
Nova's judgment day: Intelligent design on trial

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"Scientist" and peer reviewed papers would also have us beleive in Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and black holes. These are all entites that cannot be observed or tested (which makes it psuedoscience) yet the "scientific community" tell us they exist and make up 90% of our universe. Could it not be that they are wrong? That their thinking is fundimentally flawed? That they aren't conducting real science? Surely not for they are "scientists".

Sadly the peer review system has become a method of control far beyond its original concept. It has become a way for scientists to abolish anything which might threaten thier established ideas, especially when they are wrong. Simply because something didn't pass review doesn't mean its not true and those that have passed are true. Is it so hard to see that things like dark matter, black holes, and evolution are unscientific in the fact that they are not observed nor tested? Shall we simply take other men at their word because they are scientist and they have a peer-reviewed paper?

On your first paragraph, others have responded already so I'll just say YIKES!

On peer review; I think it is exactly what it needs to be and was always intended to be. It slashes psuedo-science to ribbons, and pushes back anything else that is weakly researched and not up to the standards of evidence. It has proven to work quite well.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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So, when a matter-antimatter reaction occurs, the mass of the matter (and antimatter) is converted to energy of equal mass, which propogates outward in verious forms (heat, light, a kinetic shockwave, sound waves, etc), and gets spread out thinner and thinner throughout the cosmos, but never looses anything in quantity.

Is not the sum total of the mass in a particle/anti-particle annihilation equal to zero?

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I believe the result of particle/antiparticle collision is the production of energy in the form of photons. Since E=MC^2, mass is conserved as energy.
Of course, I may be wrong.
Bill? Kallend?
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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I believe the result of particle/antiparticle collision is the production of energy in the form of photons. Since E=MC^2, mass is conserved as energy.
Of course, I may be wrong.
Bill? Kallend?

Correct, and other bits could come out too. A particle/anti-particle collision does not necessarily have to wipe out all of the bits of stuff and convert all of it to energy.

Bill? Kallend? Anybody? Bueller? Anybody?
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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>I believe the result of particle/antiparticle collision is the production of energy in
>the form of photons.

Yep, and it represents nearly total conversion of matter to energy. Lots of science fiction movies thus use antimatter as fuel since it's about as energy dense as a fuel gets. Not all of the energy is in useful form; a large portion of it is neutrinos, which aren't all that useful. But the energy produced does balance out the mass consumed in the process.

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>Does the mass not sum to zero?

What do you mean? Antimatter has mass just as matter does.

You may be thinking of negative matter, which is a completely theoretical construct. Antimatter has the opposite charges of regular matter but is otherwise pretty mundane. Exotic matter like negative matter is really bizarre, and does things like accelerate away from regular matter (since it has negative mass.) When negative matter meets regular matter they annihilate, but no energy is produced (since -.5MC^2 + .5MC^2 = 0.)

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are there any theories as to what there was before the big bang? or where the elements came from that made the big bang possible? ......

It's something we don't know yet....but eventually we will, just like lightning, the northern lights, gravity, etc.
Simply because we don't understand something yet, doesn't mean it's supernatural.

.... science has no means of gathering evidence for any hypothesis related to what existed prior to our Universe attaining an age of about 1 X 10 to -43rd seconds..

I think you've basically walked into supporting stevebabin's point: it's not that science has no means of gathering such evidence, but that science DOES NOT YET have such means.

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So, when a matter-antimatter reaction occurs, the mass of the matter (and antimatter) is converted to energy of equal mass, which propogates outward in verious forms (heat, light, a kinetic shockwave, sound waves, etc), and gets spread out thinner and thinner throughout the cosmos, but never looses anything in quantity.

Is not the sum total of the mass in a particle/anti-particle annihilation equal to zero?

That's my understanding, yes.
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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>Does the mass not sum to zero?

What do you mean? Antimatter has mass just as matter does.

You may be thinking of negative matter, which is a completely theoretical construct. Antimatter has the opposite charges of regular matter but is otherwise pretty mundane. Exotic matter like negative matter is really bizarre, and does things like accelerate away from regular matter (since it has negative mass.) When negative matter meets regular matter they annihilate, but no energy is produced (since -.5MC^2 + .5MC^2 = 0.)

I'm pretty sure that is what happens to an occasional sock in the dryer.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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So, when a matter-antimatter reaction occurs, the mass of the matter (and antimatter) is converted to energy of equal mass, which propogates outward in verious forms (heat, light, a kinetic shockwave, sound waves, etc), and gets spread out thinner and thinner throughout the cosmos, but never looses anything in quantity.

Is not the sum total of the mass in a particle/anti-particle annihilation equal to zero?

No - antimatter still has positive mass. Parity of charge and spin is reversed (example: positrons are positively charged, but have same mass as electrons).

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm pretty sure that is what happens to an occasional sock in the dryer.

Dryers are proof that black holes exist, that IS where the missing sock went.

But I've had odd socks turn up that didn't go into the dryer! Evidence for white holes?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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are there any theories as to what there was before the big bang? or where the elements came from that made the big bang possible? ......

It's something we don't know yet....but eventually we will, just like lightning, the northern lights, gravity, etc.
Simply because we don't understand something yet, doesn't mean it's supernatural.

.... science has no means of gathering evidence for any hypothesis related to what existed prior to our Universe attaining an age of about 1 X 10 to -43rd seconds..

I think you've basically walked into supporting stevebabin's point: it's not that science has no means of gathering such evidence, but that science DOES NOT YET have such means.

By what means could information be collected from the other side of a singularity?
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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I'm pretty sure that is what happens to an occasional sock in the dryer.

Dryers are proof that black holes exist, that IS where the missing sock went.

But I've had odd socks turn up that didn't go into the dryer! Evidence for white holes?

They could be my missing ones. I'll post pics for comparison.
We could be onto something here! Teleportation!
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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I'm pretty sure that is what happens to an occasional sock in the dryer.

Dryers are proof that black holes exist, that IS where the missing sock went.

But I've had odd socks turn up that didn't go into the dryer! Evidence for white holes?

Depends on the material . . . could be a larger scale version of quantum physics, let's call it, the "cashmere" effect.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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replaced by a truth of our own creation

The Bible is of human creation. The idea of god is of human creation. You were suckered in by it. You imagine some all knowing invisible being that has no evidence of ever existing.
If you can't scientifically show or have any evidence of any deity existing then there is no reason to believe in any deity.

I have heard that logic from other devotees of the religion spun off from scientific fact. You have removed God from His proper place in your life and have inserted your own will. That religion has been around for a long time, science just happens to be the latest justification of it.


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replaced by a truth of our own creation

The Bible is of human creation. The idea of god is of human creation. You were suckered in by it. You imagine some all knowing invisible being that has no evidence of ever existing.
If you can't scientifically show or have any evidence of any deity existing then there is no reason to believe in any deity.

I have heard that logic from other devotees of the religion spun off from scientific fact. You have removed God from His proper place in your life and have inserted your own will. That religion has been around for a long time, science just happens to be the latest justification of it.


Which god? You didn't answer last time I asked, and there are thousands to choose from.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>By what means could information be collected from the other side of a

Well, black holes are a sort of singularity, and you can get information out of them.

In theory. I don't know that anyone has.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm pretty sure that is what happens to an occasional sock in the dryer.

Dryers are proof that black holes exist, that IS where the missing sock went.

But I've had odd socks turn up that didn't go into the dryer! Evidence for white holes?

They could be my missing ones. I'll post pics for comparison.
We could be onto something here! Teleportation!

Oh yuck - now I'll have to look out for socks with the head of a fly.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'm pretty sure that is what happens to an occasional sock in the dryer.

Dryers are proof that black holes exist, that IS where the missing sock went.

But I've had odd socks turn up that didn't go into the dryer! Evidence for white holes?

They could be my missing ones. I'll post pics for comparison.
We could be onto something here! Teleportation!

Oh yuck - now I'll have to look out for socks with the head of a fly.

:D A classic!
If they don't smell like old cheese...they ain't mine.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Ach, and this was going so well. No, science has nothing to do with spirituality. They fit together like love and magnetostriction.

Don't fret, things are still good. Science and Spirituality define the reality we each live in. They provide guidance on how to maximize pleasure and minimize pain, individually and collectively. How to avoid the self destructive snares in life that are waiting to consume us, etc. And ultimately how to commune with God.


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You need to look up the definition of religion.
Are you thinking of Scientology?

Till there is evidence of any god I have no reason to believe any god exists much less the Christian God. Atheism is not and never has been a religion, no matter how much you want to say it is.

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