
Do you wish they made contact?

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That was without a doubt, the best television i've seen. I was drunk and eating a cheeseburger when i saw it.

I nearly inhaled 3/4lb of meat laughing so hard.

"I nearly inhaled 3/4lb of meat"

So you finally decided to come out?

Edit: Anyway. Dickwad or not, he's the Executive of my country. I find it to be lame that so many people supported his moves via their own voice and throught their elected officials and now they're blaming everything on him.

Back to people from the UK. Remember that huge tiff you all had when the Aussie PM smacked either Thatcher or The Queen on the tush? Say what you will about their familiarity with each other - you don't go smacking the Head of State or National Figurehead on the bum.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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It was explained as a cultural sign of contempt.
Now, evidently, they don't have much experience throwing shoes as a sign of contempt; cause had it been an African-American woman; she would have made contact. :D
Personally, I thought it would have been funny if GW had taken off one of them thar big Texas cowboy boots and hurled it back.:)

Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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The guy was a numb nuts that couldn't hit the east end of a west bound cow! Whoever you are, you throw like a sissy girl!

Looked like to me that he was right on the mark and GW made quite the ninja move to avoid it.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Looked like to me that he was right on the mark and GW made quite the ninja move to avoid it.

I'll admit, it was a quick move. But I'd expect nothing less from someone who's spent his career dodging the consequences of his actions:D

I think more about the American populace who blindly supported his actions. I spent a good bit of the weekend reading up on the issues related to such things at the Watergate Scandal, the Kent State Shootings, the Race Riots... I can't believe that we're still so blind.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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I think more about the American populace who blindly supported his actions. I spent a good bit of the weekend reading up on the issues related to such things at the Watergate Scandal, the Kent State Shootings, the Race Riots... I can't believe that we're still so blind.

We're a pretty simple bunch. Keep gas prices low, keep cheap stuff cheap at Walmart, keep mindless garbage on the TV, don't hold us accountable for anything and don't ask us any tough questions and we'll let you do anything. [:/]
You forgot JFK.

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We're a pretty simple bunch. Keep gas prices low, keep cheap stuff cheap at Walmart, keep mindless garbage on the TV, don't hold us accountable for anything and don't ask us any tough questions and we'll let you do anything.
You forgot JFK

I liked the explanation of that one by the old gunsmith in the movie "Shooter". Somehing about an unmaked grave out "West of Terlinga". He still had the shovel;)

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I think more about the American populace who blindly supported his actions. I spent a good bit of the weekend reading up on the issues related to such things at the Watergate Scandal, the Kent State Shootings, the Race Riots... I can't believe that we're still so blind.

We're a pretty simple bunch. Keep gas prices low, keep cheap stuff cheap at Walmart, keep mindless garbage on the TV, don't hold us accountable for anything and don't ask us any tough questions and we'll let you do anything. [:/]
You forgot JFK.

Overall, we are pretty simple. We're more about sound bites than in-depth research; we ignore anything that can't be summarized in a paragraph or 15 seconds.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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As it was said previously-The point was made. I dont wish a shoe in the face on anyone. It sure as hell shocked the shit outta him though didn't it? The way his hair looked afterward, you'd think it did hit him, and they refilmed it with him dodging it so he would look better. I agree with some of the others here though, no matter how angry you are about someones actions, it is not right to wish such things on them. Have you ever stopped to think he might actually feel any remorse within himself for things that he feels he did wrong at all? Not necessarily just Iraq, but other things? I've seen his job, and I do not want it. I know my limits -Caress
I've learned.... That being kind is more important than being

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I don't care if you like the guy or not, you should still be respectful.

I agree totally. WTF?!! What happened to respecting the commander in chief? He might have been responsible for fu*king up that reporters city and country but its not like he menat to do it on purpose. And Congress approved it right? Why not thow shoes at them?

Its like the time I thought my ex-girlfriend was cheating on me and trashed he place. I thoght she was fuc*king my friend Dave and so I took a dump in her fish tank, got a mutt to fu*k her poodle, painted her bedroom purple, supergllued her dvds into one giant stack, tossed fish into her ac duct and left an ounce of herb in her car.

She was seriously pissed at me though I tried to tell her it was because of my love for her. Women and Iraqis! Cnat appreciate a good thing when they have it.

Nipple Boy
"Safety First! Fun Forever!"

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Let's back up a bit and discuss a few items that leads up to the proverbial shoe throwing incident.

This incident is proof positive that the Arab Muslim people in Iraq never-ever wanted our help ridding themselves of Sadaam Hussien. We severly underestimated our adversaries before the invasion. We were ill equipped, our Humvees not protected, our helicopters not mechanically equipped to fly 50' AGL because of the excess sand intake. On the "March To Baghdad" from the Kuwaiti border we didn't plan well enough for climate and fuel reserves to run our machines. We blew Iraq into smithereens, killing counless numbers of innocent women, and children. That was wrong. I could go on and on about the misdeeds of our troops in this war, but i will not because i have one son still there, and one just getting out. My son will never be the same man ever again. He wasn't at all prepared for the close combat killings he was involved in. His detail from Fort Hood is the detail responsable for pulling Sadaam out of his hidey hole. 7th Cav.

Shoes and dogs are in the lowest life for to a true Muslim. A dog can lick his own genitals, and shoes are considered an insult of the highest order if someone hits you with one. This gentleman missed, from my understanding he got the beating of his life after he was cuffed and stuffed. From my source he was physically punished because HE Missed Wyatt Earp and caused the Mulim community shame. Believe it or not

My feelings are WHY is Wyatt Earp there? He damn sure wouldn't go there while the shit was hitting the fan. Not to mention he is a "Lame Duck" President with 35 days left in his tenure. So let's say he does get something going, he won't be around to see it through.

But yeah i do believe Wyatt Earp deserved it, Too bad Allah Baba.missed him.

Regardless of the circumstances, it shouldn't have happened

And So It Goes.............
"You're Holding The Rope And I'm Taking The Fall"

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To those who answered "yes": if the shoes had been thrown at Obama in the same location for the same reason, would your answer remain the same?

I'll cheer any one who throws shoes at Obama after he runs an unecessery military operation which plunges a country into civil war resulting up to 100,000 Iraqi deaths, over 100,000 disabled American veterans, 4000 dead Americans, and a trillion dollar price tag.

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