
Total ban on cellphone use while driving

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Still, that's not a scenario that is dangerous so it's quite irrelevant to a safety discussion.

If you want to nitpick the scenario, lets say that talking on the phone, while driving at 5mph or less is acceptable ;)

how can it possibly be nitpicking when the asinine proposal at hand is a ban on any cell phone use while driving?

Already you're giving to the notion that one can make an intelligent decision when to answer. And if we've made it that far, then why not expect drivers to do make that judgement call in general? If they screw it up, you punish them, just as we do for any other type of 'accident.'

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YOU'RE saying that you won't cause you haven't yet.

Never once did I say that.



Ok I'll give you that. I haven't negatively effected anyones safety.


Your approach: Pretend that you'll never make the mistake cause you're just that good.

NEVER ONCE did I say that.


See the difference?

Yea you're reading something into my posts that aren't there.


I have a very, very simple question: Bar the most extreme circumstances, what is it about that call that's just SOOOO important you HAVE to take it now? My guess is that 99.99999% of the time your call is unimportant in the scheme of things, and can wait.

USing your deflection technique let me ask you the same thing about your parachute? What's so important about getting on the ground fast and swooping when you could just fly a 230?

Well My times is up I have to go. I'll finish this conversation with my living room wall until I have to go out for the evening.

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First off I'll say right out that I will talk on my cell while driving. But that is never in heavy traffic or bad weather and I keep the conversation as brief as possible. I also NEVER discuss important business while driving. I owe it to myself and clients to give them 100% of my attention.

That said, I would be the first to welcome a total ban on all use of cell phones while driving, emergency situations exempt.
Why? Because anything a driver does requires attention that can be better used for driving. Anybody who feels they can drive better giving the road 75% of their attention than they can giving it 100% is fooling theirself. Hands-free has been shown to be no less distracting than a conventional cell.
I've seen too many people who can't even walk while chatting on a phone to believe the distraction isn't a significant factor in a high number of fatals each year. Hell, I was walked into by a girl talking on her phone...while I was standing in a checkout line! Then she looked at me like it was my fault!

P.S.- If I see someone behind me in traffic drinking coffee, smoking a cig, and talking on a phone (hands free or not) you can bet your ass they'll get a quick brake check. ;) (As long as nobody is close behind them, that is.)

Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
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>Anybody who feels they can drive better giving the road 75% of their attention
>than they can giving it 100% is fooling theirself.

>If I see someone behind me in traffic drinking coffee, smoking a cig, and
>talking on a phone (hands free or not) you can bet your ass they'll get a quick
>brake check.

Now there's some authentic internet irony, right there.

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>Anybody who feels they can drive better giving the road 75% of their attention
>than they can giving it 100% is fooling theirself.

>If I see someone behind me in traffic drinking coffee, smoking a cig, and
>talking on a phone (hands free or not) you can bet your ass they'll get a quick
>brake check.

Now there's some authentic internet irony, right there.

I've been known to brake for tailgaters too. ;)
Originally employed as a weapon of war, the hammer nowadays is used as a
kind of divining rod to locate the most expensive parts adjacent the
object we are trying to hit.

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P.S.- If I see someone behind me in traffic drinking coffee, smoking a cig, and talking on a phone (hands free or not) you can bet your ass they'll get a quick brake check. ;) (As long as nobody is close behind them, that is.)

There's wisdom - look for the guy who's paying the least attention and slam on the brakes in front of him.

Guaranteed results!

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P.S.- If I see someone behind me in traffic drinking coffee, smoking a cig, and talking on a phone (hands free or not) you can bet your ass they'll get a quick brake check. ;) (As long as nobody is close behind them, that is.)

There's wisdom - look for the guy who's paying the least attention and slam on the brakes in front of him.

Guaranteed results!

It works even better if you downshift or use the E-brake so that they don't have brakelights to warn them.B|

No, I'm not really suggesting doing this.
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Reading this thread, I've decided I'm holier-than-most-of-you. And it's not just an attitude.

And I am INVINCIBLE! :ph34r:. Just kidding. Hands free is fine with me. While we're banning stuff how about banning smoking and driving, and eating and driving. We'll have a communist flag flying in no time.
"If it wasn't easy stupid people couldn't do it", Duane.

My momma said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, so I became an a$$hole.

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Id say the chance of you taking someone out under a 79 is far greater than if you were flying a bigger canopy.

Therefore you are hypothetically negatively effecting others safety by flying that napkin. Ban it! Ban everything!
BASE 1384

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In about 20 years, we've gone from just about no cell phones on the scene to just about everyone on the road that has a cell phone. There has not been an exponential upward trend in traffic fatalities.

There is no drastic difference in the US in terms of deaths per 100,000 people versus any others in the top five. In fact, given the number of miles Americans drive versus the rest of the world, we are far safer I would argue than these other countries.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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>If I see someone behind me in traffic drinking coffee, smoking a cig, and talking on a phone (hands free or not) you can bet your ass they'll get a quick brake check.

>>I've been known to brake for tailgaters too.

Be careful with that...lol

My ex would brake check people all the time until she brake checked the wrong guys. They decided to pull up along side her and smash her ass straight into the median.

Now thats just embarrassing...thats all that is.

I doubt she felt like the bitchy badass she thought she was...sitting there all smashed up like an idiot.

btw, she was fine.:|
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What about emergency responders?

"Sorry, we would've been there sooner, but we couldn't get out of first gear because we had to pull over every 15 seconds to answer the dispatcher..."

Or maybe police, ambulance, fire, etc. can drive (speed), listen, calculate, respond...you know, multi-task--'cause they're professionals....

Should truck drivers be banned from using CB radios while driving too?

Just a thought. I try not to talk on the phone while driving, but then I really don't like chatting on the phone.

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I find it hard to believe that any honest person can say their driving doesn't deteriorate, in some form, while talking on a cell phone - or dealing with any distraction in the vehicle really.

I know mine does.


That's why if I'm on my cellphone, I slow down to 45 mph on the freeway - that way I'm driving more safely. Ironically, I found out just how crazy dangerous everyone is, and I hadn't noticed it before. Just in the last month, there have been four accidents I noticed in my rear view mirror involving the car behind me. I'd never noticed them before I started driving safely.

Then there was another one where I just missed beign sideswiped by the guy in the lane next to me when he was hit by another guy changing lanes behind me and trying to pass. Luckily, I was more alert, and avoided it.

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But I see where we're going - soon the driver will be in a sound proof bubble, and the passengers will be hidden behind one way glass. And since the driver will be bored to sleep by the complete lack of anything distracting, there will be caffeine on an IV drip.

Perhaps we should just ban the drivers all together and let computers take over... :P:D
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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But I see where we're going - soon the driver will be in a sound proof bubble, and the passengers will be hidden behind one way glass. And since the driver will be bored to sleep by the complete lack of anything distracting, there will be caffeine on an IV drip.

Perhaps we should just ban the drivers all together and let computers take over... :P:D

Ah, you're quite right. Let Windows 7 control the cars.

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But I see where we're going - soon the driver will be in a sound proof bubble, and the passengers will be hidden behind one way glass. And since the driver will be bored to sleep by the complete lack of anything distracting, there will be caffeine on an IV drip.

Perhaps we should just ban the drivers all together and let computers take over... :P:D

Ah, you're quite right. Let Windows 7 control the cars.
Hey it does give new meaning to the idea of a computer crash... :D
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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But I see where we're going - soon the driver will be in a sound proof bubble, and the passengers will be hidden behind one way glass. And since the driver will be bored to sleep by the complete lack of anything distracting, there will be caffeine on an IV drip.

Perhaps we should just ban the drivers all together and let computers take over... :P:D

Ah, you're quite right. Let Windows 7 control the cars.
Hey it does give new meaning to the idea of a computer crash... :D

:D So true!

FWIW, I saw a program on TV some time ago about research being done on computer controlled cars. They successfully ran a test where 5 or 6 cars travelled down a special lane nearly bumper to bumper, driver-less. It was pretty cool. I don't think it's going to be a reality in my lifetime though.
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FWIW, I saw a program on TV some time ago about research being done on computer controlled cars. They successfully ran a test where 5 or 6 cars travelled down a special lane nearly bumper to bumper, driver-less. It was pretty cool. I don't think it's going to be a reality in my lifetime though.

The transition is difficult. (see the metric thread)

you can't just have some cars and some roads be automatic.

I envision a development where cars can be linked together like rail for long distances in the fast lane. This allows much greater density and fuel efficiency. But it would require some automation, as well as figuring out how to get in/out. It's only 1000 times more complex than the carpool lanes in Southern California.

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Should truck drivers be banned from using CB radios while driving too?

Just a thought. I try not to talk on the phone while driving, but then I really don't like chatting on the phone.

If it had become a serious problem, I'm sure they would have, but most truckers are the best drivers on the road.

Ultimately I think it is a good law. Many people will still go about using their phones, but I think it causes people to be a little more cautious and limit their use. It should save some lives at least.

How are the cops gonna know if you're using hands free anyhow? Its not illegal to be crazy, or to talk to yourself.

However, I do suspect they could look at phone records to see if there was a call made at the time you were driving....
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>Ultimately I think it is a good law. Many people will still go about using their phones . . .

I think any law written on the principle "we know everyone will violate it, but maybe a few people will be more cautious" should not be a law.

A good example is the CA law - a few years old now - making it a violation to drive in the rain without headlights. There's an obvious safety reason, but still numerous cars in my rear view that are nearly invisible because they're not complying with common sense.

Each new, unenforced, common sense law lowers, imo, any interest in complying with future laws.

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How are the cops gonna know if you're using hands free anyhow? Its not illegal to be crazy, or to talk to yourself.

They ask to examine your phone, and look at the call log. Most keep very good records. I don't think you can refuse the inspection on the basis of privacy, but that would be hashed out pretty quickly.

The threat of them taking the effort to get your phone records is not great. They might put the onus on you to prove otherwise, much like how it is with red light photo tickets.

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