
I dont think he likes W too much

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Why do you keep avoiding the self reflection?

You're doing it for me.

I do NOT equate throwing a shoe with ordering the bombing of a city. You have done in this thread.

What city did we carpet bomb?

The aerial bombing that missed military/political targets is only one aspect. The Iraq Body Count project has reported that by the end of the major combat phase up to April 30, 2003, 7,299 civilians had been killed, primarily by US air and ground forces.

So no cities were carpet bombed. Got it.

I'm not ignoring the fact that civilians were killed. I just have a problem with you consistently trying to paint the worst possible picture against the US that you can. 7,299 is a lot and 7,299 too many. It does not equate to "hundreds of thousands of innocents killed" as is often claimed. Nor did we ever give an order to carpet bomb a city.

Back to the shoe ninja... there are protests going on in the streets of Iraq calling for his release. Guess what, democracy is allowing them to peacfully protest. I think it's great they're able to do that and sad if they, or you, don't realize why they now have the right to. This quote from his employer is particularly ammusing.

"Al-Baghdadia television demands that the Iraqi authorities immediately release their stringer Muntadhar al-Zaidi, in line with the democracy and freedom of expression that the American authorities promised the Iraqi people on the ousting of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. ... Any measures against Muntadhar will be considered the acts of a dictatorial regime".

Right, so fuck you for coming here but let me go because this is a democracy, damnit.

Stay positive and love your life.

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Why do you keep avoiding the self reflection?

You're doing it for me.

I do NOT equate throwing a shoe with ordering the bombing of a city. You have done in this thread.

What city did we carpet bomb?

The aerial bombing that missed military/political targets is only one aspect. The Iraq Body Count project has reported that by the end of the major combat phase up to April 30, 2003, 7,299 civilians had been killed, primarily by US air and ground forces.
And that was just the beginning. And Amazon beat me to the Shock and Awe part. [:/]
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Why do you keep avoiding the self reflection?

You're doing it for me.

I do NOT equate throwing a shoe with ordering the bombing of a city. You have done in this thread.

What city did we carpet bomb?
Here is a tidbit for ya. http://www.iraqbodycount.org/ ;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Wow I am late to this thread I just saw this and have to say it pissed me off. I found my self saying things like “hey ass hole he did get rid of Saddam” What is happening to me?
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Why do you keep avoiding the self reflection?

You're doing it for me.

I do NOT equate throwing a shoe with ordering the bombing of a city. You have done in this thread.

What city did we carpet bomb?

The aerial bombing that missed military/political targets is only one aspect. The Iraq Body Count project has reported that by the end of the major combat phase up to April 30, 2003, 7,299 civilians had been killed, primarily by US air and ground forces.

So no cities were carpet bombed. Got it.

I'm not ignoring the fact that civilians were killed. I just have a problem with you consistently trying to paint the worst possible picture against the US that you can. 7,299 is a lot and 7,299 too many. It does not equate to "hundreds of thousands of innocents killed" as is often claimed. Nor did we ever give an order to carpet bomb a city.

That was 7,299 JUST until the end of April 2003!
Lots more since then. And bombing was one (and only one) of the actions ordered by our CinC that ended up killing women and children.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Why do you keep avoiding the self reflection?

You're doing it for me.

I do NOT equate throwing a shoe with ordering the bombing of a city. You have done in this thread.

What city did we carpet bomb?
Here is a tidbit for ya. http://www.iraqbodycount.org/ ;)

Not only does that have nothing to do with orders to carpet bomb a city, but it records every civilian death regardless of who is to blame.

Policeman killed by roadside bomb
One by roadside bomb
Man killed by bomb strapped to bike

Those are just 3 in the first ten I read. Were you just chiming in or do you seriously think all of those are America's fault?

Stay positive and love your life.

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Why do you keep avoiding the self reflection?

You're doing it for me.

I do NOT equate throwing a shoe with ordering the bombing of a city. You have done in this thread.

What city did we carpet bomb?

The aerial bombing that missed military/political targets is only one aspect. The Iraq Body Count project has reported that by the end of the major combat phase up to April 30, 2003, 7,299 civilians had been killed, primarily by US air and ground forces.

So no cities were carpet bombed. Got it.

I'm not ignoring the fact that civilians were killed. I just have a problem with you consistently trying to paint the worst possible picture against the US that you can. 7,299 is a lot and 7,299 too many. It does not equate to "hundreds of thousands of innocents killed" as is often claimed. Nor did we ever give an order to carpet bomb a city.

That was 7,299 JUST until the end of April 2003!
Lots more since then. And bombing was one (and only one) of the actions ordered by our CinC that ended up killing women and children.

I agreed that any civilian death is beyond tragic. I'm still arguing your claim that troops were given orders to carpet bomb a city.

Stay positive and love your life.

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Why do you keep avoiding the self reflection?

You're doing it for me.

I do NOT equate throwing a shoe with ordering the bombing of a city. You have done in this thread.

What city did we carpet bomb?

The aerial bombing that missed military/political targets is only one aspect. The Iraq Body Count project has reported that by the end of the major combat phase up to April 30, 2003, 7,299 civilians had been killed, primarily by US air and ground forces.

So no cities were carpet bombed. Got it.

I'm not ignoring the fact that civilians were killed. I just have a problem with you consistently trying to paint the worst possible picture against the US that you can. 7,299 is a lot and 7,299 too many. It does not equate to "hundreds of thousands of innocents killed" as is often claimed. Nor did we ever give an order to carpet bomb a city.

That was 7,299 JUST until the end of April 2003!
Lots more since then. And bombing was one (and only one) of the actions ordered by our CinC that ended up killing women and children.

I agreed that any civilian death is beyond tragic. I'm still arguing your claim that troops were given orders to carpet bomb a city.

Is nit-picking the primary method all the defense you have for killing thousands of women and children?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Is nit-picking the primary method all the defense you have for killing thousands of women and children?

It certainly seems valid, since misdirection is all the offense YOU have.

Are you going to answer his question, or do the usual tapdancing?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Yeah.. it's been about 7 years since I've made it through a TSA station without waving my stinky Tivas at the SS.... but they've always given my weapons of mass stinkiness back to me before I've boarded.

If you're really special :P ... or coming back into the US from tromping up (& down) Mt Blanc and around the Chamonix Valley in June 2001 ... you could have gotten those "stinky Tivas" cleaned. B| (Altho' I wouldn't recommend trying to attach crampons to Tivas :D)

At the time, the US was concerned about importation of foot-n-mouth. Got my dirty hiking boots cleaned and they did a very good job of it too as part of Ag inspection on return to US. Maybe that should become part of the standard TSA process, eh? (j/k)


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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>He had no intent to hurt you and he didn't hate you or wish you ill.

Precisely! He was annoyed at me and wanted to indicate that. It was not intended to harm me, but instead make a statement - and thus was not a violent attack.

Now you've got it!

>Again a nonsense reply from you.

It was in reply to your nonsense suggestion that if someone throws a shoe at me I ban them. Banning is an action on the forum that does not affect incidents in real life, and would have no effect on hurled shoes or insults. Likewise, throwing shoes at a moderator while on dropzone.com doesn't have much effect on the moderator.

I guess I assumed you knew that.

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>Go to an upcoming local political event. Pick someone who's views you disagree
>with. Hurl a tomato or a shoe at the person from out in the crowd.

>What do think will happen? Why?

I would expect to be "escorted" out of the event at the very least. If I were a reporter and was there in that capacity, I'd likely be fired from my job. Which is as it should be; throwing tomatoes at people on stage is rude and callous.

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I would expect to be "escorted" out of the event at the very least.

And these days in the good ole' US, you'd probably have a simple assault charge placed on you too. If the reporter gets any more than that, it will be an injustice.

In Iraq there is a specific law against insulting a foreign dignitary.

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In Iraq there is a specific law against insulting a foreign dignitary.

Too bad -- the more I read and think about it, the more I think the guy deserves a break. Ok, actually, he deserves a nice prize like a new sports car. Folk Hero fame is his now; hope he lives to enjoy it.

. . =(_8^(1)

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I would expect to be "escorted" out of the event at the very least. If I were a reporter and was there in that capacity, I'd likely be fired from my job. Which is as it should be; throwing tomatoes at people on stage is rude and callous.

But would you expect to get a broken arm, broken ribs, and injuries to your eye and leg? Seems like he has more than paid the price already for his actions.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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>But... violence against Bush is ok?

No, it's not - and fortunately no one committed any violence against him.

If someone threw something at me with the intent of hitting me... I would consider that violent.

What if that something was a water balloon on a hot summer day? I think context and intent
matter, and in this instance, the intent was insult rather than harm.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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>But would you expect to get a broken arm, broken ribs, and injuries to your eye and leg?

Such an outcome would not be unexpected. It would be like being first in a line at Wal-Mart at opening time on Black Friday. You wouldn't count on getting hurt, but you'd be foolish to think you were perfectly safe.

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I think context and intent matter, and in this instance, the intent was insult rather than harm.

If he hadn't ducked, either shoe was thrown with sufficent force to hurt plenty. Good move Bush. Not denying the insult, but it looks like he meant to hurt him too.
But what do I know?

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