
Which Right Wing Patriotic Militia groups will your local "conservatives" flock to

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You really do hate it when a diamond is pointed out to be a diamond... and a club is called a club.

No, I hate it when someone has to resort to petty name calling since they have no other defense. You could have attempted to discuss the topic without the lame attacks.


I am VERY confident that Rove and Cheney et al were fully capable of pulling that kind of crap. I am glad they did not get a chance to prove me right.

You have been proven wrong. So, your confidence was misplaced.


I am also quite confident that a few of you here would have been telling all of us how it would have been good for the country

Not me...I think the 2nd Amendment and the Constitution are the only two things we agree on.

Some would have made that claim I am sure....Just as some think it was great when FDR did it.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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yep, those PETA folks and those Greepeace folks are always out there blowing up buildings and killing people -

the left wing environmentalist/extremist label is way stretched to be calling it terrorism - most of their acts are against corporations, not people. And they seldom bring harm to anyone. Bombs rarely used, etc.

I google'd for (recent) examples of left wing terrorist acts in the USA that killed people and could not find any.

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I google'd for (recent) examples of left wing terrorist acts in the USA that killed people and could not find any.

Really? That's suprising... (sarcasm)

How many terrorist attacks per year, on average, have there been in the USA that killed people in recent history (call it 7 years)?

Stay positive and love your life.

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How many people in this country were subjected to terrorism and murdered because they looked like they came from THAT part of the world since 9/11. All of those attacks were done by good Patriotic Americans. I would definitely call that kind of racist shit terrorism.

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