
Nova's judgment day: Intelligent design on trial

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What is "spirtual depravity"?


Spiritual depravity results when the Truth of God is rejected and replaced by a truth of our own creation.

When scientific facts are extrapolated into unsupportable realities, such as "the existence of God is impossible or a myth", it becomes another competing religion, proposing its own brand of truth.
Religion is man made, I see little reason to support any of them. The Bible is a light in the darkness. Many, sadly to say, have made it into a religion, just as they have done with science.


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>Spiritual depravity results when the Truth of God is rejected and replaced by
>a truth of our own creation.

Like "the earth is round" or "the earth revolves around the sun?" Yep, lots of depravity caused by the rejection of those biblical truths.

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Like "the earth is round" or "the earth revolves around the sun?" Yep, lots of depravity caused by the rejection of those biblical truths.

I am not sure what bible you are referring to. The Christian Bible is a spiritual textbook, not a scientific textbook. It has been my experience that science and spirituality fit together like a hand in a glove.


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It has been my experience that science and spirituality fit together like a hand in a glove.

Yes, I know you said "spirituality"(whatever that means), but the church has been on the wrong side of the truth for a long time. I have a feeling you won't read it, but if you did, you may find this enlightening.

"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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replaced by a truth of our own creation

The Bible is of human creation. The idea of god is of human creation. You were suckered in by it. You imagine some all knowing invisible being that has no evidence of ever existing.
If you can't scientifically show or have any evidence of any deity existing then there is no reason to believe in any deity.

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are there any theories as to what there was before the big bang? or where the elements came from that made the big bang possible? The idea of god and religion is hard to believe, but i have a hard time believing everything we see here came from nothing.

It's something we don't know yet....but eventually we will, just like lightning, the northern lights, gravity, etc.
Simply because we don't understand something yet, doesn't mean it's supernatural.
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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are there any theories as to what there was before the big bang? or where the elements came from that made the big bang possible? The idea of god and religion is hard to believe, but i have a hard time believing everything we see here came from nothing.

It didn't all come from nothing. It all came from something. What that something was is still uncertain.
Before trying to dismiss the "big bang" theory, you really should familiarize yourself with it. There were no elements before the big bang.
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
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are there any theories as to what there was before the big bang? or where the elements came from that made the big bang possible? The idea of god and religion is hard to believe, but i have a hard time believing everything we see here came from nothing.

It didn't all come from nothing. It all came from something. What that something was is still uncertain.
Before trying to dismiss the "big bang" theory, you really should familiarize yourself with it. There were no elements before the big bang.

im not questioning the big bang, im questioning the origins of the big bang, if that makes sense at all.

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Fair enough.
Understanding how the universe began, what was here before, what will eventually happen to it all is much easier if you stop think of time as being something absolute and constant. Some say that time started at the big bang, hence there was no "before".
"Time is an illusion"
"Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once"
If ya wanna know any more than that, yer gonna have to ask someone more knowlegable on the subject. I know just about enough to get in trouble. ;)

Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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Whenever i think about it, if we get to one answer, we ask where that came from, and it's just a constant paradox. To me, it seems illogical for there to be a single starting point in time at all.

I agree..."Matter can neither be created nor destroyed...."

I personally think there have been many cycles of explosion, expansion, contraction,and implosion. Repeat ad infinitum...
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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I kinda understand that. Ive been reading some things about space and time, and what it has to do with the big bang. Now i'm having a hard time trying to understand that time has not always been constant. All that comes to mind is a video game left on pause until someone presses resume. Which means it would have been already set in motion to be paused in the first place, which brings into play the paradox again.

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Whenever i think about it, if we get to one answer, we ask where that came from, and it's just a constant paradox. To me, it seems illogical for there to be a single starting point in time at all.

I agree..."Matter can neither be created nor destroyed...."

I personally think there have been many cycles of explosion, expansion, contraction,and implosion. Repeat ad infinitum...

You're talking about the big crunch right? I really like that idea. I read a lot about the ultimate fate of the cosomo's and one of the things that scares me the most in my life is that the universe will get to a certain point where there will be no life, matter, or anything. I like the idea of the big crunch the most.

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> The Christian Bible is a spiritual textbook, not a scientific textbook.

Ding ding ding! You are correct. It is a spiritual guide and an oral tradition of a people. People get in a lot of trouble when they try to use it as a legal guide or a science textbook.

> It has been my experience that science and spirituality fit together like a
>hand in a glove.

Ach, and this was going so well. No, science has nothing to do with spirituality. They fit together like love and magnetostriction.

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[."Matter can neither be created nor destroyed...."

Who ever told you that? Annihilation or fission explosions are examples of matter being destroyed.

My Physics teacher in high school(Yes, in the stone ages):| I think he called it "the law of conservation of mass."
It's my understanding that matter can be converted to energy, or vice-versa, but not destroyed.


As far as we know, mass cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change form. Matter can become energy, and energy can become matter, but always according to e=m2. So, when a matter-antimatter reaction occurs, the mass of the matter (and antimatter) is converted to energy of equal mass, which propogates outward in verious forms (heat, light, a kinetic shockwave, sound waves, etc), and gets spread out thinner and thinner throughout the cosmos, but never looses anything in quantity. If you ever found a way to capture all the energy that was released in the reaction, and condense it back together into matter, you would have the same amount of mass as the original amount of material used

-Shamelessly stolen from a physics forumB|
"Science, logic and reason will fly you to the moon. Religion will fly you into buildings."
"Because figuring things out is always better than making shit up."

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If you can't scientifically show or have any evidence of any deity existing then there is no reason to believe in any deity.

Even ignoring science for a moment, they can't even proove any existence of deities using simple logic.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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There is an athiest who is walking out in the woods thinking evolution caused all of the beauty of the forest. Well along comes this 7 foot tall grizzley bear. The athiest turned around and saw the grizzly and screamed a bloodcurdling scream and runs up the hill. Then the grizzly starts chasing and closing in on him. Well just as the bear got ready to kill him he screamed save me God! Time stopped and a bright light shown in the sky and god said why should I save you after all these years of you teaching others I'm not real? The athiest replied, Lord it would be a hypocrocy to ask to be a christian now but could you at least make the bear christian? The Lord said O.K. Time started again and the bear took its paw away and put both together and said"Lord thank you for this food I am about to recieve Amen.

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> The Christian Bible is a spiritual textbook, not a scientific textbook.

Ding ding ding! You are correct. It is a spiritual guide and an oral tradition of a people. People get in a lot of trouble when they try to use it as a legal guide or a science textbook.

> It has been my experience that science and spirituality fit together like a
>hand in a glove.

Ach, and this was going so well. No, science has nothing to do with spirituality. They fit together like love and magnetostriction.

I LOVE magnetostriction, AND piezoelectricity. And magnetoresistance. And magnetocrystalline anisotropy. And antiferromagnetism. In fact I teach a course about all this stuff.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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are there any theories as to what there was before the big bang? or where the elements came from that made the big bang possible? The idea of god and religion is hard to believe, but i have a hard time believing everything we see here came from nothing.

It's something we don't know yet....but eventually we will, just like lightning, the northern lights, gravity, etc.
Simply because we don't understand something yet, doesn't mean it's supernatural.

Are you that confident of being able to overcome a barrier such as seeing beyond the singularity that was the beginning of our own Universe? I think we will (already have?) some good guesses, but since they will never be testable, I don't think they even can qualify as a theory.

IMO, this is the boundary between the realm of science and religion. Religion has no business imposing dogma on the known (and knowable) natural world, and science has no means of gathering evidence for any hypothesis related to what existed prior to our Universe attaining an age of about 1 X 10 to -43rd seconds.

Now that may appear to be a very tiny box in which to corner religion; but it is really quite huge since iot encompasses things like:

Why are we here?
What is the purpose of life?
Why something instead of nothing?


The only reason we have any conflict between the 2 approaches is because religion got politicized and refused to give up authority on certain topics as science became such a successful method for understanding the natural world.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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When scientific facts are extrapolated into unsupportable realities, such as "the existence of God is impossible or a myth", it becomes another competing religion, proposing its own brand of truth.

Agreed. A scientist who would come to that conclusion, supposedly based on evidence, has turned it into a religion (and needs to be kicked out of the club).
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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