
Obama's first 6 months as pres

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What do you think a president Obama will be able to do in his first 6 months ? I mean if he has the senate and house with him should he not be able to make improvements that we can see and or feel ?
Should at least several of his campaign promises be fullfilled ? I am curious...

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What do you think a president Obama will be able to do in his first 6 months ? I mean if he has the senate and house with him should he not be able to make improvements that we can see and or feel ?
Should at least several of his campaign promises be fullfilled ? I am curious...

Prolly nothing. They're all liars lying to the sheep to keep their cush jobs.
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It depends a bit on how many seats the Democrats can pick up. While they have a majority, they currently don't have enough to just steam roll legislation through. So, a lot hinges on the resentment carried by the Republicans and their determination to oppose his efforts.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Sending Rove to jail for contempt would be quick, easy and inexpensive. It would probably come off as petty but I think it's past time to get it done.
More likely I think would be some sort of economic stimulus, possibly through some sort of infrastructure proposals. Hopefully the diversion of subsidies from oil to green energy R&D.
I don't know, just thinking out loud.

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What do you think a president Obama will be able to do in his first 6 months ?...

I think he'll be kept REALLY busy handing out government positions and contracts to all his campaign contributors.>:(

Having refused Federal Funding and the attendant federal cap, he's spent a fecking fortune of somebody's money to get where he wants. These folk will all want "change"... Or as they prefer to call it, "compound-interest".:(

So yeah... America will see change. Perhaps the institution of something like the British House Of Lords Political Bribe Givers to replace Congress and The Senate, thus saving all those political salaries & expenses & election costs & stuff!!!?[:/]

Good luck to Y'All tomorrow when you choose your least worst candidate.


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What do you think a president Obama will be able to do in his first 6 months ? I mean if he has the senate and house with him should he not be able to make improvements that we can see and or feel ?
Should at least several of his campaign promises be fullfilled ? I am curious...

Clinton entered in 92 with a wide victory and 57 Senators, but very quite unsuccessful at getting his wishes in that first year. It will depend greatly on if the current Republicans really want to be uniters, not dividers, and of course, what is asked of them.

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Maybe I should have said 4 yrs sheesh.:D

Yes, you should have.

Most Presidents would have a difficult time reversing the tide of shit this last President is leaving behind. A six month turn around and people wanting huge results in that that little of a time period is unrealistic, but it will be a start and lay the foundation for change.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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It's not just resentment by the Republicans; there's probably also going to be some nasty power-wielding on the part of some Democrats (just as happened in the early days of the Bush administration). You know -- the "we have the power so a compromise is when you vote with us" technique.

I hope they're better than that. Real long-term goals will go a long ways towards compromise; if you have real goals, then you'll compromise to move towards them. If you don't have any that you're committed to, then you just do whatever feels best at that moment.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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That depends. FDR and Ronald Reagan were both able to push very different agendas through Congress in their first 100 days.

The mess we're in right now would seem to be a good time to get something going right away, whoever wins (Obama's going to win and it won't even be close. That's just my "non-partisan" reading of the tea leaves, even if I have already voted for the Obamanator).

But some years, in times of great national crisis (FDR), or after a huge electoral mandate (Reagan), a President who gets elected along with a same party majority in Congress can do some rather big stuff.

And considering the mess we're in, whether you're a Demo or a Republicat, what's the point if your choice for Prez can't get a whole bunch done - and soon ?

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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not much will change even in a single term. Congress has proven itself to be mostly ineffective in the past 8 years. both at getting any real work done and getting away from partisanship.

I hope groundwork can be laid for future generations, but even 2 terms is not a lot of time to change the world. In 2 years or less, he will start campaigning again for the next election, cutting into the work that needs to be done.

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not much will change even in a single term. Congress has proven itself to be mostly ineffective in the past 8 years. both at getting any real work done and getting away from partisanship.

I hope groundwork can be laid for future generations, but even 2 terms is not a lot of time to change the world. In 2 years or less, he will start campaigning again for the next election, cutting into the work that needs to be done.

You're wasting your breath. There is just a bunch of knuckle heads on here. They only believe what the media spews out.
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