
The United States of America...a Giant Ponzi Scheme?

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With all of the developments on Wall Street and in the domestic economy: with pure, unadulterated monetary greed being the main driving force.

With the recent wrong-doings by Marc S Dreier, Bernard L Madoff, and "Blowdryovitch". With the fleecing of workers by CEOs on an epic scale over the last 20 years.

I can't help to conclude that the USofA in itself is the biggest Ponzi scheme of them all.

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With all of the developments on Wall Street and in the domestic economy: with pure, unadulterated monetary greed being the main driving force.

With the recent wrong-doings by Marc S Dreier, Bernard L Madoff, and "Blowdryovitch". With the fleecing of workers by CEOs on an epic scale over the last 20 years.

I can't help to conclude that the USofA in itself is the biggest Ponzi scheme of them all.

Absolutly. And it's crashing as I type. To bad I'll be dead before all the mayhem really starts. Or living in the woods. ;) Ain't gonna be pretty. Greece is only the beginning.
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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it seems to be going that way, but luckily, we actually have elections every few years, and some hope of changing it.

I use the French Revolution as an example (a lot). When the rich get so rich and the poor get so poor, that is what happens. The poor rise up and take control, regardless of what power the rich might have.

That can still happen, but with a new more liberal leadership, is likely to be subverted by more 'socialistic' programs in the USA since we actually have an electorate that dictates what it wants.

That does not mean greed and $200M/year CEOs are going to go away, but i think the near future at least will see some changes in that department. Companies are going to have to start taking better care of their employees, and governments are going to have to start taking better care of their people (since the people IS the government) to ensure basic survival.

After 1-20-09 this country actually has some hope. 4 years ago if you asked me the same questions, I would have agreed wholeheartedly with you.....

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