
Are the non-Americans.....

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You would think that those who are would not be reading the threads. The truth is the US election is important to all of us. The US economy is still ~1/3 of the world's. The US war machine is involved in some way in virtually every conflict or potential conflict on the planet. US social values bleed through to the rest of the world incessantly. We may not have a vote, but we are all stakeholders.

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fed up to the eyeballs with all the bickering about this stupid US election??;)

I was fed up with it a couple of months ago, but all the recent shit slinging and "terrorist!" stuff and imaginary muggers has made it pretty interesting again;)
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Dude I am a US citizen who is in to politics and I am sick of this shit. Lets vote already.

Haha me too. But I already voted.

I wish I could. But we don't have early voting in my state.

Good news is: That's one of the referendum questions! (I will vote Yes)
Speed Racer

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Dude I am a US citizen who is in to politics and I am sick of this shit. Lets vote already.

Haha me too. But I already voted.
I wish I could. But we don't have early voting in my state.

Good news is: That's one of the referendum questions! (I will vote Yes)

CA allows absentee ballots without proof of absenteeism. B|

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I am praying (LOL and I am not even religious) for a miracle next week. I am praying that "NONE OF THE ABOVE" pulls one out of the hat and wins. But since we know that will not happen, the smart money is on an Obama victory. Obama has the media on his side, he has the money of Hollywood and GE also feeding him. He has youth on his side, he is in shape and he is a great public speaker. He has the luxury of his party not being in the White House during this current economic storm (even though his party does control congress and the senate) and all he has to do is make promises whether he plans on keeping them or not and the lemmings will buy it since he is their messaih. If the US economy was not in the tanks right now, the race would be much closer, but the poor and the young will vote this year like they never have.

But ... I would be concerned America when we hear stories of how your democracy is run. I guess a lot of people will be moving to swing states this week (places like Ohio). It is amazing how so many non-residents of a given state will be allowed to vote in [insert your favorite swing state here] and it is equally amazing how many non-US citizens have been registered to vote. If "NONE OF THE ABOVE" fails to win next week, let's just hope the results are not close. Another election won on 500 hanging chads would NOT be good.

Finally who ever wins two things will be known.

#1) Who ever the next prez is, he/she will be better than GWB (worst prez ever)

#2) We will all be happy, because the daily deluge of political media exposure will be over and America can get back to it's obsession with Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and the rest of the Hollywood elite. Because after all the masses (definitely not those in the skydiving community) lead pathetic lives and live their own lives through their cherished Hollywood celebrates.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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