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Andy9o8 2
Quoteif the Bible is not literally true, does that mean the 10 commandments are really only general guidelines?
No, they're meant to be followed as is; but they're only the first 10 Commandments. There are more. For example, Commandment # 24 is Thou shalt never, ever tell thy wife that her ass no longer looks quite as fat as it used to in those jeans.
How about the commandments for SC? >Thou shalt include a clear and specific subject line.QuoteQuoteif the Bible is not literally true, does that mean the 10 commandments are really only general guidelines?
No, they're meant to be followed as is; but they're only the first 10 Commandments. There are more. For example, Commandment # 24 is Thou shalt never, ever tell thy wife that her ass no longer looks quite as fat as it used to in those jeans.
Thou shalt edit any quoted text down to the minimum thou needest.
Thou shalt read thine own message thrice before thou sendest it.
Thou shalt ponder how thy recipient might react to thy message.
Thou shalt check thy spelling and thy grammar.
Thou shalt not curse, flame, or USE ALL CAPS. And this is good for a laugh.>
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
Coreece 190
QuoteAnd this is good for a laugh.>
link didn't work...perhaps it was divine intervention...

God just called me on the horn and told me the link was bad because I didn't allow pop-ups and he directed me HERE> this is good for a laugh.>
link didn't work...perhaps it was divine intervention...![]()

I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
skydyvr 0
QuoteThou shalt edit any quoted text down to the minimum thou needest.
You, Rushmc, and Kallend are on the fast track to hell.

. . =(_8^(1)
Coreece 190
QuoteGod just called me on the horn and told me the link was bad because I didn't allow pop-ups and he directed me HERE>
That's too bad....

I am telling you anything is true or not. The flood is a divine act but even considering that it is there are many things that are divine and historical that have been proven true i.e. Jericho and its collapsed walls. I know not all of it has been proven true my point is only that the historical context of the Bible is very important. Faith is faith and if yours is different that is fine. I do want to say one thing... it always seems that whenever a Christian is refered to that the most extreme nut case "christians" are the one being used. Like the doomsdayers. Not a knowck on you but why is it that it is so horrible to classify Islam as a bunch of terrorists because that is the extreme sect of the faith but when it is Christianity it seems like it free game and all the insane "christian" are always the ones brought up? Just a question....
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000
billvon 3,027
>a bunch of terrorists . . . .
For the same reason it would be horrible to classify christians as a bunch of doctor-killers and woman-haters.
>when it is Christianity it seems like it free game . . . .
No one has accused you of being a terrorist, a doctor-killer or a woman-hater.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000
billvon 3,027
>that way but so many others are eager to lump in Christians with their crazy
Right. Both types are wrong to do that. In the 60's, the "godless commies" were the target, and their lack of religion was equated with their evil ways. Lately the overwhelming majority of such attacks have been against Muslims because of the current political climate, but no doubt that will change again too.
Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000
skydyvr 0
QuoteI really feel there is a strong hate towards Christianity these days and it may be because I am a Christian.
Wow! That statement carries the bouquet of adventure and romance on the high seas!
. . =(_8^(1)
kallend 2,055
QuoteQuoteI really feel there is a strong hate towards Christianity these days and it may be because I am a Christian.
Wow! That statement carries the bouquet of adventure and romance on the high seas!
I wonder what he did to make people hate an entire religion?
The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.
skydyvr 0
QuoteQuoteQuoteI really feel there is a strong hate towards Christianity these days and it may be because I am a Christian.
Wow! That statement carries the bouquet of adventure and romance on the high seas!
I wonder what he did to make people hate an entire religion?
I don't know -- give it up Stan, what's the 411?

. . =(_8^(1)
maadmax 0
It is not him of course. It is the reaction some people experience when the evil they harbor and cherish is exposed by the Truth.
riddler 0
QuoteThe flood is a divine act
But a little higher on the same page, you just said
QuoteI do agree that the flood is historical but it is also divine
If it is historical, where is the proof?
QuoteI know not all of it has been proven true my point is only that the historical context of the Bible is very important.
In your very first post, you said this
QuoteBottom line though it still comes down to faith even though the Bible still is the most hisorically accurate document ever created.
Still believe that statement?
My original question was this - if only parts of the Bible are true (which has been stated by Bush, and I think by you), and everyone gets to decide for themselves which parts are true, doesn't that undermine the credibility of the entire religion? A religion which bases it's entire foundation on this supposedly historical book that seems to change a lot?
Is your church anything like THIS ONE? > Today. Drudge JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A divorced Jacksonville woman said her former church has threatened to "go public with her sins" and tell the congregation about her sexual relationship with her new boyfriend.QuoteI have no doubt that will change again and possibly soon. I agree both are wrong! I really feel there is a strong hate towards Christianity these days and it may be because I am a Christian. All I know is that no one deserves the ignorant hate that is spewed in our world.
Rebecca Hancock said harassment from Grace Community Church in Mandarin over her sex life caused her to leave, but she said that didn't put an end to the problem. She said she received a letter from the church's elders telling her the church plans to make her personal life very public.
"I'm basically run out. I'm the church harlot," Hancock said.
The 49-year-old said she has been dating a man for a while and she said members of the congregation at Grace Community Church haven't been happy about the relationship.
"Because I have a boyfriend that I'm involved with … to not be married to that person is a sin," Hancock said.
She said the issue caused her to leave the church. However, she said the church has not let go of her.
The letter Hancock received from the church states that because she has refused to end her sexual relationship with her boyfriend, "you leave us with no other choice but to carry out the commands of the Lord Jesus Christ" … "In accordance with Matthew 18:17 we intend to 'tell it to the church.'"
"On January 4, my sins will be told to the church, publicly, with my children sitting in the church and my friends," Hancock said.
The pastor of Grace Community Church, Dr. T. Scott Christmas, told Channel 4 he had no comment.
Pastors with whom Channel 4 spoke on Monday said announcing a sin to a congregation is not abnormal. They said it's written in the Bible to punish sinners who continue to sin.
The difference in Hancock's case is that she has left the church, and the pastors said that's is usually where punishment ends.
Despite the church's letter stating its biblical backing, Hancock said she has backed out of the church and they should leave her alone because she is no longer a member.
"I am a Christian, and that will never change. My relationship with Jesus has to do with me and Jesus, and he knows my heart," Hancock said.
The book of Matthew does have three steps that the church talked about in taking action against a member who is in sin.
Hancock said she is now attending a different church, and said she is planning to send a letter to Grace Community Church to make sure it's understood that she no longer a member."
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
nerdgirl 0
QuoteI really feel there is a strong hate towards Christianity these days and it may be because I am a Christian.
What do you do with those/perceptions? Use them as a means to build empathy or something else?
How would you or others respond to statements like:
I really feel there is a strong hate towards Islam these days and it may be because I am a Moslem.
I really feel there is a strong hate towards blacks these days and it may be because I am a black.
I really feel there is a strong hate towards immigrants these days and it may be because I am a immigrant.
I really feel there is a strong hate towards Hispanics these days and it may be because I am a Hispanic.
I really feel there is a strong hate towards fat people these days and it may be because I am a fat.
I really feel there is a strong hate towards gays and lesbians these days and it may be because I am homosexual.
I really feel there is a strong hate towards women these days and it may be because I am a woman.
I really feel there is a strong hate towards autoworkers these days and it may be because I am an autoworker.
I really feel there is a strong hate towards Arabs these days and it may be because I am an Arab.
QuoteAll I know is that no one deserves the ignorant hate that is spewed in our world.
Concur heartily!
Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying
I was referring to the doomsdayers who continue to change their story when the end of the world doesn't actually come on said date. All of the revisions to the Bible are nothing more than a similar pattern of changing the story when it doesn't suit someone.
As far as proving that stories in the Bible didn't happen - as has already been pointed out many times on this forum, one cannot disprove the existence of something. It can only be proved. So far, the Bible's version of the Great Flood (which was a retold story from Ancient Greece), has yet to be proven. If you have "faith" in the story, then good for you. But I take exception when you tell me that something is true when it has not been proven.
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