jimmytavino 16
QuoteMy point in this:
Now, for the bottom-of-the-TV-screen-like warnings about that activity:
(Use protection, only 50% of what comes out of her vagina is retarded, better odds than what comes out of her mouth!!!!!)
whoa..... I am as anti-Palin as it gets....
i resented the possibility ( as remote as it might have been ) that She could have ascended to the Highly Historic role of first Woman POTUS....
and felt she was far to inexperienced to be, even a VP... BUT your crass comment ( see above quote ) if it refers to her Down Syndrome Child,,,, repulses me to no end.....!!!!

not to mention, your boastful statement about your self described sexual prowess..
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
later on in repsonse to another poster here, you say,,, something along the lines of
"hey we're all skydivers here..."
there's a playful shout, shared among skydivers that goes something like this,,, "Hey Asshole"!!!!!...
in YOUR case however,,, it has NOTHING to do with jumping, and is more accurately MY call to you as a person....
OK mods... have at me...
pirana 0
QuoteQuoteare we really that bad off, that we'd stoop to selecting someone to be the vice president of this country, someone who could become the PRESIDENT, that needs to be freaking tutored on basic geography, history, and political structures?
You to young to remember Quayle?
Let's not forget that Lyndon Johnson could not find Indo-China on a map of the world until after he became VP.
Just wondering...
normiss 818
if the mods can tolerate being called a moron without a banning, surely your calling an asshole an asshole will be fine...
pirana 0
QuoteQuoteAnd yes, in the electoral college, it was a landslide.
The Electoral College amplifies the results of the popular vote far out of scale from the popular due to the vast majority of states using a "winner take all" method of distributing votes. Because of this, the Electoral College should never be used when describing a "landslide" victory.
I got a different take on this. Election strategies nowadays can pretty much ignore the national popular vote totals. Because of how the electoral college works, the formula to win the presidency is to win:
1 - Bos-Wash corridor
2 - Chicago-Detroit corridor
3 - West coast
Win all 3 and you win.
Lose all 3 and you lose.
Split those up and you have a race; which then brings Florida and Texas into play. Most of the rest are just along for the ride.
With the huge urban centers we now have, the overall popular vote is irrelevant. Only state by state victories matter; and if they win the right states, even by slim margins; the other (smaller) states don't matter.
A candidate could get zero votes in 3/4 of the states, be well under a national majority, and still deliver an electoral shellacing.
Darius11 12
QuoteQuoteQuoteAnd yes, in the electoral college, it was a landslide.
The Electoral College amplifies the results of the popular vote far out of scale from the popular due to the vast majority of states using a "winner take all" method of distributing votes. Because of this, the Electoral College should never be used when describing a "landslide" victory.
I got a different take on this. Election strategies nowadays can pretty much ignore the national popular vote totals. Because of how the electoral college works, the formula to win the presidency is to win:
1 - Bos-Wash corridor
2 - Chicago-Detroit corridor
3 - West coast
Win all 3 and you win.
Lose all 3 and you lose.
Split those up and you have a race; which then brings Florida and Texas into play. Most of the rest are just along for the ride.
With the huge urban centers we now have, the overall popular vote is irrelevant. Only state by state victories matter; and if they win the right states, even by slim margins; the other (smaller) states don't matter.
A candidate could get zero votes in 3/4 of the states, be well under a national majority, and still deliver an electoral shellacing.
I'm just throwing some figures here so nobody call me out on them. It's just an example to make a point.
The college does a good job of preventing the >50% of the population that lives on < 1% of the land from having complete control over everything and leaving out the <50% population that are caretakers of >99% of the land. It is rare that someone living in a New York penthouse knows what is best for a 75,000 acre ranch in Montana.
Extreme examples of what can happen are possible, but, in all reality, very unlikely. Candidates appeal to a demographic. Though those demographics tend to concentrate in certain areas they are also spread out across the country.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.
rushmc 23
QuoteThe worst people for our country are the ones smart enough to know she was a dumbass but lied to themselves and their fellow citizens just so their side would win. Pathetic, I lost so much respect for so many people. No matter who your team is or was we all live in the same country and we are all in this together
The worst people for our country are those who claim to know she is a dumb ass but they lied to themselves, blindly followed the media bull shit and proved they dont know shit proving themselves to be a bunch of sheeple. Pathetic, I lost so much respect for so many people. No matter who your team is or was, we all live in this together and to claim they are the only ones to have to correct answers and are the final judges or someones charcter or qualifications is really discusting.
reads better dont you think?
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
wmw999 2,485
Sarah Palin is almost certainly not nearly as stupid as some of the stories make her out to be. On the other hand, I don't think she's ready for the VP slot based on visible actions (e.g. the whole wardrobe thing -- when you go out on a date, it's crass to order the most expensive thing on the menu, which is effectively what she did with that blank check for clothing).
But all this gossip journalism is dragging everyone down to whatever level we decry when someone else is there.
Wendy W.
rushmc 23
QuoteThe worst people right now are the ones who blindly read one sentence that agrees with them and think it means something.
Sarah Palin is almost certainly not nearly as stupid as some of the stories make her out to be. On the other hand, I don't think she's ready for the VP slot based on visible actions (e.g. the whole wardrobe thing -- when you go out on a date, it's crass to order the most expensive thing on the menu, which is effectively what she did with that blank check for clothing).
But all this gossip journalism is dragging everyone down to whatever level we decry when someone else is there.
Wendy W.
Hi Wendy
Understand I responded in kind to what was posted. I do see her in your post examples of what I did say though.
Look into the wardrobe thing a little more and while dong that ask these questions.
1 (who said it or put it out there
2 ( why did we not hear about Obama's Biden's or McCains clothes too?
There (as in most cases) way more to the story than the sound bites. But in today news world one needs to go looking, cut through the slant and use many sites, outlets and stories to put the whole story together.
And, if she is not qualifed then how the hell can Obama be?
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
wmw999 2,485
Because Obama has been spending years actively studying about the stuff of being president. He was not my first choice based on lack of experience, but I really thought that a fresh perspective on the world order was needed. The world is changing, and someone who is willing to study it as it is, rather than relying on its being as it was, is key.QuoteAnd, if she is not qualifed then how the hell can Obama be?
It's kind of like studying while you're in college, vs. just going to the classes. I get the impression, based on listening and reading, that Obama has done a whole lot of extracurricular studying that Palin doesn't seem to have done. So hopefully he'll keep doing that studying, and hopefully he'll keep asking questions and listening to the answers. Both of those behaviors are going to be crucial.
Wendy W.
rushmc 23
QuoteI responded to your post mainly because it was the last one, and you seemed to be saying some of the same stuff (i.e. not jumping to conclusions). If you weren't, I apologize.
Because Obama has been spending years actively studying about the stuff of being president. He was not my first choice based on lack of experience, but I really thought that a fresh perspective on the world order was needed. The world is changing, and someone who is willing to study it as it is, rather than relying on its being as it was, is key.QuoteAnd, if she is not qualifed then how the hell can Obama be?
It's kind of like studying while you're in college, vs. just going to the classes. I get the impression, based on listening and reading, that Obama has done a whole lot of extracurricular studying that Palin doesn't seem to have done. So hopefully he'll keep doing that studying, and hopefully he'll keep asking questions and listening to the answers. Both of those behaviors are going to be crucial.
Wendy W.
I see your point even though I do not agree but I understand.
NP on the other part.
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
Darius11 12
QuoteThe worst people for our country are those who claim to know she is a dumb ass but they lied to themselves, blindly followed the media bull shit and proved they dont know shit proving themselves to be a bunch of sheeple.
I didn’t need the media, all she had to do was open her mouth. A 40 something year old woman who doesn’t know the difference between a continent and a country is not the only stupid thing she has said. So yes she is a dumbass and if you can not see it then I am sorry for you. Its obvious even their own people knew she was a dumbass.
You go head and spin this, try to change what stupid/smart means all you want, Or what ever philosophical way you need to turn this so you’re never wrong.
She didn’t know enough and was too stupid to know she needs to learn.
rushmc 23
QuoteQuoteThe worst people for our country are those who claim to know she is a dumb ass but they lied to themselves, blindly followed the media bull shit and proved they dont know shit proving themselves to be a bunch of sheeple.
I didn’t need the media, all she had to do was open her mouth. A 40 something year old woman who doesn’t know the difference between a continent and a country is not the only stupid thing she has said. So yes she is a dumbass and if you can not see it then I am sorry for you. Its obvious even their own people knew she was a dumbass.
You go head and spin this, try to change what stupid/smart means all you want, Or what ever philosophical way you need to turn this so you’re never wrong.
She didn’t know enough and was too stupid to know she needs to learn.
baaaaaaa baaaaaaaaa
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln
same speculation is going on in illinois -- sorry but i havent kept up with who it is but the chicago downtown airport was closed by the govenor defying federal directives -- he simply had the runway bulldozed -- details are probably still up on the AOPA site.
we just need more creationist leaders to guide us along the straight and narrow.
Darius11 12
QuoteSarah Palin is almost certainly not nearly as stupid as some of the stories make her out to be
Can you think of one thing she said or did that made you feel she was a smart, or a confident person?
Darius11 12
QuoteQuoteQuoteThe worst people for our country are those who claim to know she is a dumb ass but they lied to themselves, blindly followed the media bull shit and proved they dont know shit proving themselves to be a bunch of sheeple.
I didn’t need the media, all she had to do was open her mouth. A 40 something year old woman who doesn’t know the difference between a continent and a country is not the only stupid thing she has said. So yes she is a dumbass and if you can not see it then I am sorry for you. Its obvious even their own people knew she was a dumbass.
You go head and spin this, try to change what stupid/smart means all you want, Or what ever philosophical way you need to turn this so you’re never wrong.
She didn’t know enough and was too stupid to know she needs to learn.
baaaaaaa baaaaaaaaa
Sheeps do make that sound so at least now your admitting it. its the first step.
normiss 818
the mayor 'dozed the runway, not the governor.
WITH Michelle Obama on the committee if it matters...
She is an example of the very worst kind on politician (in my book) - she is loud, self serving and power hungry.
A good politician, would show humility and self sacrifice and should be honoured to serve - You don't see a right lot of these, do you
Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
normiss 818
That's one trait I didn't see. I believe they came seeking her, not the other way around.
and no, not many like you said these days.
Given that they are taken care of for life, why would they be?
Quotepower hungry?
Absolutely. I don't believe she cared for anything but herself during the campaign. This belief is strengthened by:
I believe Palin did what SHE thought was best for HER, not the campaign. I think McCain could have been a strong contender if he'd picked someone better.
She's no better than Hillary, except a lot less educated and has no ability to realize how in over her head she was/is. You don't think she got the nickname "Barracuda" by being a nice person now do you?
I realize this are my opinions, and not fact, but it's the lens I see her through. Also, I don't think McCain is without blame for losing this election, so don't think I'm only pinning the loss on her.
To be fair I believe MOST politicians are power hungry (not all), but most. I have no reason to believe she cares about anyone but herself.
They certainly are ... Tony Blair is reported to have made shit loads of money since he slinked off out of office - hope he's paying tax at the appropriate (high) rate!! - Now there is a C**T of the highest order.
Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
No Rush, If I remember correctly (and I do) this was your point "I jsut posted the poll done world wide that shows your hated by the world postion to be bullshit. Sorry if the facts are in your way. "
That's what you said, not "No-one can prove either way" you said that you had proved it one way, and you were wrong.
Seriously dude, I am actually disturbed by how quickly your memory of recent events and conversations melds into this Rush-world version that demonstrably bears no relation to anything that was said or happened!
I am sorry this so hard for you.
I posted a link to start the dialog, which happened. My point is and was YOU can no more say the US is hated/looked down on/ (add your own verb here) than I can say it is loved. It was brough up and I responded.
Voting for Obama will not restore the US standing with the world. Why? cause at this level nothing is wrong with our "standing". Subjective opinion is all anybody has on this subject.
Sorry dude.......
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln