
Just on CNN - Blagojevich arrested?

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haven't read the whole thread, so don't know if this has been stated before, but it's too bad they can't charge bluescluesavich's creep of a wife.

those two are made for each other. B|

What would they charge her with? Marrying an idiot is not illegal. Being a conniving bitch is not illegal. If either were illegal, a whole lot of women would be in jail.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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haven't read the whole thread, so don't know if this has been stated before, but it's too bad they can't charge bluescluesavich's creep of a wife.

those two are made for each other. B|

What would they charge her with? Marrying an idiot is not illegal. Being a conniving bitch is not illegal. If either were illegal, a whole lot of women would be in jail.

Hey kallend, what is the local chater like? I only see what is national and on the internet. How big a mess (I know I know, it it is big) is this looking locally?

It usually seems that the local news is more in tuned with less filter.

Just asking

Edited to add: I am not asking about the wife (which I replied to)

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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My wife just forwarded this to me...

To the tune of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"

Get packin', Rod Blagojevich
The state's in disarray
The Tribune wants you unemployed
At least by Christmas Day.
The TV pundits want your head
Could there be pay to play?

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
Save Illinois!
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.

Good riddance Rod Blagojevich
Your Elvis look's inane,
The Senate's mad, so's Lisa's dad.
You drive us all insane.
Our transit's broke, the state's a joke,
The Tollway's one big pain.

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
Save Illinois!
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.

Good luck old Rod Blagojevich
The feds have quite a place.
Fitzgerald's poked his nose around
And if he has a case,
George Ryan's moving stuff around
Creating extra space.

Oh, tidings of comfort and joy
Save Illinois!
Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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lordie john and chris, I was just saying, you know, tongue in cheek like. Is that still allowed around these parts?


I took a break from SC for a while so I'm not sure if 'tongue and cheek' is still allowed.

Be of good cheer for the Messiah is returning...on Jan. 20th, not Dec. 25th.:P;)


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lordie john and chris, I was just saying, you know, tongue in cheek like. Is that still allowed around these parts?


I took a break from SC for a while so I'm not sure if 'tongue and cheek' is still allowed.

Be of good cheer for the Messiah is returning...on Jan. 20th, not Dec. 25th.:P;)

Hiya brother! It's very good to take long SC breaks. I take them regularly. It beats having to resort to antipsychotics.

However, I can't quite get my cheer on for the coming Messiah... try as I might. Mind you, the man has his virtues and I do admire some things about him (not the least of which is the affection he lavishes on his family and his ability to speak the English language).

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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Be of good cheer for the Messiah is returning...on Jan. 20th, not Dec. 25th.

I guess all the good christians seem to have forgotten those silly rules about lords name in vain..

I was under the opinion there was one messiah... a couple thousand years ago..[:/][:/]

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Be of good cheer for the Messiah is returning...on Jan. 20th, not Dec. 25th.

I guess all the good christians seem to have forgotten those silly rules about lords name in vain..

I was under the opinion there was one messiah... a couple thousand years ago..[:/][:/]

sheesh jeanne, you can be so antagonistic. we get it already:
-you don't like christians and think they are all hypocrites.
-you don't like right wingers
-you use ever possible chance to poke fun at both groups and call them names :S

we get it already.
we get it already.
we get it already.
we get it already.

did i just repeat myself repeat myself?

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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-you don't like christians and think they are all hypocrites. because so many are complete hypocrites and do not actually follow anything that comes close to what Jesus actually taught
-you don't like right wingers Because most of them fall into the category above
-you use ever possible chance to poke fun at both groups and call them names Fuckin A Man

we get it already. Good
we get it already. Better
we get it already. Best
we get it already. Maybe some will take heed and actually follow the creed they supposedly follow

did i just repeat myself repeat myself? Yes you did Yes you did Yes you did Yes you did .

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-you don't like christians and think they are all hypocrites. because so many are complete hypocrites and do not actually follow anything that comes close to what Jesus actually taught
-you don't like right wingers Because most of them fall into the category above
-you use ever possible chance to poke fun at both groups and call them names Fuckin A Man

we get it already. Good
we get it already. Better
we get it already. Best
we get it already. Maybe some will take heed and actually follow the creed they supposedly follow

did i just repeat myself repeat myself? Yes you did Yes you did Yes you did Yes you did .

I like you, Jeanne. You've always been kind to me here inspite of my obvious religious beliefs. So I say this without meanness or anything negative at all:

Why do you care at all about these people? You don't align yourslef with them so what does it matter to you if they don't follow their own creed?

This is something that has been a matter of great curiosity to me... the extreme concern of nonchristians or "antichristians" towards the behavior of christians. I just don't get it. And the reason I don't get it, fundamentally, is that EVERYONE is a hypocrite, in some form or another. NO ONE lives up to their own unifying code of beliefs, their own ethical behavior, their own creed, 100% of the time. EVER. Even if you claim to not follow a creed, that is in fact your creed and by simply stating you have no creed, you have become a hypocrite!

Now, I'm not trying to give a pass or an excuse for those who purposely, willingly violate their ethical codes out of sheer wickedness - priests who are molesters, governors who have difficult to pronounce last names and who serve themselves instead of the populace. Those people spoil the pot for the rest of us who generally, most of the time, try to live a good life, in harmony with our fellow man, but who, on occasion, fuck up. The problem is that you can't lump ALL of us in the same barrel. No one can be perfect all the time. Christians shouldn't claim to be perfect, but should try to be good. Many, including myself, should try harder.

We can all use a lot more love, understanding and acceptance and lot less finger pointing, derision and vitriol. While such craziness can and often does hurt the person your attacking, it does far more damage to your own person. Haven't you had enough of the anger? Far too much energy is expended on such negativity.

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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-you don't like christians and think they are all hypocrites. because so many are complete hypocrites and do not actually follow anything that comes close to what Jesus actually taught So you have eliminated a whole group of people 'because some are hypocrites'. I guess with you, there's no room for the ones who are not.

-you don't like right wingers Because most of them fall into the category above See my above response.
-you use ever possible chance to poke fun at both groups and call them names Fuckin A Man Merry Christmas Jeanne and good tidings to you.


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Just imagine a world in which all those christians in this world actually lived up to their purported beliefs.

Its not a matter of not being perfect, far too many feel they can pick and choose which teachings they will follow and those they will not. Far too many of those who should know better judge others when they themselves fall far short.

Imagine a world in which ALL that supposed morality is actually followed.

Imagine a world in which rather than having to ask for forgiveness on Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday... that all days of the week were lived as the great teachers have taught.

Merry Christmas to you Chris

And A Happy Nude Year to all.

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Imagine a world in which rather than having to ask for forgiveness on Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday... that all days of the week were lived as the great teachers have taught.

I have no idea who you are addressing this to but speaking for myself, I am constantly asking God for forgiveness. It's called an Act of Contrition. I have a feeling micro does the same.


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Its a general post Chris........... for all those "christians" that feel as long as they get absolution on Sunday they are good to go for anything the rest of the week.

Then here's a suggestion you may or may not want to put into practice: "I'm not speaking about all Christians but rather the ones...........".

Jeanne, You never know who is reading your posts. I try to consider the consequences of what I say and post. I don't always get it right but I hope that when I realize I get it wrong, I will be humble enough to state that.


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haven't read the whole thread, so don't know if this has been stated before, but it's too bad they can't charge bluescluesavich's creep of a wife.

those two are made for each other. B|

What would they charge her with? Marrying an idiot is not illegal. Being a conniving bitch is not illegal. If either were illegal, a whole lot of women would be in jail.

Hey kallend, what is the local chater like? I only see what is national and on the internet. How big a mess (I know I know, it it is big) is this looking locally?

It usually seems that the local news is more in tuned with less filter.

Just asking

Edited to add: I am not asking about the wife (which I replied to)


I don't think anyone is suprised except about the timing.

I think I mentioned previously that the comments mostly concern how stupid the guy is rather than how corrupt. He already had an approval rating in the teens, before any of this broke.

Spectator sport for Chicagoans. Much more entertaining than the Bears or the Bulls.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Spectator sport for Chicagoans. Much more entertaining than the Bears or the Bulls.

How much of a cut is Blago getting off the betting pools? ;)

I wouldn't know about such things:)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Just imagine a world in which all those christians in this world actually lived up to their purported beliefs.

I imagine this world every day. I pray for it. I try to do my part to bring this world into existance.


Imagine a world in which rather than having to ask for forgiveness on Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday... that all days of the week were lived as the great teachers have taught.

Christians will still have to ask forgiveness, because (and really try to hear it this time) we. are. not. perfect. Nor do we claim to be. We will always fall short because the ideal that we are striving for is so incredibly high. But that shouldn't stop us from reaching for it anyway. And by the way, this thing of asking for forgiveness, you should try it sometime. It's a very cleansing, therapeutic thing. We all do things that hurt others, we all fall short, we all make mistakes that cause others some sort of discomfort.

But something tells me that even if Christians were able to reach the level of perfection you expect from them, you still wouldn't be happy. You'd still be derisive. You'd still be critical. I've seen it a million times in other people. You have to eventially ask yourself, is this worth carrying all this baggage around?


And A Happy Nude Year to all

Best wish you could have given me... I'll make sure to follow this one to a tee. With my lawfully wedded wife, of course. ;)

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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