in history and reporting this story would hurt that.

If you think the media has never played a role in elections before, then you really need to learn a bit more about history. ;) However, as I said before, it's district politics and not really something anybody on a national level -should- give a shit about anyway. He's a nobody and the issue is lame anyway. Meanwhile we have; Iraq and the global economic meltdown.

What the fuck would YOU put on page one?

After looking into it, I'm 100% convinced that Mahoney won, not because of ANYTHING he said before the election, but because he was essentially, in the minds of the voters, running unopposed.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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So what do you think is the cause? Is it the liberal media squelching the stories?

the liberal media does have a lot to do with it. they are on a quest to sway an election for the first time in history and reporting this story would hurt that.

If you think the media has never played a role in elections before, then you really need to learn a bit more about history. ;) However, as I said before, it's district politics and not really something anybody on a national level -should- give a shit about anyway. He's a nobody and the issue is lame anyway. Meanwhile we have; Iraq and the global economic meltdown.

What the fuck would YOU put on page one?

you are right, what is on page one is what should be there, but we need balance and that means if you want to yell at one you have to yell at the other if they do the same thing.

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This is why I'm engaged to marry a democratic woman, if you know what I mean.

Cool Beans....congrats...:)
Probably not the uptight kinda woman that would be found on the other side of the political spectrum...hell you might even get blow jobs..:D:D

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This is why I'm engaged to marry a democratic woman, if you know what I mean.

Cool Beans....congrats...:)
Probably not the uptight kinda woman that would be found on the other side of the political spectrum...hell you might even get blow jobs..:D:D

Shakes head, smiling...Don't you know you have to watch out for the quiet ones? :)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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So, I don't come around that often anymore, which is a good thing. I find I'm much happier not being around all of the same back and forth nonsense that poses for debate on here. Not much has changed in the past [enter any number] years.

That having been said, when I saw the story on Rep. Mahoney in Florida, I just had to come back here and see what sort of coverage it got on SC. I found one thread. One. Here is a liberal democrat who replaced a scumbag republican. Mahoney ran on family values and gets caught cheating with not one but two women.

Where's the outrage? Where are the right wingers wagging their fingers and calling the leftists out for their own party members hypocrisy? When it happens to a republican, it seems, at least to me, that people just can't shut up about how much of a low life the "God's Own Party" asshole is and how all GOP'ers are hypocrites and the like. But when it's a democrat, why the virtual silence? Or is it just b/c y'all just can't stop talking about the other two asshat politicians who are bucking for the seat in the oval office?

I dunno, they pretty much are all liars if you ask me. I have yet to meet (figuratively speaking of course) a politician or a political candidate who is constitutionally capable of NOT distorting his or her opponents views, values, plans, etc. for his or her own benefit. "McSame" and "Nobama" both have been shown to be incapable of really representing what they will do for us or what their opponent really stands for.

Ugh, what a system we have. I know it's the one we have and it's worked pretty good so far, but this time around sure has become pretty trying.

Didn't you get the memo, Michael? Democrats *CAN'T* be hypocrites.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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So, I don't come around that often anymore, which is a good thing. I find I'm much happier not being around all of the same back and forth nonsense that poses for debate on here.


Jeez, I never thought anyone actually took this place so seriously!
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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You said that for the most part, the Democrats don't hold themselves as being "above" human foibles. Well, Mahoney did. Bottom line is that both parties are mired in a bunch of hypocritical shit but dems typically aren't called on it b/c they usually don't preach against it, is that what y'all are saying? What a load of hooey.

This individual in particular based his campaign on this, but classicly the democratic party does not. They don't stand up at the podium and preach morals-- no gays allowed, marriage is a man and a woman, replace sex ed in school with religious classes; and why? Because the bible says so?? They are so loud about it, and the louder they are, the more of a huge story its going to be when they are found being a hypocrite of all these morals they preached so loudly about. Democrats don't rush to preach all of that, so it doesn't make them as much a hypocrite as the republican that did. It doesn't make the act any less wrong, but just not as big a hypocrite. But, if this Mahoney guy prided himself on family morals and was all republican like with his campaign, then I think he deserves the same finger pointing as the rest of the people before him who have done the same thing and gotten in the same trouble. So, it's not a load of hooey, just basic logic and definition of "hypocrite."
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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